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Геометрия и топология

  1. "Aarts J.M. Plane and solid geometry (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387782400)(357s)_MD_.pdf" (1.9М)
  2. "Aarts J.M. Plane and solid geometry (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387782400)(O)(364s)_MD_.pdf" (2.0М)
  3. "Abramenko P., Brown K. Buildings.. Theory and applications (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387788344)(757s)_MD_.pdf" (5.0М)
  4. "Akbulut S., Stern R. (eds.) Proceedings of Gokova geometry-topology conference 1994 (Intl, 1995)(ISBN 9754030235)(K)(T)(89s)_MD_.djvu" (767.5К)
  5. "Akbulut S., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of Gokova geometry-topology conference 12, 2005 (IP, 2005)(ISBN 1571461523)(O)(212s)_MD_.pdf" (2.9М)
  6. "Akbulut S., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of Gokova geometry-topology conference 13, 2006 (IP, 2007)(ISBN 1571461647)(O)(135s)_MD_.pdf" (1.4М)
  7. "Akbulut S., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of Gokova geometry-topology conference 14, 2007 (IP, 2008)(ISBN 1571461078)(O)(124s)_MD_.pdf" (1.5М)
  8. "Akbulut S., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of Gokova geometry-topology conference 15, 2008 (IP, 2009)(ISBN 1571461361)(O)(169s)_MD_.pdf" (1.8М)
  9. "Al#fors L. (_Ahlfors_) Preobrazovaniya Mjobiusa v mnogomernom prostranstve (Mir, 1986)(ru)(K)(T)(112s)_MD_.djvu" (973.6К)
  10. "Albert C. (ed.) Geometrie symplectique et mecanique (LNM1416, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540521917)(fr)(T)(304s)_MD_.djvu" (2.1М)
  11. "Aleksandrov A.D. Vypuklye mnogogranniki (GITTL, 1950)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(429s)_MD_.djvu" (8.0М)
  12. "Aleksandrov A.D., Necvetaev N.Yu. Geometriya (FML, 1990)(ru)(T)(673s)_MD_.djvu" (5.5М)
  13. "Aleksandrov V.A. Teoremy ob obratnoj funkcii i ix prilozheniya v teorii mnogogrannikov (web draft, 2007)(ru)(125s)_MD_.pdf" (869.7К)
  14. "Alexandrov A. (_Aleksandrov_) Convex polyhedra (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540231587)(543s)_MD_.pdf" (2.9М)
  15. "Alexandrov A.D. Convex polyhedra (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540231587)(O)(548s)_MD_.pdf" (3.0М)
  16. "Alexandrov A.D. Selected works. Part 2. Intrinsic geometry of convex surfaces (CRC, 2006)(ISBN 0415298024)(430s)_MD_.pdf" (2.3М)
  17. "Alexandrov A.D., Zalgaller V.A. Intrinsic geometry of surfaces (AMS, 1967)(T)(333s).djvu" (3.1М)
  18. "Amoros J., et al. Fundamental groups of compact Kahler manifolds (AMS, 1996)(ISBN 0821804987)(T)(O)(141s)_MD_.djvu" (1.9М)
  19. "Andersen K. The geometry of an art.. The history of the mathematical theory of perspective from Alberti to Monge (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387259619)(836s)_MD_.pdf" (26.3М)
  20. "Anderson J. Hyperbolic Geometry (2ed., Springer, 2005)(282s)_MD_.pdf" (1.8М)
