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  1. "E'ndres A., Kverner I. (_Endres,Querner_) E'konomika prirodnyx resursov (2izd., Piter, 2004)(ISBN 5947236281)(ru)(T)(251s)_G_.djvu" (1.9М)
  2. "Ermoliev Yu., et al. (eds.) Managing safety of heterogeneous systems. Decisions under uncertainties and risks (LNEMS0658, Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642228834)(O)(403s)_G_.pdf" (3.3М)
  3. GA
    1. "Acemoglu D., Robinson J.A. Economic origins of dictatorship and democracy (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521855268)(433s)_GA_.pdf" (2.8М)
    2. "Apt K., van Rooij R. (eds.) New perspectives on games and interaction (Amsterdam Univ., 2008)(ISBN 9789089640574)(O)(329s)_GA_.pdf" (9.8М)
    3. "Aumann R., Shapley L. Values of non-atomic games (PUP, 1974)(ISBN 0691081034)(600dpi)(T)(341s)_GA_.djvu" (2.4М)
    4. "Aumann R.J., Hart S. (eds.) Handbook of game theory with economic applications (NH, 1994)(ISBN 0444880984)(O)(T)(734s)_GA_.djvu" (5.8М)
    5. "Aumann R.J., Hart S. (eds.) Handbook of game theory with economic applications, Vol.2 (NH, 1994)(ISBN 0444894276)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(805s)_GA_.djvu" (8.4М)
    6. "Aumann R.J., Hart S. (eds.) Handbook of game theory with economic applications, Vol.3 (NH, 2002)(ISBN 0444894284)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(889s)_GA_.djvu" (10.8М)
    7. "Barron E.N. Game theory. An introduction (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470171324)(T)(O)(436s)_GA_.djvu" (2.7М)
    8. "Basar T., Olsder G.J. Dynamic noncooperative game theory (2ed., SIAM, 1999)(ISBN 089871429X)(O)(T)(536s)_GA_.djvu" (4.6М)
    9. "Binmore K. Does game theory work (MIT, 2007)(ISBN 0262026074)(419s)_GA_.pdf" (4.7М)
    10. "Binmore K. Natural justice (OUP, 2005)(ISBN 0195178114)(225s)_GA_.pdf" (1.6М)
    11. "Binmore K. Playing for Real (OUP, 2007)(ISBN 0195300572)(652s)_GA_.pdf" (5.5М)
    12. "Bolton P., Dewatripont M. Contract theory (MIT, 2005)(ISBN 0262025760)(400dpi)(T)(736s)_GA_.djvu" (4.7М)
    13. "Boorman S. The Protracted Game.. A Wei-Ch'i Interpretation of Maoist Revolutionary Strategy (OUP, 1971)(ISBN 9780195014938)(600dpi)(T)(256s)_GA_.djvu" (4.6М)
    14. "Camerer C.F. Behavioral game theory (no front) (Sage, 2003)(ISBN 0691090394)(T)(O)(S)(248s)_GA_.djvu" (7.4М)
    15. "Cardaliaguet P., Cressman R. (eds.) Advances in dynamic games (Birkhauser, 2012)(ISBN 9780817683542)(O)(417s)_GA_.pdf" (4.1М)
    16. "Carmichael F. A guide to game theory (FTPH, 2005)(ISBN 0273684965)(303s)_GA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    17. "Chalkiadakis G., Elkind E., Wooldridge M. Computational aspects of cooperative game theory (Morgan, 2012)(ISBN 9781608456529)(O)(170s)_GA_.pdf" (1.2М)
    18. "Challet D., Marsili M., Zhang Y.-C. Minority games (OUP, 2005)(ISBN 0198566409)(361s)_GA_.pdf" (10.4М)
    19. "Chatterjee K., Samuelson W. Game theory and business applications (Kluwer, 2002)(ISBN 0792373324)(396s)_GA_.pdf" (7.0М)
    20. "Chxartishvili A.G. Teoretiko-igrovye modeli informacionnogo upravleniya (PMSoft, 2004)(ISBN 5990028164)(ru)(230s)_GA_.pdf" (1.3М)
    21. "Coolen A.C.C. The mathematical theory of minority games (OUP, 2005)(ISBN 0198520808)(O)(339s)_GA_.pdf" (9.4М)
    22. "Cooper R.W. Coordination games (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 0521570174)(T)(S)(179s)_GA_.djvu" (1.3М)
    23. "Demange G., Wooders M. (eds.) Group formation in economics (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521842719)(O)(494s)_GA_.pdf" (2.2М)
    24. "Dresher M. (_Dresher_) Strategicheskie igry. Teoriya i prilozheniya (Sovetskoe radio, 1964)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(352s)_GA_.djvu" (3.6М)
