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biblio/kolxoz/papers/mathematics.txt · Последнее изменение: 09.09.2023 16:47 — nozdr
- "Archinard N. Exceptional sets of hypergeometric series (J.Number Theory 101, p254, 2003)(26s).pdf" (334.2К)
- "Artin M. Nakryvajushchie kogomologii sxem (UMN 1965)(ru)(L)(4s).djvu" (90.7К)
- "Artin M. Nakryvajushchie kogomologii sxem (UMN 1965)(ru)(L)(T)(4s).djvu" (113.9К)
- "Asselah A., Castell F. Large deviation for Brownian motion in a random scenery (Prob.Theory Rel.Fields 126, p497, 2003)(T)(31s).djvu" (357.3К)
- "Atiyah M.F. Riemann surfaces and spin strucures (ASENS 4, p47, 1971)(600dpi)(T)(17s).djvu" (219.4К)
- "Barnsley M.F., Demko S. Iterated function systems and global construction of fractals (Proc.R.Soc.L., 399, p243, 1985)(600dpi)(T)(34s).djvu" (976.2К)
- "Belinfante, B.Kolman,H.A.Smith. An Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, with Applications (SIAM Review 8, 1966)(T)(37s).djvu" (356.2К)
- "Berline, M.Vergne. The Equivariant Index and Kirillov#s Character Formula (American J.Math. 107, 1985)(T)(33s).djvu" (205.4К)
- "Biane, Pitman, Yor. Probability laws related to the Jacobi theta and Riemann zeta functions, and Brownian excursions (Bull. AMS 28, 2001)(T)(31s).djvu" (307.0К)
- "Blattner, J.A.Wolf. Explicit Quantization of the Kepler Manifold (Proc AMS Vol. 77, 1979)(T)(6s).djvu" (57.9К)
- "Borel A., Jacquet H. Automorphic forms and automorphic representations (Proc.Symp.PureMath 33, p189, 1979)(T)(14s).djvu" (177.0К)
- "Bowman D., Choi G. G-continued fractions for basic hypergeometric functions II (J.Math.Anal.Appl.284, p435, 2003)(12s).pdf" (95.1К)
- "Boyer C.P., Kalnins E.G., Miller W. Lie theory and separation of variables 7. Harmonic oscillator in elliptic coordinates (J.Math.Phys.16, p512, 1975)(T)(6s).djvu" (116.3К)
- "Bueckner H.F. On a Class of Singular Integral Equations (J. of Math. Analys. and Appl., V. 14, pp. 392-426, 1966)(T)(K)(600dpi)(35s).djvu" (492.7К)
- "Cartan, Godement. Theorie de la dualite et analyse harmonique dans les groupes abeliens localement compacts (ASENS 64, p79, 1947)(fr)(600dpi)(T)(22s).djvu" (562.4К)
- "Denis R.Y., Singh S.N., Singh S.P. On Certain Transformations Of Poly-Basic Bilateral Hypergeometric Series (J.Comp.Appl.Math. 160, p95, 2003)(7s).pdf" (127.9К)
- "Dynkin E.B. Self-intersection gauge for random walks and for Brownian motion (Ann.Prob.16, p1, 1988)(T)(57s).djvu" (926.2К)
- "Flajolet P., Golin M. Mellin transforms and asymptotics.. the Mergesort recurrence (Acta Inf. 31, p673, 1994)(32s).ps.gz" (104.1К)
- "Flajolet P., et al. Mellin transforms and asymptotics.. digital sums (Theor.Comp.Sci. 123, p291, 1994)(32s).ps.gz" (111.1К)
- "Flajolet P., et al. Mellin transforms and asymptotics.. harmonic sums (Theor.Comp.Sci.144, p3, 1995)(55s).ps.gz" (151.8К)
- "Flajolet P., et al. Mellin transforms and asymptotics.. harmonic sums (corrigenda, 2004)(2s).pdf" (69.9К)
- "Flajolet, Sedgewick. Mellin transforms and asymptotics.. Finite differences, Rice#s integrals (Theor.Comp.Sci. 144, p101, 1995)(21s).ps.gz" (117.9К)
