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  1. "Abdil#din M.M. Mehanika teorii gravitacii E#jnshtejna(Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1988)(ISBN 5628000272)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(201s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.1М)
  2. "Abdil#din M.M. Problema dvizhenija tel v obshchej teorii otnositel#nosti (draft, Almaty, Kazah. nac. un-t, 2006)(ru)(ISBN 9965300143)(135s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.0М)
  3. "Adams S. Relativity.. an introduction to spacetime physics (Taylor Francis, 1997)(ISBN 0748406212)(T)(O)(297s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.1М)
  4. "Adler R., Bazin M., Schiffer M. Introduction to general relativity (2ed., MGH, 1975)(ISBN 0070004234)(K)(600dpi)(T)(566s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.5М)
  5. "Al-Khalili J. Black holes wormholes and time machines (281s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.1М)
  6. "Alcubierre M. Introduction to 3+1 Numerical Relativity (OUP, 2008)(ISBN 0199205671)(459s)_PGr_.pdf" (3.1М)
  7. "Aldrovandi R., Pereira J. Introduction to General Relativity (web draft, 2004)(185s)_PGr_.pdf" (873.0К)
  8. "Arifov L.JA. Obshchaja teorija otnositel#nosti i tjagotenie(2e izd., Tashkent, Fan, 1983)(600dpi)(ru)(K)(T)(305s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.7М)
  9. "Ashby N., et al. (eds.) General relativity and gravitation, 1989.. proceedings 12th conference, Boulder (CUP, 1990)(ISBN 0521384281)(T)(O)(521s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.7М)
  10. "Baranov A.A., Kolpashchikov V.L. Relyativistskaya termomehanika sploshnyh sred(1974)(600dpi)(K)(T)(153s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.7М)
  11. "Barrabes C., Hogan P.A. Singular null hypersurfaces in general relativity (WS, 2003)(ISBN 9812387374)(T)(S)(205s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.0М)
  12. "Bars I., Terning J. Extra Dimensions in Space and Time (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 0387776370)(O)(221s)_PGr_.pdf" (4.4М)
  13. "Baulieu L. Cours de relativite generale (Jussieu lectures)(53s)_PGr_.ps.gz" (131.9К)
  14. "Baumgarte T.W., Shapiro S.L. Numerical Relativity.. Solving Einstein's Equations on the Computer (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 052151407X)(O)(718s)_PGr_.pdf" (10.5М)
  15. "Baumgarte T.W., Shapiro S.L. Numerical relativity.. solving Einstein's equations on the computer (draft, CUP, 2009)(600dpi)(669s)_PGr_.djvu" (8.7М)
  16. "Baumgarte T.W., Shapiro S.L. Numerical relativity.. solving Einstein's equations on the computer (draft, CUP, 2009)(669s)_PGr_.pdf" (17.2М)
  17. "Belinski V., Verdaguer E. Gravitational Solitons(CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0511041705)(274s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.3М)
  18. "Bergman P.G. Vvedenie v teoriju otnositel#nosti (IL, 1947)(ru)(T)(381s).djvu" (3.5М)
  19. "Bergmann, de Sabbata, Gillies, Pronin (eds.). Spin in gravity (Proc. Erice 1997, WS, 1998)(ISBN 9810234597)(K)(T)(265s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.5М)
  20. "Berkov A.V., Kobzarev I.JU. Teorija tjagotenija E#jnshtejna. Obshchie principy i e#ksperimental#nye sledstvija (MIFI, 1989)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(88s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.0М)
  21. "Bichak I., Rudenko V.N. Gravitacionnye volny v OTO i problema ih obnaruzhenija(MGU, 1987)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(270s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.5М)
  22. "Bim Dzh., E#rlih P. (_Beem J.K.,Ehrlich P.M._) Global#naja lorenceva geometrija (Mir, 1985)(ru)(T)(404s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.2М)
  23. "Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge fields (1999)(T)(386s).djvu" (2.3М)