    25. "Driessen T., et al. (eds.) Russian contributions to game theory and equilibrium theory (Springer 2006)(ISBN 3540314059)(248s)_GA_.pdf" (3.5М)
    26. "Fells R. Effective Negotiation (draft, CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521735211)(248s)_GA_.pdf" (1.2М)
    27. "Ferguson T.S. Game theory (LN, UCLA, 2008)(212s)_GA_.pdf" (1.8М)
    28. "Fink E.C., Gates S., Humes B.D. Game theory topics.. Incomplete information, repeated games, and N-player games (Sage, 1998)(ISBN 0761910166)(84s)_GA_.pdf" (1.2М)
    29. "Finus M. Game theory and international environmental cooperation (Elgar, 2001)(ISBN 1840644087)(O)(433s)_GA_.pdf" (1.4М)
    30. "Fudenberg D., Levine D.K. (eds.) A Long-run Collaboration on Games With Long-run Patient Players (WS, 2008)(ISBN 9812818464)(T)(O)(S)(417s)_GA_.djvu" (3.9М)
    31. "Fudenberg D., Levine D.K. The theory of learning in games (MIT, 1998)(ISBN 0262061945)(348s)_GA_.pdf" (1.0М)
    32. GAdec
      1. "Blyumin S.L., Shujkova I.A. Modeli i metody prinyatiya reshenij v usloviyah neopredelennosti (Lipeck, 2000)(ISBN 5900037193)(ru)(140s)_GAdec_.pdf" (1.9М)
      2. "Bruk V.M., Nikolaev V.I. Metody prinyatiya reshenij v slozhnyx sistemax (SZPI, 1977)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(73s)_GAdec_.djvu" (939.8К)
      3. "Dreze J. Essays on economic decisions under uncertainty (CUP, 1987)(ISBN 0521264847)(T)(S)(452s)_GAdec_.djvu" (3.0М)
      4. "Faggini M., Vinci C.P. (eds.) Decision theory and choices.. a complexity approach (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 8847017777)(O)(267s)_GAdec_.pdf" (2.8М)
      5. "Gaft M.G. Prinyatie reshenij pri mnogix kriteriyax (Znanie, 1979)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(64s)_GAdec_.djvu" (1.4М)
      6. "Greshilov A.A. Kak prinyat# nailuchshee reshenie v real#nyh usloviyah (Radio i Svyaz#, 1991)(ISBN 5256007297)(ru)(T)(320s)_GAdec_.djvu" (2.8М)
      7. "Gubko M.V. Lekcii po prinyatiyu reshenij v usloviyah nechetkoj informacii (IPU RAN, 2004)(ru)(38s)_GAdec_.pdf" (760.5К)
      8. "Jeffrey R. The logic of decision (2ed., UCP, 1990)(ISBN 0226395820)(K)(T)(243s)_GAdec_.djvu" (1.8М)
      9. "Kelly A. Decision making using game theory (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521814626)(215s)_GAdec_.pdf" (1.4М)
      10. "Kleindorfer P.R., Kunreuther H.G., Schoemaker P.J.H. Decision Sciences.. An Integrative Perspective (CUP, 1993)(ISBN 9780521328678)(T)(O)(480s)_GAdec_.djvu" (3.4М)
      11. "L#yus R.D., Rajfa H. (_Luce,Raiffa_) Igry i resheniya. Vvedenie i kriticheskij obzor (IL, 1961)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(642s)_GAdec_.djvu" (8.3М)
      12. "Matveev L.A. Komp#yuternaya podderzhka reshenij (Spec. Lit., 1998)(ISBN 5876850691)(ru)(T)(K)(300dpi)(474s)_GAdec_.djvu" (4.8М)
      13. "Matveev L.A. Komp'yuternaya podderzhka reshenij (SL, 1998)(ISBN 5876850691)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(300dpi)(474s)_GAdec_.djvu" (4.9М)
      14. "Model' B.I. E'lementy teorii mnogoshagovyx processov posledovatel'nogo vybora reshenij (Nauka, 1985)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(94s)_GAdec_.djvu" (1.5М)
      15. "Mora M., Forgionne G.A., Gupta J.N.D. (eds.) Decision Making Support Systems (Idea Group Pub., 2002)(ISBN 1591400457)(438s)_GAdec_.pdf" (4.6М)
      16. "Orlovskij S.A. Problemy prinyatiya reshenij pri nechetkoj isxodnoj informacii (Nauka, 1981)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(207s)_GAdec_.djvu" (2.5М)