- "Flajolet, Sedgewick. Mellin transforms and asymptotics.. Finite differences, Rice#s integrals (Theor.Comp.Sci. 144, p101, 1995)(T)(24s).djvu" (184.1К)
- "Gardner M. Snarks, Boojums and other conjectures related to the four-color theorem (Scientific American, April 1976)(T)(5s).djvu" (119.8К)
- "Hanmamedov A.X. Operatory preobrazovanija dlja vozmushchennogo raznostnogo uravnenija Hilla (Sib.Mat.Zhurnal 44, 2003)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(12s).djvu" (96.1К)
- "Hatcher A.E. Higher simple homotopy theory (Ann.Math. 102,p101, 1975)(K)(600dpi)(T)(37s).djvu" (751.1К)
- "Kolokoltsov V. Complex measures on path space.. intro. to the Feynman integral (Meth.Comp.Appl.Prob. 1..3, p349, 1999)(17s).pdf" (146.7К)
- "Kolokoltsov V.N. A new path integral representation for the solutions of heat equation (Math.Proc.Camb.Phil.Soc.132, p353, 2002)(23s).pdf" (469.7К)
- "Kolokoltsov V.N. Bibliography on Feynman path integral.html.gz" (27.2К)
- "Kolokoltsov V.N. Mathematics of the Feynman path integral (talk, 2001)(16s).pdf" (156.4К)
- "Koranyi A., Reimann H.M. Foundations for the theory of quasiconformal mappings on the Heisenberg group (Adv.Math.111, p.1, 1995)(T)(161s).djvu" (1.6М)
- "Lange C.G. Asymptotic analysis of forced nonlinear Sturm-Liouville systems (Stud.Appl.Math.76, p239, 1987)(L)(T)(13s).djvu" (226.0К)
- "Lonsted K., Kleiman S. Basics on families of hyperelliptic curves (Composition Math. 38, p83, 1979)(L)(T)(15s).djvu" (264.3К)
- "Lotov V.I. Complete asymptotic expansion for two-boundary random walk (Sov.Math.Dokl.18, p63, 1977)(T)(4s).djvu" (47.6К)
- "Milnor D. Differencial#naja topologija (UMN 1965)(ru)(L)(8s).djvu" (200.7К)
- "Milnor D. Differencial#naja topologija (UMN 1965)(ru)(L)(T)(8s).djvu" (251.3К)
- "Quillen D. Quaternionic algebra and sheaves on the Riemann sphere(Quart.J.Math.Oxford 49, 1998)(T)(36s).djvu" (323.8К)
- "Serr Zh.-P. Dzeta-funkcii i L-funkcii (UMN, 1965)(ru)(L)(5s).djvu" (118.0К)
- "Serr Zh.-P. Dzeta-funkcii i L-funkcii (UMN, 1965)(ru)(L)(T)(5s).djvu" (147.1К)
- "Serre J.-P. Geometrie algebrique et geometrie analytique (Ann.Inst.Fourier 6, p1, 1956)(600dpi)(fr)(T)(43s).djvu" (471.4К)
- "Thaddeus M. Toric quotients and flips (T)(19s).djvu" (214.2К)
- "Walker P. Exponential of iteration of e^x-1 (Proc.AMS 110, no.3, p.611, 1990)(T)(11s)(600dpi).djvu" (101.7К)
- "Walker P. Infinitely differentiable generalized logarithmic and exponential functions (Math.Comp.57,p723,1991)(T)(12s)(600dpi).djvu" (102.7К)
- "Walker P. On the solutions of an Abelian functional equation (J.Math.Anal.Appl.155, p93, 1991)(T)(18s).djvu" (137.0К)
- "Wiles A. Modular elliptic curves and Fermat#s last theorem (Ann.Math. 142, p443, 1995)(400dpi)(T)(134s).djvu" (1.3М)
- "Zuckerman G.J. Action principles and global geometry (Mathematical aspects of string theory (San Diego, Calif., 1986), 259-284, Adv. Ser. Math. Phys., vol. 1, 1987)(K)(T)(26s)_PQstr_.djvu" (133.1К)