  21. "Andreev K.A. Izbrannye raboty (Har#kov, 1955)(ru)(T)(92s).djvu" (1.3М)
  22. "Apanasov B.N. Conformal geometry of discrete groups and manifolds (de Gruyter, 2000)(ISBN 3110144042)(600dpi)(T)(O)(535s)_MD_.djvu" (9.0М)
  23. "Apanasov B.N. Discrete groups in space and uniformization problems (Kluwer, 1991)(ISBN 0792302168)(600dpi)(T)(496s)_MD_.djvu" (8.5М)
  24. "Apanasov B.N. Geometriya diskretnyh grupp i mnogoobrazij(Nauka, 1991)(ru)(T)(428s)_MD_.djvu" (5.6М)
  25. "Arnol#d V.I. Astroidal#naya geometriya gipocikloid i gessianova topologiya giperbolicheskix mnogochlenov (MCNMO, 2001)(ISBN ISBN 5940570127)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(80s)_MD_.djvu" (526.5К)
  26. "Arnol#d V.I. Osobennosti kaustik i volnovyh frontov (1996)(ru)(L)(T)(178s).djvu" (3.2М)
  27. "Arnol#d V.I., Varchenko A.N., Gusejn-Zade S.M. Tom 1. Osobennosti differenciruemyh otobrazhenij (Nauka, 1982)(ru)(L)(T)(160s).djvu" (4.3М)
  28. "Arnol#d V.I., Varchenko A.N., Gusejn-Zade S.M. Tom 2. Osobennosti differenciruemyh otobrazhenij (Nauka, 1984)(ru)(L)(T)(178s).djvu" (4.9М)
  29. "Arnold V.I. Contact geometry and wave propagation (L'Enseignement mathematique, 1989)(ASIN B0007BOEZO)(600dpi)(T)(56s)_MD_.djvu" (482.9К)
  30. "Arnold V.I. Topological invariants of plane curves and caustics (AMS, 1994)(ISBN 0821803085)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(58s)_MD_.djvu" (790.5К)
  31. "Arnold V.I., Gusein-Zade S.M., Varchenko A.N. Singularities of differentiable maps, Vol. 1.. Classification of critical points, ... (Birkhauser, 2012)(ISBN 9780817683399)(600dpi)(T)(O)(393s)_MD_.djvu" (3.1М)
  32. "Arnold V.I., Gusein-Zade S.M., Varchenko A.N. Singularities of differentiable maps, Vol. 2.. Monodromy and asymptotics of integrals (Birkhauser, 2012)(ISBN 9780817683429)(600dpi)(T)(O)(503s)_MD_.djvu" (3.1М)
  33. "Arnold V.I., et al. Singularities of differentiable maps. Vol.1. The classification of critical points caustics and wave fronts (Birkhauser, 1985)(ISBN 0817631879)(T)(390s)_MD_.djvu" (2.7М)
  34. "Aste T., Weaire D. Pursuit of perfect packing (IOP 2000)(147s).pdf" (1.7М)
  35. "Aste T., Weaire D. The pursuit of perfect packing (2ed., CRC, 2008)(ISBN 1420068172)(195s)_MD_.pdf" (4.7М)
  36. "Audin M. Geometry (Springer Universitext, 2003)(363s).pdf" (2.5М)
  37. "Audin M. Geometry (Springer Universitext, 2003)(T)(363s).djvu" (2.7М)
  38. "Audin M. Geometry (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540434984)(O)(365s)_MD_.pdf" (2.4М)
  39. "Ayres F. Projective geometry (Schaum, 1967)(ISBN 0070026572)(K)(T)(249s)_MD_.djvu" (2.5М)
  40. "Bachmann F. Aufbau der Geometrie aus dem Spiegelungsbegriff (de)(Springer 1973)(T)(390s)_MD_.djvu" (3.5М)
  41. "Bahman F. Postroenie geometrii na osnove ponyatiya simmetrii (ru)(Nauka, 1969)(KA)(T)(381s)_MD_.djvu" (4.4М)
  42. "Bahri A., Xu Y. Recent progress in conformal geometry (ICP, 2007)(ISBN 1860947727)(522s)_MD_.pdf" (3.3М)