      17. "Rozen V.V. Matematicheskie modeli prinyatiya reshenij v e#konomike (VSh, 2002)(ISBN 5060043568)(ru)(T)(290s)_GAdec_.djvu" (2.9М)
      18. "Shaxnov I.F. (red.) Statisticheskie modeli i mnogokriterial'nye zadachi prinyatiya reshenij (Statistika, 1979)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(185s)_GAdec_.djvu" (2.4М)
      19. "Weirich P. Decision space.. Multidimensional utility analysis (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521800099)(O)(286s)_GAdec_.pdf" (901.1К)
    33. GAsoc
      1. "Anand P., Pattanaik P., Puppe C. (eds.) The handbook of rational and social choice (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0199290423)(O)(592s)_GAsoc_.pdf" (2.4М)
      2. "Brams S.J. Mathematics and democracy. Designing better voting and fair-division procedures (PUP, 2008)(ISBN 0691133204)(O)(389s)_GU_.pdf" (2.0М)
      3. "Deemen A.V., Rusinowska A. (eds.) Collective Decision Making.. Views from Social Choice and Game Theory (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642028640)(O)(281s)_GAsoc_.pdf" (1.8М)
      4. "Gaertner W. A primer in social choice theory (Rev.Ed., OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0199565309)(O)(233s)_GAsoc_.pdf" (915.6К)
      5. "Mueller D.C. Public choice III (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521815460)(O)(790s)_GAsoc_.pdf" (3.0М)
      6. "Oppenheimer J. Principles of Politics.. A Rational Choice Theory Guide to Politics and Social Justice (draft, CUP, 2012)(ISBN 9781107014886)(O)(311s)_GAsoc_.pdf" (1.6М)
      7. "Resnik M. Choices.. An Introduction to Decision Theory (Univ. Minnesota, 1987)(ISBN 9780816614400)(T)(O)(238s)_GA_.djvu" (1.8М)
      8. "Taylor A.D. Social choice and the mathematics of manipulation (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521810523)(O)(190s)_GAsoc_.pdf" (796.2К)
      9. "Tullock G., Seldon A., Brady G.L. Government failure.. A primer in public choice (Cato Institute, 2002)(ISBN 1930865201)(O)(208s)_GAsoc_.pdf" (566.1К)
    34. "Gibbons R. Game theory for applied economists (PUP, 1992)(ISBN 0691043086)(T)(273s)_GA_.djvu" (1.9М)
    35. "Gibbons R. Game theory for applied economists (PUP, 1992)(ISBN 0691043086)(T)(O)(276s)_GA_.djvu" (1.9М)
    36. "Gibbons R. Primer in game theory (Pearson, 1992)(ISBN 0745011594)(180dpi)(T)(O)(278s)_GA_.djvu" (2.2М)
    37. "Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. A theory of case-based decisions (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521802342)(208s)_GA_.pdf" (636.6К)
    38. "Gilles R. The cooperative game theory of networks and hierarchies (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642052819)(O)(268s)_GA_.pdf" (1.7М)
    39. "Gintis H. Game theory evolving (2ed., PUP, 2009)(ISBN 0691140510)(O)(409s)_GA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    40. "Gintis H. Game theory evolving (draft, PUP, 2000)(ISBN 0691009430)(532s)_GA_.pdf" (7.3М)
    41. "Gintis H. Game theory evolving.. Answers (2005)(127s)_GA_.pdf" (463.2К)
    42. "Gintis H. The bounds of reason (draft, PUP, 2008)(ISBN 0691009422)(213s)_GA_.pdf" (1.7М)
    43. "Goldberg V.P. (ed.) Readings in the economics of contract law (CUP, 1989)(ISBN 0521341205)(T)(S)(267s)_GA_.djvu" (1.6М)
    44. "Gura E.-Y., Maschler M. Insights into game theory (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 052187422X)(O)(252s)_GA_.pdf" (614.5К)
    45. "Han Z., et al. Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 9780521196963)(O)(553s)_GA_.pdf" (5.3М)
    46. "Hart O. Firms, contracts, and financial structure (OUP, 1995)(ISBN 0198288816)(239s)_GA_.pdf" (1.2М)
    47. "Haugen I.N., Nilsen A.S. (eds.) Game theory. Strategies, equilibria, and theorems (Nova, 2009)(ISBN 9781617619182)(O)(396s)_GA_.pdf" (3.6М)