  24. "Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge symmetries (2002, final)(534s).pdf" (4.4М)
  25. "Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge symmetries (2002, final)(ISBN 0750307676)(T)(534s).djvu" (3.2М)
  26. "Blair D.G. (ed.) The Detection of gravitational waves (CUP, 1991)(ISBN 0521352789)(T)(S)(505s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.6М)
  27. "Blanchet L., Spallicci A., Whiting B. (eds.) Mass and Motion in General Relativity (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 904813014X)(O)(644s)_PGr_.pdf" (7.8М)
  28. "Bogorodskij A.F. Uravnenija polja E#jnshtejna i ih primenenie v astronomii(Kiev, KGU, 1962)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(197s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.0М)
  29. "Bogorodskij A.F. Vsemirnoe tjagotenie(Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1971)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(354s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.7М)
  30. "Bona C., Palenzuela-Luque C. Elements of numerical relativity (LNP0673, Springer, 2005)(157s)_PGr_.pdf" (2.6М)
  31. "Bondi G. (_H.Bondi_) Gipotezy i mify v fizicheskoj teorii (Mir, 1972)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(105s).djvu" (1.8М)
  32. "Born M. E#jnshtejnovskaya teoriya otnositel#nosti (Mir,1972)(ru)(T)(369s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.9М)
  33. "Born M. Einstein#s theory of relativity (1932, Dover, 1962)(ISBN 0486607690)(T)(300s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.6М)
  34. "Bouler M. (_Bowler M._) Gravitaciya i otnositel'nost' (Mir, 1979)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(218s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.4М)
  35. "Braginskij V.V., Denisov V.I. (red.) E'ksperimental'nye testy teorii gravitacii (ru)(MGU, 1989)(ISBN 5211003829)(600dpi)(T)(256s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.2М)
  36. "Breuer R.A. (ed.) Gravitational perturbation theory and synchrotron radiation(LNP0044, Springer, 1975)(T)(200s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.4М)
  37. "Brillyue'n L. (_Brilllouin_) Novyj vzglyad na teoriyu otnositel'nosti (Mir, 1970)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(142s)_PGr_.djvu" (6.3М)
  38. "Brillyue'n L. (_L. Brillouin_) Novyj vzglyad na teoriyu otnositel'nosti (Mir, 1972)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(144s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.4М)
  39. "Brout et al. Primer for black hole quantum physics (PR260, 1995)(T)(118s).djvu" (1.5М)
  40. "Brumberg V.A. Reljativistskaja nebesnaja mehanika(Nauka, 1972)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(385s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.5М)
  41. "Burko, Ori (eds.). Internal structure of black holes and spacetime singularities (Proc.Haifa, 1997, IoP, 1997)(400dpi)(T)(543s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.5М)
  42. "Byorke U. (_W.L.Burke_) Prostranstvo-vremya, geometrija, kosmologija (Mir, 1985)(ru)(T)(413s).djvu" (3.8М)
  43. "Carmeli M. Classical Fields.. General Relativityy and Gauge Theory (Wiley, 1982)(T)(670s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.8М)
  44. "Carmeli M., Fickler S.I., Witten L. (eds.) Relativity (Proc. Cincnnati 1969, Plenum, 1970)(ISBN 0306304759)(KA)(T)(391s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.0М)
  45. "Carmichael R.D. The theory of relativity (1ed., Wiley, 1913, Cornell Univ., 2009)(ISBN 1112334394)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(75s)_PGr_.djvu" (672.7К)
  46. "Carmichael R.D. The theory of relativity (2ed., Wiley, 1920)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(111s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.3М)
  47. "Carroll S. Lectures on general relativity (arxiv.org, 1997)(238s).pdf" (1.4М)