  43. "Bair J., Fourneau R. Etude geometrique des espaces vectoriels II. Polyedres et polytopes convexes (LNM0802, Springer, 1980)(fr)(ISBN 354009993X)(T)(292s)_MD_.djvu" (2.0М)
  44. "Baker H. Principles of geometry. Vol.1 (CUP, 1922)(ISBN 0804440662)(400dpi)(K)(T)(193s)_MD_.djvu" (2.5М)
  45. "Baker H. Principles of geometry. Vol.2 (CUP, 1922)(ISBN 1418181617)(400dpi)(K)(T)(257s)_MD_.djvu" (3.2М)
  46. "Baker H.F. Principles of Geometry, Vol. 1 (CUP, 1929)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(206s)_MD_.djvu" (3.8М)
  47. "Baker H.F. Principles of Geometry, Vol. 2 (CUP, 1930)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(273s)_MD_.djvu" (5.6М)
  48. "Baker H.F. Principles of Geometry, Vol. 3 (CUP, 1923)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(246s)_MD_.djvu" (4.0М)
  49. "Baker H.F. Principles of Geometry, Vol. 4 (CUP, 1925)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(264s)_MD_.djvu" (4.4М)
  50. "Baker W.M. Algebraic geometry.. A new treatise on analytical conic sections (George Bell, 1906)(ISBN 1430495502)(K)(T)(355s)_MD_.djvu" (4.7М)
  51. "Ball K., Milman V.D. (eds.) Convex geometric analysis (MSRI, CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521642590)(250s)_MD_.pdf" (3.8М)
  52. "Ball K., Milman V.D. (eds.) Convex geometric analysis (MSRI, CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521642590)(O)(250s)_MD_.pdf" (3.8М)
  53. "Ballico E. (ed.) Projective geometry with applications (Dekker, 1994)(T)(239s)_MD_.djvu" (2.4М)
  54. "Ballmann W., Gromov M., Schroeder V. Manifolds of nonpositive curvature (no p.25)(Birkhauser, 1985)(ISBN 081763181X)(600dpi)(T)(276s)_MD_.djvu" (2.3М)
  55. "Banyaga A. The structure of classical diffeomorphism groups (no pp.126-7)(Kluwer, 1997)(ISBN 0792344758)(KA)(150dpi)(T)(204s)_MD_.djvu" (2.0М)
  56. "Bao D., Chern S.-S., Shen Z. An introduction to Riemann-Finsler geometry (GTM200, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 038798948X)(T)(K)(600dpi)(454s)_MD_.djvu" (5.0М)
  57. "Barral J., Seuret S. (eds.) Further developments in fractals and related fields (Birkhauser, 2013)(ISBN 9780817683993)(C)(O)(296s)_MD_.pdf" (2.6М)
  58. "Barral J., Seuret S. (eds.) Recent developments in fractals and related fields (Birkhauser, 2010)(ISBN 0817648879)(O)(442s)_MD_.pdf" (4.8М)
  59. "Bartocci C., et al. (eds.) New trends in Geometry. Their role in the natural and life sciences (ICP, 2011)(ISBN 1848166427)(O)(329s)_MD_.pdf" (4.8М)
  60. "Barvinok A. A course in convexity (GSM0054, AMS, 2002)(ISBN 0821829688)(600dpi)(T)(O)(376s)_MD_.djvu" (4.5М)
  61. "Barvinok A. Integer points in polyhedra (EMS, 2008)(ISBN 3037190523)(O)(184s)_MD_.pdf" (997.1К)
  62. "Barwick S., Ebert G. Unitals in projective planes (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387763643)(196s)_MD_.pdf" (1.1М)
  63. "Barwick S., Ebert G. Unitals in projective planes (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387763643)(O)(196s)_MD_.pdf" (1.1М)