    48. "Haurie A., Zaccour G. (eds.) Dynamic Games.. Theory and Applications (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387246010)(278s)_GA_.pdf" (2.4М)
    49. "Haurie, et al. (eds.) Advances in dynamic games (Birkhauser , 2006)(ISBN 0817645004)(420s)_GA_.pdf" (3.5М)
    50. "Heer B., Maussner A. Dynamic general equilibrium modelling (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354022095X)(547s)_GA_.pdf" (3.6М)
    51. "Heer B., Maussner A. Dynamic general equilibrium modelling (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354022095X)(O)(559s)_GA_.pdf" (3.6М)
    52. "Hillas J., Kohlberg E. Foundations of strategic equilibrium (Auckland & Harvard, 2001)(62s)_GA_.pdf" (358.9К)
    53. "Huang Q. (ed.) Game theory (Sciyo, 2010)(ISBN 953307132X)(O)(186s)_GA_.pdf" (3.4М)
    54. IPURAN
      1. "Burkov V.N., Novikov D.A. Identifikaciya aktivnyx sistem (MFTI, 2000)(ru)(20s)_GA_.pdf" (288.2К)
      2. "Burkov V.P., Novikov D.A. Teoriya aktivnyh sistem.. Sostoyanie i perspektivy (IPU RAN, 1999)(ru)(125s)_GA_.pdf" (593.5К)
      3. "Gubko M.V. Upravlenie organizacionnymi sistemami s koalicionnym vzaimodejstviem uchastnikov (IPU RAN, 2003)(ru)(L)(71s)_GA_.pdf" (650.6К)
      4. "Gubko M.V., Novikov D.A. Teoriya igr v upravlenii organizacionnymi sistemami (IPU RAN, 2005)(ru)(L)(69s)_GA_.pdf" (1.0М)
      5. "Karavaev A.P. Modeli i metody upravleniya sostavom aktivnyh sistem (IPU RAN, 2003)(ru)(138s)_GA_.pdf" (678.5К)
      6. "Novikov D.A., Chxartishvili A.G. Aktivnyj prognoz (IPU RAN, 2002)(ru)(101s)_GA_.pdf" (599.4К)
      7. "Novikov D.A., Chxartishvili A.G. Refleksivnye igry (IPU RAN, 2003)(ru)(29s)_GA_.pdf" (260.4К)
      8. "Novikov D.A., Petrakov S.N. Kurs teorii aktivnyx sistem (IPU RAN, 1999)(ru)(104s)_GA_.pdf" (690.5К)
      9. "Novikov D.A., Smirnov I.M., Shoxina T.E. Mehanizmy upravleniya dinamicheskimi aktivnymi sistemami (IPU RAN, 2002)(ru)(125s)_GA_.pdf" (658.2К)
    55. "Jackson M.O. A crash course in implementation theory (Caltech, 1999)(61s)_GA_.pdf" (432.2К)
    56. "Jackson M.O. Mechanism theory (Caltech, 2000)(46s)_GA_.pdf" (397.6К)
    57. "Janssen M. (ed.) Auctioning public assets (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521830591)(O)(333s)_GA_.pdf" (1.3М)
    58. "Karlin S. (_Karlin_) Matematicheskie metody v teorii igr, programmirovanii i e#konomike (Mir, 1964)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(839s)_GA_.djvu" (8.5М)
    59. "Kendall G., et al. The iterated prisoners' dilemma. 20 years on (WS, 2007)(ISBN 9812706976)(O)(273s)_GA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    60. "Kondrat'ev A.I. Teoretiko-igrovye modeli v zadachax raspoznavaniya (Nauka, 1986)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(289s)_GA_.djvu" (4.8М)
    61. "Krasovskij N.N., Subbotin A.I. Pozicionnye differencial#nye igry (FML, 1974)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(457s)_GA_.djvu" (8.1М)
    62. "Kreitner R. Calculating promises (Stanford, 2007)(ISBN 0804753989)(257s)_GA_.pdf" (1.2М)
    63. "Lefevr V.A., Smolyan G.L. Algebra konflikta (Znanie, 1968)(ru)(T)(S)(66s)_GA_.djvu" (1.4М)
    64. "Lehmann-Waffenschmidt M. Economic evolution and equilibrium (LNEMS0591, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540686622)(O)(265s)_GA_.pdf" (2.4М)
    65. "Levin S.A. (ed.) Games, Groups, and the Global Good (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3540854355)(O)(285s)_GA_.pdf" (3.3М)
    66. "Lusk J.L., Shogren J.F. Experimental auctions (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521855160)(315s)_GA_.pdf" (1.4М)