  48. "Carroll S. Spacetime and geometry. An introduction to general relativity (AW, 2004)(ISBN 0805387323)(400dpi)(T)(O)(526s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.9М)
  49. "Carroll S. Spacetime and geometry.. an introduction to General Relativity (AW, 2003)(ISBN 0805387323)(400dpi)(T)(525s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.8М)
  50. "Carter B. Black Hole Equilibrium States.. Part 1 (From Les Houches 1972, ed. by DeWitt)(KA)(T)(72s)_PGr_.djvu" (610.2К)
  51. "Carter B. Black Hole Equilibrium States.. Part 2 (From Les Houches 1972, ed. by DeWitt)(KA)(T)(90s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.3М)
  52. "Chandrasekar S. Matematicheskaja teorija chernyh dyr, tom 1 (Mir, 1986)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(279s).djvu" (4.8М)
  53. "Chandrasekar S. Matematicheskaya teoriya chernyh dyr, tom 2 (Mir 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(354s).djvu" (4.8М)
  54. "Chandrasekar S. Matematicheskaya teoriya chernyh dyr, tom 2 (Mir 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(354s).djvu" (5.9М)
  55. "Chandrasekhar S. The mathematical theory of black holes (Oxford, 1983)(ISBN 0198512910)(KA)(T)(667s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.9М)
  56. "Chen Y.T., Cook A. Gravitational experiments in the laboratory (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521675537)(T)(S)(282s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.1М)
  57. "Cheng T-P. Relativity, gravitation, and cosmology. A basic introduction (OUP, 2005)(ISBN 0198529562)(355s)_PGr_.pdf" (2.1М)
  58. "Chernyj L.T. Relyativistskie modeli sploshnyh sred(Nauka, 1983)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(289s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.8М)
  59. "Choquet-Bruhat Y. General Relativity and the Einstein Equations (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0199230722)(600dpi)(T)(812s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.9М)
  60. "Christodoulou D. Mathematical problems of general relativity I (EMS, 2008)(ISBN 3037190051)(O)(159s)_PGr_.pdf" (823.0К)
  61. "Christodoulou D. The formation of black holes in general relativity (EMS, 2009)(ISBN 303719068X)(O)(600s)_PGr_.pdf" (3.2М)
  62. "Ciufolini (ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).pdf" (2.9М)
  63. "Ciufolini I., Wheeler J.A. Gravitation and inertia (PUP, 1995)(ISBN 0691033234)(K)(T)(515s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.3М)
  64. "Colpi M., et al. (eds.) Joint evolution of black holes and galaxies (ISBN 0750309997)(Taylor and Francis, 2006)(466s)_PGr_.pdf" (9.0М)
  65. "Cooperstock F., Tieu S. Einstein's relativity (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642303845)(O)(146s)_PGr_.pdf" (2.1М)
  66. "Cooperstock F.I. General Relativistic Dynamics.. Extending Einstein's Legacy Throughout the Universe (WS, 2009)(ISBN 9789814271165)(243s)_PGr_.pdf" (2.0М)
  67. "Cotsakis S., Gibbons G.W. (eds.) Global structure and evolution in general relativity. Proc. Samos(LNP0460, Springer, 1996)(T)(175s)_PGr_.djvu" (939.5К)
  68. "Cotsakis S., Gibbons G.W. (eds.) Proc. 2nd Samos meeting on cosmology, geometry and relativity (Springer LNP537, 2000)(254s).pdf" (2.3М)
  69. "Czju H., Goffman V. (red.) (_Chiu Hong-Yee, Hoffmann W.F._) Gravitacija i otnositel#nost# (Mir, 1965)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(544s)_PGr_.djvu" (7.5М)
  70. "D#Inverno R. Introducing Einstein#s relativity (Clarendon, 1992)(ISBN 0198596537)(200dpi)(T)(C)(387s)_PGr_.djvu" (9.8М)
  71. "Dalarsson M., Dalarsson N. Tensor calculus, relativity, and cosmology (Elsevier AP, 2005)(ISBN 012200681X)(T)(S)(293s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.7М)
  72. "Damour, Duplantier, Rivasseau. (eds.) Gravitation and Experiment (Birkhauser, 2007)(ISBN 3764385235)(144s)_PGr_.pdf" (5.6М)