  64. "Basset A. An elementary treatise on cubic and quartic curves (CUP, 1901)(ISBN 1418181838)(K)(T)(270s)_MD_.djvu" (2.9М)
  65. "Basset A.B. A Treatise on the Geometry of Surfaces (1910)(T)(305s)_MD_.djvu" (3.0М)
  66. "Baston V.J.D. Some properties of polyhedra in Euclidean space (Pergamon, 1965)(ASIN B0007IVN3I)(600dpi)(T)(218s)_MD_.djvu" (1.7М)
  67. "Beardon A.F. Algebra and geometry (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 052181362X)(340s)_MD_.pdf" (2.5М)
  68. "Bejancu A. Geometry of CR-Submanifolds (Kluwer, 1986)(ISBN 9027721947)(600dpi)(T)(O)(185s)_MD_.djvu" (2.8М)
  69. "Belyaev O. Fundamentals of geometry (draft, 2007)(254s)_MD_.pdf" (2.6М)
  70. "Benedetti R., Petronio C. Branched standard spines of 3-manifolds (LNM1653, Springer, 1997)(T)(O)(139s)_MD_.djvu" (1.1М)
  71. "Benedetti R., Petronio C. Lectures on hyperbolic geometry (Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354055534X)(600dpi)(T)(O)(343s)_MD_.djvu" (3.7М)
  72. "Benedetti R., Petronio C. Lectures on hyperbolic geometry (Springer, 1992)(ISBN 354055534X)(T)(336s)_MD_.djvu" (3.1М)
  73. "Bennett M.K. Affine and projective geometry (Wiley, 1995)(ISBN 0471113158)(T)(O)(246s)_MD_.djvu" (1.6М)
  74. "Benson R.V. Euclidean Geometry and Convexity (MGH, 1966)(ISBN 0070047707)(600dpi)(T)(279s)_MD_.djvu" (2.5М)
  75. "Benz W. Classical Geometries in Modern Contexts.. Geometry of Real Inner Product Spaces (ISBN 3764373717)(Springer, 2005)(251s)_MD_.pdf" (1.6М)
  76. "Benz W. Classical geometries in modern contexts. Geometry of real inner product spaces (3ed., Birkhauser, 2012)(ISBN 9783034804196)(O)(325s)_MD_.pdf" (1.6М)
  77. "Benz W. Classical geometries in modern contexts.. Geometry of real inner product spaces (2ed., Birkhauser, 2007)(ISBN 3764385408)(286s)_MD_.pdf" (1.7М)
  78. "Berger M. Geometry 1 (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540116583)(600dpi)(T)(O)(443s)_MD_.djvu" (8.3М)
  79. "Berger M. Geometry 1 (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540116583)(T)(440s)_MD_.djvu" (5.6М)
  80. "Berger M. Geometry 2 (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540170154)(600dpi)(T)(O)(417s)_MD_.djvu" (9.0М)
  81. "Berger M. Geometry 2 (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540170154)(T)(415s)_MD_.djvu" (5.5М)
  82. "Berger M. Geometry revealed.. A Jacob's Ladder to modern higher geometry (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3540709967)(O)(848s)_MD_.pdf" (13.2М)
  83. "Berger M., Gauduchon P., Mazet E. Le spectre d#une variete riemannienne (fr) (LNM0194, Springer 1971)(T)(258s)_MD_.djvu" (2.0М)
  84. "Berger, Pansu, Berry, Saint-Raymond. Problems in geometry (Springer, 1984)(T)(280s)_MD_.djvu" (3.1М)
  85. "Berrick A., et al. (eds.) Topology and geometry.. Commemorating Sistag, 2001, Singapor (AMS, 2002)(ISBN 0821828207)(T)(292s)_MD_.djvu" (2.3М)
  86. "Bers L., Kra I. (eds.) A crash course on Kleinian groups (LNM0400, Springer, 1974)(T)(135s)_MD_.djvu" (615.4К)