    67. "Maaser N.F. Decision-making in committees.. Game-theoretic analysis (LNEMS0635, Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642041523)(O)(141s)_GA_.pdf" (2.2М)
    68. "Marques de Sa J.P. Chance.. The Life of Games & the Game of Life (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540744169)(234s)_GA_.pdf" (5.3М)
    69. "Maskin E., Sjostrom T. Implementation theory (IAS & Rutgers, 2001)(52s)_GA_.pdf" (491.2К)
    70. "Matveev V.A. Konechnye beskoalicionnye igry i ravnovesiya (Pskov, 2005)(ru)(176s)_GA_.pdf" (1.3М)
    71. "McCarty N., Meirowitz A. Political Game Theory.. An Introduction (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521841070)(447s)_GA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    72. "Milgrom P. Putting auction theory to work (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521536723)(393s)_GA_.pdf" (1.6М)
    73. "Miller J.D. Game theory at work (MGH, 2003)(ISBN 0071400206)(318s)_GA_.pdf" (1.1М)
    74. "Miller J.D. Game theory at work (MGH, 2003)(ISBN 007142900X)(305s)_GA_.pdf" (954.1К)
    75. "Moore J.C. General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540314075)(575s)_GA_.pdf" (4.3М)
    76. "Muthoo A. Bargaining theory with applications (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 0521572258)(T)(S)(375s)_GA_.djvu" (2.3М)
    77. "Myerson R.B. Game theory. Analysis of conflict (Harvard Univer., 1997)(ISBN 0674341163)(T)(O)(584s)_GA_.djvu" (3.6М)
    78. "Nahin P.J. Chases and Escapes.. The Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion (PUP, 2007)(ISBN 0691125147)(600dpi)(T)(O)(270s)_GA_.djvu" (1.6М)
    79. "Namatame A., Kaizouji T., Aruka Y. (eds.) The Complex Networks of Economic Interactions.. Essays in Agent-Based Economics and Econophysics (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540287264)(358s)_GA_.pdf" (9.8М)
    80. "Narlikar A. (ed.) Deadlocks in Multilateral Negotiations.. Causes and Solutions (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 9780521113748)(O)(334s)_GA_.pdf" (1.3М)
    81. "Nisan N., Roughgarden T., Tardos E., Vizirani V. (eds.) Algorithmic game theory (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521872820)(O)(775s)_GA_.pdf" (3.5М)
    82. "Norman G., Thisse J.-F. (eds.) Market structure and competition policy.. Game-theoretic approaches (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 052178333X)(307s)_GA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    83. "Novikov D.A., Ivashenko A.A. Modeli i metody organizacionnogo upravleniya innovacionnym razvitiem firmy (LENAND, 2006)(ISBN 9785971000808)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(337s)_GA_.djvu" (3.9М)
    84. "Nowakowski R. (ed.) More games of no chance (CUP, 2002)(ISBN 0521808324)(O)(547s)_GA_.pdf" (8.2М)
    85. "Nowakowski R.J. (ed.) Games of no chance (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 0521646529)(O)(482s)_GA_.pdf" (6.9М)
    86. "Osborne M.J. An introduction to game theory (OUP, draft, 2000)(ISBN 0195128958)(685s)_GA_.pdf" (4.2М)
    87. "Osborne M.J., Rubinstein A. Bargaining and markets (AP, 1990)(ISBN 0125286317)(228s)_GA_.pdf" (1.5М)
    88. "Palfrey T.R. Implementation theory (Caltech, 2000)(60s)_GA_.pdf" (470.7К)
    89. "Pecherskij S.L., Belyaeva A.A. Teoriya igr dlya e#konomistov (SPb, 2001)(ru)(342s)_GA_.pdf" (1.5М)
    90. "Peleg B., Sudhoelter P. Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540729445)(336s)_GA_.pdf" (2.1М)
    91. "Petrosyan L.A., Tomskij G.V. Cherez igru k tvorchestvu.. Intellektual#nye igry presledovaniya (Novosibirsk, 1991)(ISBN 5020297194)(ru)(T)(127s)_GA_.djvu" (4.4М)