  73. "Darnsworth et al. (eds.) Methods of local and global diff. geometry in general relativity (Proc. Pittsburg, LNP0014, Springer, 1972)(T)(191s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.3М)
  74. "Das A. Lectures on gravitation (WS, 2011)(ISBN 9814329371)(O)(351s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.1М)
  75. "Das A., DeBenedictis A. The General Theory of Relativity.. a mathematical exposition (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 1461436575)(O)(706s)_PGr_.pdf" (5.3М)
  76. "De Felice F., Clarke C.J.S. Relativity on curved manifolds (CUP, 1990)(ISBN 0521266394)(K)(T)(458s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.7М)
  77. "De Sabbata V., Gasperini M. Introduction to gravitation (WS, 1985)(ISBN 9971500493)(KA)(T)(354s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.0М)
  78. "DeWitt B., Christensen S.M. (ed.) Bryce DeWitt's lectures on gravitation (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3540369090)(O)(300s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.8М)
  79. "DeWitt B.S., DeWitt C. (eds.) Black Holes (Les Houches, 1972, Gordon-Breach, 1973)(ISBN 0677156103)(600dpi)(T)(740s)_PGr_.djvu" (6.7М)
  80. "DeWitt B.S., DeWitt C. (eds.) Relativity, Groups, and Topology (Les Houches 1963, Gordon and Breach, 1964)(KA)(T)(944s)_PGr_.djvu" (9.7М)
  81. "DeWitt B.S., DeWitt C. (eds.) Relativity, Groups, and Topology I (Les Houches 1963, Gordon-Breach, 1964)(K)(T)(943s)_PGr_.djvu" (10.5М)
  82. "DeWitt C.M., Wheeler J.A. (eds.) Battelle Rencontres.. 1967 lectures in mathematics and physics (Benjamin, 1968)(ASIN B0007E1D96)(K)(600dpi)(T)(577s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.4М)
  83. "DeWitt C.M., Wheeler J.A. (eds.) Battelle Rencontres.. 1967 lectures in mathematics and physics (Benjamin, 1968)(K)(T)(573s).djvu" (5.6М)
  84. "DeWitt C.M., Wheeler J.A. (eds.) Battelle Rencontres.. 1967 lectures in mathematics and physics (Benjamin, 1968)(L)(T)(287s).djvu" (4.8М)
  85. "Dikke R. (_H.H.Dicke_) Gravitacija i vselennaja (Mir, 1972)(ru)(102s).djvu" (985.9К)
  86. "Dikke R. (_R.Dicke_) Gravitacija i vselennaja (Mir, 1972)(ru)(T)(102s).djvu" (1.2М)
  87. "Dirac P.A.M. General theory of relativity (Wiley, 1975)(ISBN 0471215759)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(77s)_PGr_.djvu" (812.6К)
  88. "Dirak P.A.M. (_Dirac_) Lekcii po teoreticheskoj fizike (RXD, 2001)(ISBN 5939720269)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(231s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.3М)
  89. "Dirak P.A.M. Lekcii po teoreticheskoj fizike (ru)(T)(231s).djvu" (1.2М)
  90. "Dirak P.A.M. Obshchaja teorija otnositel#nosti (ru)(1978)(K)(T)(64s)_PGr_.djvu" (712.4К)
  91. "Dirak. Obshchaja teorija otnositel#nosti (ru)(L)(T)(33s).djvu" (635.1К)
  92. "Dzhemmer M. (_Max Jammer_) Ponyatie massy v klassicheskoj i sovremennoj fizike (Progress, 1967)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(255s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.8М)
  93. "E#ddington A. Teoriya otnositel#nosti (ONTI, 1934)(ru)(T)(508s)_PGr_.djvu" (6.5М)
  94. "E#jnshtejn A. O special#noj i obshchej teorii otnositel#nosti (Gosizdat, 1922)(ru)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(79s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.6М)
  95. "E#jnshtejn. Teorija otnositel#nosti. Izbrannye raboty (ru)(T)(224s).djvu" (1.3М)
  96. "E'jnshtejn A. (_Einstein A._) Teorija otnositel'nosti.. Izbrannye raboty (RXD, 2002)(ISBN 5939720021)(ru)(T)(225s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.7М)
  97. "Earman J. Bangs, crunches, whimpers, and shrieks.. Singularities and acausalities in relativistic spacetimes (OUP, 1995)(ISBN 019509591X)(600dpi)(T)(270s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.2М)