  87. "Berzhe M. Geometrija tom 2 (Mir, 1974)(ru)(366s).djvu" (4.0М)
  88. "Berzhe M. Geometrija tom 2 (Mir, 1974)(ru)(T)(366s).djvu" (4.9М)
  89. "Berzhe M. Geometrija, tom 1 (Mir, 1984)(ru)(L)(T)(279s).djvu" (7.0М)
  90. "Berzhe M. Geometrija, tom 2 (Mir, 1984)(ru)(L)(T)(183s).djvu" (4.4М)
  91. "Beutelspacher A., Rosenbaum U. Projective geometry.. From foundations to applications (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521483646)(T)(O)(267s)_MD_.djvu" (1.9М)
  92. "Bezdek A. Discrete geometry (M.Dekker, 2003)(ISBN 0824709683)(KA)(T)(492s)_MD_.djvu" (4.7М)
  93. "Bezdek K. Classical topics in discrete geometry (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1441905995)(O)(178s)_MD_.pdf" (1.8М)
  94. "Blackledge J.M., Evans A.K., Turner M.J. Fractal geometry.. mathematical methods, algorithms, applications (Horwood, 2002)(ISBN 1904275001)(T)(245s)_MD_.djvu" (3.5М)
  95. "Blaschke W. Vorlesungen ueber Integralgeometrie (Chelsea, 1949)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(224s)_MD_.djvu" (2.2М)
  96. "Blashke V. Vvedenie v geometriju tkanej (1959)(ru)(T)(143s).djvu" (1.6М)
  97. "Blumenthal L. Theory and applications of distance geometry (2ed., Chelsea, 1970)(ISBN 0828402426)(600dpi)(T)(356s)_MD_.djvu" (3.2М)
  98. "Blyashke V. (_Blaschke W._) Krug i shar (Nauka, 1967)(ru)(KA)(T)(233s)_MD_.djvu" (1.8М)
  99. "Bogomolov S.A. E'volyuciya geometricheskoj mysli (Leningrad, 1928)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(221s)_MD_.djvu" (4.7М)
  100. "Bogomolov S.A. Vvedenie v neevklidovu geometriju Rimana (GTTI, 1934)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(228s)_MD_.djvu" (2.5М)
  101. "Boi L., Flament D., Salanskis J. (eds.) 1830-1930.. A century of geometry (LNP0402, Springer, 1992)(299dpi)(T)(311s)_MD_.djvu" (2.2М)
  102. "Bokan N., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the workshop contemporary geometry and related topics (WS, 2004)(ISBN 9812384324)(T)(467s)_MD_.djvu" (3.1М)
  103. "Bol'ai Ya. (_Bolyai_) __Appendix__. Prilozhenie (GITTL, 1950)(ru)(600dpi)(O)(242s)_MD_.djvu" (4.7М)
  104. "Bolibruh. Fuksovy differencial#nye uravnenija i linejnye rassloenija (ru)(L)(T)(60s).djvu" (1.4М)
  105. "Boltyanskij V.G. Tret#ya problema Gil#berta (Nauka, 1977)(KA)(ru)(T)(209s)_MD_.djvu" (2.1М)
  106. "Boltyanskij V.G., Soltan P.S. Kombinatornaya geometriya razlichnyh klassov vypuklyh mnozhestv (Kishinev. Shtiinca, 1978)(ru)(T)(280s)_MD_.djvu" (3.4М)
  107. "Bombieri E. (ed.) Geometric measure theory and minimal surfaces (CIME0061, 1972, Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642109691)(T)(O)(223s)_MD_.djvu" (1.4М)
  108. "Bonahon F. Low-dimensional geometry.. From Euclidean surfaces to hyperbolic knots (AMS, 2009)(ISBN 082184816X)(T)(391s)_MD_.djvu" (3.0М)
  109. "Bonnesen T., Fenchel W. Theory of convex bodies (BCS Associates, 1987)(ISBN 0914351028)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(183s)_MD_.djvu" (1.8М)