    92. "Popov L.D. Vvedenie v teoriyu, metody, i e#konomicheskie prilozheniya zadachi o dopolnitel#nosti (Ekaterinburg, 2001)(ru)(96s)_GA_.pdf" (696.7К)
    93. "Ramachandran K.M., Tsokos C.P. Stochastic differential games (Atlantis, 2012)(ISBN 9789491216466)(O)(259s)_GA_.pdf" (1.5М)
    94. "Rapoport A. N-Person game theory.. Concepts and applications (Univ. of Michigan, 1970)(ISBN 0472001175)(600dpi)(T)(330s)_GA_.djvu" (2.1М)
    95. "Rapoport A. Two-person game theory.. The essential ideas (Univ. of Michigan, 1966)(ISBN 0486406865)(T)(600dpi)(228s)_GA_.djvu" (1.4М)
    96. "Rasmusen E. Games and Information (4ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2006)(ISBN 1405136669)(526s)_GA_.pdf" (9.1М)
    97. "Ray D. A game-theoretic perspective on coalition formation (OUP, 2007)(ISBN 019920795X)(O)(336s)_GA_.pdf" (1.3М)
    98. "Romp G. Game theory.. introduction and applications (OUP, 1997)(ISBN 0198775024)(T)(295s)_GA_.djvu" (2.5М)
    99. "Schelling T.C. The Strategy of Conflict (Harvard,1980)(ISBN 0674840313)(T)(S)(319s)_GA_.djvu" (4.4М)
    100. "Schmidt C. (ed.) Game theory and economic analysis (Routledge, 2002)(ISBN 0415259878)(O)(193s)_GA_.pdf" (1.7М)
    101. "Shikin E.V. Ot igr k igram. Matematicheskoe vvedenie (2izd., URSS, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 5354003245)(600dpi)(K)(T)(112s)_GA_.djvu" (3.8М)
    102. "Shoham Y., Leyton-Brown K. Multiagent systems (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521899435)(O)(532s)_GA_.pdf" (3.5М)
    103. "Smith J.M. Evolution and the theory of games (CUP, 1982)(ISBN 0521288843)(600dpi)(T)(O)(232s)_GA_.djvu" (1.9М)
    104. "Stole L.A. Lectures on the Theory of Contracts and Organizations (Chicago, 2001)(102s)_GA_.pdf" (545.0К)
    105. "Straffin P.D. Game theory and strategy (MAA, 1993)(ISBN 0883856379)(T)(S)(255s)_GA_.djvu" (2.2М)
    106. "Straffin P.D. Game theory and strategy (MAA, 1993)(ISBN 9780883856376)(T)(256s)_GA_.djvu" (1.8М)
    107. "Suzdal# V.G. Teoriya igr dlya flota (Voenizdat, 1976)(ru)(T)(321s)_GA_.djvu" (4.9М)
    108. "Taylor A.D. Social choice and the mathematics of manipulation (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521810523)(O)(190s)_GA_.pdf" (790.1К)
    109. "Thomas L.C. Games, theory and applications (Dover, 2003)(ISBN 0486432378)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(286s)_GA_.djvu" (2.5М)
    110. "Topkis D.M. Supermodularity and complementarity (PUP, 1998)(ISBN 0691032440)(O)(284s)_GA_.pdf" (2.0М)
    111. "Topkis D.M. Supermodularity and complementarity (PUP, 1998)(ISBN 0691032440)(O)(285s)_GA_.pdf" (1.3М)
    112. "Uil#yams Dzh.D. (_Williams J.D._) Sovershennyj strateg.. Bukvar# po teorii strategicheskih igr (Sovetskoe Radio, 1960)(ru)(T)(266s)_GA_.djvu" (2.7М)
    113. "Van Deemen A., Rusinowska A. (eds.) Collective decision making.. Views from social choice and game theory (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642028640)(O)(281s)_GA_.pdf" (1.7М)
    114. "Vega-Redondo F. Economics and the theory of games (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521772516)(O)(526s)_GA_.pdf" (3.0М)
    115. "Vilkas E'.J. Optimal'nost' v igrax i resheniyax (FML, 1990)(ISBN 5020142557)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(255s)_GA_.djvu" (5.3М)
    116. "Webb J. Game theory. Decisions, interaction and evolution (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 1846284236)(O)(251s)_GA_.pdf" (1.2М)
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    4. "Bowles S. Microeconomics.. Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution (PUP, 2006)(ISBN 0691126380)(599s)_GC_.pdf" (2.0М)