  98. "Eddington A.S. The mathematical theory of relativity (2ed., CUP, 1930)(ASIN B004AGU5YG)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(282s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.0М)
  99. "Ehlers J. (ed.) Isolated gravitating systems in general relativity (Proc. Varenna, 1976, NH, 1979)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(511s)_PGr_.djvu" (6.8М)
  100. "Ehlers J. (ed.) Relativity theory and astrophysics. 1. Relativity and cosmology (Proc. summer seminar, Cornell, AMS, 1967)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(305s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.5М)
  101. "Einstein A. Grundzuege der Relativitaetstheorie (7ed., Springer, 2009)(de)(ISBN 3540878467)(600dpi)(T)(171s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.4М)
  102. "Einstein A. Grundzuege der Relativitaetstheorie (Vieweg, 1990)(de)(600dpi)(T)(C)(169s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.4М)
  103. "Einstein A. Relativity. The special and general theory (CreateSpace, 1920, 2011)(ISBN 1456548522)(O)(153s)_PGr_.pdf" (825.3К)
  104. "Einstein A. Relativity. The special and the general theory (Pi Press, 2005)(ISBN 0131862618)(290s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.3М)
  105. "Einstein A. Relativity.. the special and general theory (free web version, Methuen, 1920)(115s).pdf" (725.2К)
  106. "Einstein A. Zur Elektrodynamik beweglicher Koerper (1905) (de)(T)(31s).djvu" (291.5К)
  107. "Ellis G., Lanza A., Miller J. (eds.) The renaissance of general relativity and cosmology (CUP, 1993)(ISBN 0521433770)(T)(S)(341s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.3М)
  108. "Ellis G.F.R., Williams R.M. Flat and curved space-times (2ed., OUP, 2000)(ISBN 0198506562)(T)(S)(384s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.6М)
  109. "Esposito F.P., Witten L. (eds.) Asymptotic structure of space-time (Proc. Cincinnati, Plenum, 1977)(ISBN 0306310228)(K)(600dpi)(T)(450s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.6М)
  110. "Esposito F.P., Witten L. (eds.) Asymptotic structure of space-time (Proc. Cincinnati, Plenum, 1977)(ISBN 0306310228)(KA)(T)(450s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.3М)
  111. "Esposito G. Complex general relativity (Kluwer, 2002)(219s).pdf" (1.5М)
  112. "Fejnman R.F., Morinigo F.B., Vagner U.G. (_Feynman R.P., Morinigo F.B., Wagner W.G._) Fejnmanovskie lekcii po gravitacii (Yanus-K, 2000)(ISBN 5803700495)(ru)(T)(S)(296s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.9М)
  113. "Fejnman i dr. Lekcii o gravitacii (ru)(L)(T)(149s).djvu" (3.5М)
  114. "Fejnman, Morinigo, Vagner. Lekcii po gravitacii (1) (ru)(T)(298s).djvu" (3.6М)
  115. "Feynman, Morinigo, Wagner. Feynman lectures on gravitation (AW, 1995)(ISBN 0201627345)(600dpi)(T)(272s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.1М)
  116. "Flaherty E.J. Hermitian and Kaehlerian geometry in relativity(LNP0046, Springer, 1976)(T)(372s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.4М)
  117. "Fliessbach T. Allgemeine Relativitaetstheorie (6ed., Spektrum, 2012)(de)(ISBN 9783827430311)(O)(391s)_PGr_.pdf" (2.0М)
  118. "Fock V.A. The theory of space, time and gravitation (Pergamon, 1959)(ASIN B000KNEM9M)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(427s)_PGr_.djvu" (7.7М)
  119. "Fok V.A. Teorija prostranstva, vremeni i tjagotenija (2 izd., GIFML, 1961)(ru)(K)(T)(O)(565s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.8М)
  120. "Fok V.A. Teoriya prostranstva, vremeni i tyagoteniya (ru)(GITTL 1955)(T)(505s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.2М)
  121. "Foster J., Nightingale J.D. A Short Course in General Relativity (Longman, 1979)(ISBN 9780582441941)(600dpi)(T)(210s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.3М)