  110. "Booss-Bavnbek B., et al. (eds.) Analysis, geometry and topology of elliptic operators (WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812568050)(T)(O)(553s)_MD_.djvu" (3.3М)
  111. "Boucetta M., Morvan J.-M. (eds.) Differential geometry and topology, discrete and computational geometry (IOS, 2005)(ISBN 158603507X)(600dpi)(T)(O)(385s)_MD_.djvu" (3.2М)
  112. "Bourgin R.D. Geometric aspects of convex sets with the Radon-Nikodym Property (LNM0993, Springer, 1983)(T)(484s)_MD_.djvu" (2.8М)
  113. "Brannan D.A., Esplen M.F., Gray J.J. Geometry (draft, 2ed., CUP, 2012)(ISBN 1107647835)(O)(603s)_MD_.pdf" (12.1М)
  114. "Brass P., Moser W., Pach J. Research problems in discrete geometry (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387238158)(O)(513s)_MD_.pdf" (5.2М)
  115. "Brasselet J.-P., Ruas M. (eds.) Real and complex singularities. Sao Carlos workshop 2004 (Birkhauser, 2007)(ISBN 3764377755)(363s)_MD_.pdf" (3.1М)
  116. "Bredon G. (_Bredon_) Vvedenie v teoriyu kompaktnyh grupp preobrazovanij (Nauka, 1980)(ru)(K)(T)(O)(440s)_MD_.djvu" (4.0М)
  117. "Bredon G. Vvedenie v teoriyu kompaktnyh grupp preobrazovanij (Nauka 1980)(440s)(ru)(T)_MD_.djvu" (6.6М)
  118. "Bredon G.E. Topology and geometry (Springer, 1993)(ISBN 0387979263)(600dpi)(T)(O)(576s)_MD_.djvu" (4.6М)
  119. "Bredon G.E. Topology and geometry (Springer, 1993)(ISBN 0387979263)(KA)(T)(587s)_MD_.djvu" (5.4М)
  120. "Brondsted A. An introduction to convex polytopes (GTM090, Springer, 1982)(ISBN 038790722X)(400dpi)(T)(O)(170s)_MD_.djvu" (1.2М)
  121. "Brown R., Thickstun T.L. (eds.) Low-dimensional topology, Vol.1 (CUP, 1982)(ISBN 0521281466)(T)(O)(257s)_MD_.djvu" (1.6М)
  122. "Bruce J.W., Giblin P.J. Curves and singularities (CUP, 1984)(ISBN 0521249457)(K)(T)(600dpi)(235s)_MD_.djvu" (2.4М)
  123. "Brus, Dzhiblin (_J.W.Bruce,P.G.Giblin_) Krivye i osobennosti (Mir, 1988)(ru)(T)(263s)_MD_.djvu" (3.3М)
  124. "Bruyn B. Near polygons (Birkhauser, 2006)(ISBN 3764375523)(O)(268s)_MD_.pdf" (1.8М)
  125. "Bruyn B. Near polygons (Birkhauser, 2006)(ISBN 3764375523)(O)(276s)_MD_.pdf" (1.8М)
  126. "Bryoker T., Lander L. (_Broecker,Lander_) Differenciruemye rostki i katastrofy (1997)(ru)(T)(209s)_MD_.djvu" (3.7М)
  127. "Buekenhout F. (ed.) Handbook of incidence geometry. Buildings and foundations (Elsevier, 1995)(K)(600dpi)(T)(1399s)_MD_.djvu" (16.1М)
  128. "Buekenhout F., Cohen A.M. Diagram geometry. Related to classical groups and buildings (Springer, 2013)(ISBN 9783642344527)(O)(596s)_MD_.pdf" (3.6М)
  129. "Buliga M. Sub-Riemannian geometry and Lie groups II (web draft, 2004)(41s).pdf" (316.4К)
  130. "Buliga M. Sub-Riemannian geometry and Lie groups, part 1 (Seminar notes, DMA-EPFL, 2001, math.MG_0210189, 2002)(80s).pdf" (565.7К)
  131. "Burago D., Burago Y., Ivanov S. A course in metric geometry (AMS, 2001)(ISBN 0821821296)(600dpi)(T)(418s)_MD_.djvu" (5.7М)