    5. "Bryant W.K., Zick C.D. The economic organization of the household (2ed., CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521801419)(O)(354s)_GC_.pdf" (1.9М)
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    20. "Mankiw N.G. Principles of microeconomics (4ed., Thomson, 2007)(ISBN 0324319169)(O)(481s)_GC_.pdf" (5.9М)
    21. "McKenzie R.B. Microeconomics for MBAs (2ed., draft, CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521191475)(567s)_GC_.pdf" (5.1М)
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    23. "Miller N.H. Notes on microeconomic theory (LN, Harvard, 2003)(247s)_GC_.pdf" (1.9М)
    24. "Mueller D.C. (ed.) The dynamics of company profits.. An international comparison (CUP, 1990)(ISBN 0521383722)(O)(T)(S)(222s)_GC_.djvu" (1.6М)
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    26. "Pindajk R., Rubinfel'd D. Mikroe'konomika (5izd., Piter, 2002)(ru)(ISBN 5318005489)(500dpi)(T)(606s)_GC_.djvu" (9.3М)
    27. "Rubinstein A. Lecture Notes in Microeconomic Theory (PUP, 2006)(ISBN 0691120315)(149s)_GC_.pdf" (908.7К)
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    4. "Amendola M., Gaffard J.-L. Out of equilibrium (OUP, 1998)(ISBN 0198293801)(T)(S)(291s)_GG_.djvu" (2.7М)
    5. "Anderton C.H., Carter J.R. Principles of conflict economics (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521875579)(O)(345s)_GG_.pdf" (1.8М)
    6. "Babkin V.P., i dr. E'konomika, ob~ektivnye vozmozhnosti (E'konomika, 2011)(ISBN 9785282030976)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(224s)_GG_.djvu" (1.7М)
    7. "Beckert J. Beyond the market.. The social foundations of economic efficiency (PUP, 2002)(ISBN 0691049076)(O)(376s)_GG_.pdf" (1.7М)
    8. "Blaug M. The methodology of economics.. Or, how economists explain (2ed., CUP, 1992)(ISBN 0521436788)(T)(314s)_GG_.djvu" (2.7М)
    9. "Cleaver T. Economics (Routledge, 2004)(ISBN 0415314127)(230s)_GG_.pdf" (1.0М)
    10. "Colander D.C. Economics (draft, 5ed., MGH, 2004)(ISBN 007121447X)(600dpi)(O)(T)(S)(927s)_GG_.djvu" (18.0М)
    11. "Cox S. (ed.) Economics.. Making Sense of the Modern Economy (Bloomberg, 2006)(ISBN 1861976062)(337s)_GG_.pdf" (2.1М)
    12. "Daughety A.F. (ed.) Cournot oligopoly (CUP, 1988)(ISBN 0521361761)(T)(S)(454s)_GG_.djvu" (3.2М)
    13. "Deaton A. Understanding consumption (OUP, 1992)(ISBN 0198288247)(O)(257s)_GG_.pdf" (2.8М)
    14. "Dewatripont M., Hansen L.P., Turnovsky S.J. (eds.) Advances in economics and econometrics, vol. 1 (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521818729)(O)(394s)_GG_.pdf" (2.0М)
    15. "Dewatripont M., Hansen L.P., Turnovsky S.J. (eds.) Advances in economics and econometrics, vol. 2 (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521818737)(O)(386s)_GG_.pdf" (2.7М)
    16. "Dewatripont M., Hansen L.P., Turnovsky S.J. (eds.) Advances in economics and econometrics, vol. 3 (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521818745)(O)(310s)_GG_.pdf" (2.1М)
    17. "Dolgin A. E'konomika simvolicheskogo obmena (Infra-M, 2006)(ISBN 5160029117)(ru)(632s)_GG_.pdf" (5.0М)
    18. "Dolgin A. Manifest novoj e'konomiki (AST, 2010)(ISBN 5983920103)(ru)(256s)_GG_.pdf" (2.2М)
    19. "Dolgin A. The Economics of Symbolic Exchange (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 354079882X)(O)(517s)_GG_.pdf" (6.0М)
    20. "Dopfer K. (ed.) The evolutionary foundations of economics (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521621992)(O)(593s)_GG_.pdf" (3.4М)
    21. "Foley D.K. Understanding capital.. Marx's economic theory (HUP, 1986)(ISBN 0674920880)(T)(O)(S)(197s)_GG_.djvu" (1.5М)
    22. "Foray D. Economics of knowledge (MIT, 2004)(ISBN 0262062399)(O)(289s)_GG_.pdf" (614.6К)