  122. "Foster J., Nightingale J.D. A short course in general relativity (3ed., Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387260781)(450dpi)(T)(O)(303s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.0М)
  123. "Foster J., Nightingale J.D. A short course in general relativity (3ed., Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387260781)(O)(T)(S)(295s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.5М)
  124. "Foster J., Nightingale J.D. Solutions manual for.. A Short Course in General Relativity 2ed.(Springer, 1996)(KA)(T)(26s)_PGr_.djvu" (195.5К)
  125. "Frankel T. Gravitational curvature (Freeman, 1979)(ISBN 0716710064)(KA)(T)(191s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.2М)
  126. "Franklin J. Advanced Mechanics and General Relativity (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521762456)(O)(387s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.8М)
  127. "Frauendiener J., Giulini D.J.W., Perlick V. (eds.) Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Relativity (LNP0692, Springer, 2006)(290s).pdf" (2.1М)
  128. "Fre P. Classical and Quantum Black Holes (IPP, 1999)(T)(368s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.4М)
  129. "Fre P. Course in general relativity (free version, lecture notes, web draft, 2003)(141s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.5М)
  130. "Fre P. Course in general relativity (free version, lecture notes, web draft, 2003)(600dpi)(T)(141s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.3М)
  131. "Fre P.G. Gravity, a Geometrical Course.. Volume 1 (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9400753608)(O)(346s)_PGr_.pdf" (3.6М)
  132. "Fre P.G. Gravity, a Geometrical Course.. Volume 2 (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9400754426)(O)(466s)_PGr_.pdf" (5.3М)
  133. "French A.P. Special relativity (MIT, 1968)(ISBN 0393097935)(T)(295s)_PGr_.djvu" (4.1М)
  134. "Friedman M. Foundations of space-time theories (PUP, 1983)(ISBN 0691072396)(T)(600dpi)(403s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.6М)
  135. "Frolov V., Zelnikov A. Introduction to Black Hole Physics (OUP, 2011)(ISBN 9780199692293)(600dpi)(T)(512s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.6М)
  136. "Frolov V.P. Metod N#yumana-Penrouza v obshchej teorii otnositel#nosti (Trudy FIAN, 96, s.72-180, 1977)(ru)(T)(109s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.6М)
  137. "Frolov V.P., Novikov I.D. Black hole physics (Kluwer, 1998)(ISBN 0792351452)(600dpi)(T)(795s)_PGr_.djvu" (7.3М)
  138. "Frolov V.P., Novikov I.D. Black hole physics.. basic concepts and new developments (Kluwer, 1997)(K)(T)(786s)_PGr_.djvu" (9.8М)
  139. "Fujii Y., Maeda K. The scalar-tensor theory of gravitation (CUP, 2004)(257s)_PGr_.pdf" (1.2М)
  140. "Futterman J.A.H., F.A.Handler, R.A.Matzner. Scattering from Black Holes (CUP 1988)(KA)(T)(197s)_PGr_.djvu" (2.0М)
  141. "Futterman J.A.H., Handler F.A., Matzner R.A. Scattering from Black Holes (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521112109)(T)(O)(203s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.6М)
  142. "Fyodorov F.I. (red.) Astrofizika, kvanty i teoriya otnositel#nosti (Mir, 1982)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(567s)_PGr_.djvu" (8.2М)
  143. "Gal#cov D.V. Chasticy i polja v okrestnosti chyornyh dyr (MGU, 1986)(ru)(K)(T)(288s)_PGr_.djvu" (3.5М)
  144. "Garcia-Compean H., et al. (eds.) Topics in GR and cosmology, in honor of J.Plebanski(WS 2006)(ISBN 9812700471)(T)(C)(O)(526s)_PGr_.djvu" (5.4М)
  145. "Gardner. Differential geometry and relativity (lecture notes, web draft, 2004)(198s)_PGr_.pdf" (787.6К)
  146. "Geometricheskie idei v fizike (sbornik statej, Mir, 1983) (ru)(L)(T)(127s).djvu" (2.9М)
  147. "Geroch R. General relativity from A to B (U.Chicago, 1978)(ISBN 0226288633)(KA)(T)(235s)_PGr_.djvu" (1.4М)
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