  132. "Burago D., Burago Yu., Ivanov S. Kurs metricheskoj geometrii (Izhevsk, 2004)(ru)(T)(511s)_MD_.djvu" (5.6М)
  133. "Burago Ju.D., Zalgaller V.A. Geometricheskie neravenstva (Nauka, 1980)(ru)(L)(T)(145s).djvu" (3.5М)
  134. "Burago Y.D., Zalgaller V.A. Geometric inequalities (Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540136150)(T)(O)(349s)_MD_.djvu" (2.6М)
  135. "Burghelea D., Lashof R., Rothenberg M. Groups of automorphisms of manifolds (LNM0473, Springer, 1975)(T)(162s)_MD_.djvu" (867.4К)
  136. "Busemann H., Kelly P. Projective geometry and projective metrics (AP, 1953)(ASIN B000OH53M4)(K)(T)(337s)_MD_.djvu" (3.1М)
  137. "Buser P., Karcher H. Gromov's almost flat manifolds (Asterisque, 1981)(ISBN 0824765559)(600dpi)(T)(O)(150s)_MD_.djvu" (1.4М)
  138. "Bushmanova G.V., Norden A.P. Vvedenie v konformnuju geometriju (1964)(ru)(L)(T)(48s).djvu" (1.0М)
  139. "Buyalo S., Schroeder V. Elements of asymptotic geometry (EMS, 2007)(ISBN 3037190361)(O)(213s)_MD_.pdf" (1.1М)
  140. "Buzeman G. (_H.Busemann_) Geometrija geodezicheskih (Mir 1962)(ru)(T)(507s)_MD_.djvu" (7.1М)
  141. "Buzeman G. (_H.Busemann_) Vypuklye poverhnosti (Nauka, 1964)(ru)(L)(T)(119s).djvu" (2.3М)
  142. "Buzeman G., Kelli P. (_Busemann,Kelley_) Proektivnaja geometrija i proektivnye metriki (IL, 1957)(ru)(T)(409s).djvu" (5.0М)
  143. "Calegari D. Classical geometry (lecture notes)(42s)_MD_.pdf" (262.4К)
  144. "Calegari D. Foliations and the geometry of 3-manifolds (OUP, 2007)(ISBN 0198570082)(378s)_MD_.pdf" (3.1М)
  145. "Calin O., Chang D.C., Greiner P. Geometric analysis on the Heisenberg group and its generalizations (AMS, 2007)(ISBN 0821843192)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(256s)_MD_.djvu" (1.8М)
  146. "Calvo J.A., Millett K.C., Rawdon E.J., Stasiak A. (eds.) Physical and numerical models in knot theory.. Including applications to the life sciences (WS, 2005)(ISBN 9812561870)(K)(T)(640s)_MD_.djvu" (6.2М)
  147. "Cameron P.J. Projective and polar spaces (lecture notes, web draft, 2000)(182s)_MD_.pdf" (938.3К)
  148. "Canary R., Epstein D., Marden A. Fundamentals of hyperbolic geometry (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521615585)(T)(340s)_MD_.djvu" (2.9М)
  149. "Canary R., Marden A., Epstein D. Fundamentals of hyperbolic manifolds, selected expositions (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521615585)(O)(348s)_MD_.pdf" (1.7М)
  150. "Cap A., Slovak J. Parabolic geometries 1. Background and general theory (AMS, 2009)(ISBN 0821826816)(600dpi)(T)(O)(640s)_MD_.djvu" (6.8М)
  151. "Cardinali I., Payne S.E. q-clan geometries in characteristic 2 (Birkhauser, 2007)(ISBN 3764385071)(175s)_MD_.pdf" (2.2М)
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  153. "Carter J.S. How surfaces intersect in space.. an introduction to topology (WS, 1993)(ISBN 9810210507)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(298s)_MD_.djvu" (5.4М)
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