    23. "Friedman D., Cassar A. Economics lab.. An intensive course in experimental economics (Routledge, 2004)(ISBN 0415324025)(248s)_GG_.pdf" (1.8М)
    24. "Friedman J.W. Oligopoly theory (CUP, 1983)(ISBN 0521238277)(T)(S)(258s)_GG_.djvu" (1.5М)
    25. "Fujita M., Krugman P., Venables A.J. The spatial economy (MIT, 1999)(ISBN 0262062046)(T)(S)(380s)_GG_.djvu" (2.7М)
    26. "Furubotn E'.G., Rixter R. Instituty i e'konomicheskaya teoriya (SPbGU, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 5288034966)(600dpi)(T)(733s)_GG_.djvu" (14.2М)
    27. "Gerrard B. (ed.) The Economics of rationality (Routledge, 1993)(ISBN 0415068754)(O)(174s)_GG_.pdf" (998.6К)
    28. "Glycopantis D., Yannelis N.C. (eds.) Differential Information Economies (Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540214240)(670s)_GG_.pdf" (3.9М)
    29. "Grine'ue'j D., i dr. (red.) (_Greenaway_) Panorama e'konomicheskoj mysli konca __XX__ stoletiya. Tom 1 (E'Sh, 2002)(ru)(ISBN 0415026121)(K)(T)(684s)_GG_.djvu" (5.0М)
    30. "Grine'ue'j D., i dr. (red.) (_Greenaway_) Panorama e'konomicheskoj mysli konca __XX__ stoletiya. Tom 2 (E'Sh, 2002)(ru)(ISBN 0415026121)(K)(T)(311s)_GG_.djvu" (2.3М)
    31. "Groenewegen P. Classics and Moderns in Economics, Volume I (Routledge, 2002)(ISBN 0415301661)(296s)_GG_.pdf" (2.0М)
    32. "Groenewegen P. Classics and Moderns in Economics, Volume II (Routledge, 2002)(ISBN 041530167X)(321s)_GG_.pdf" (1.9М)
    33. "Guala F. The methodology of experimental economics (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521853400)(300s)_GG_.pdf" (997.1К)
    34. "Gukas#yan G.M., Maxovikova G.A., Amosova V.V. E#konomicheskaya teoriya (2izd., Piter, 2003)(ISBN 5318004547)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(480s)_GG_.djvu" (4.2М)
    35. "Harrison G.W., Carpenter J.P., List J.A. (eds.) Field experiments in economics (Elsevier JAI, 2005)(ISBN 0762311746)(381s)_GG_.pdf" (2.5М)
    36. "Hicks J. Methods of dynamic economics (OUP, 1985)(ISBN 0198285302)(O)(T)(182s)_GG_.djvu" (1.5М)
    37. "Hirshleifer J., Glazer A., Hirshleifer D. Price theory and applications (7ed., CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521818648)(O)(632s)_GG_.pdf" (8.7М)
    38. "Hoag A.J., Hoag J.H. Introductory Economics (4ed., WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812568913)(520s)_GG_.pdf" (5.9М)
    39. "Kummel R. The second law of economics. Energy, entropy, and the origins of wealth (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441993649)(O)(314s)_GG_.pdf" (3.2М)
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    41. "Makkonnell K.R., Bryu S.L. (_McConnell C.R., Brue S.L._) E#konomiks (Infra-M, 1999)(ISBN 5160000011)(ru)(T)(984s)_GG_.djvu" (21.5М)
    42. "Mankiw N.G. Principles of economics (3ed., Thomson, 2003)(ISBN 0324168624)(791s)_GG_.pdf" (5.9М)
    43. "McAfee R.P. Introduction to Economic Analysis (Caltech, 2006)(ISBN 160049000X)(328s)_GG_.pdf" (2.7М)
    44. "Me#nk#yu N.G. (_Mankiw N.G._) Principy E#konomiks (Piter, 1999)(ISBN 5314001616)(ru)(T)(762s)_GG_.djvu" (11.8М)
    45. "Mosini V. (ed.) Equilibrium in economics.. Scope and limits (Routledge, 2007)(ISBN 0415391377)(O)(311s)_GG_.pdf" (1.0М)
    46. "Najt F.X. (_Knight_) Risk, neopredelennost# i pribyl# (Delo, 2003)(ISBN 5774903060)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(361s)_GG_.djvu" (4.9М)
    47. "Negishi T. History of economic theory (NH, 1989)(ISBN 044470437X)(T)(S)(413s)_GG_.djvu" (3.0М)
    48. "O'Driscoll G.P.Jr. Economics as a coordination problem. The contributions of Friedrich Hayek (NY Univ., 1977)(ISBN 0836206622)(T)(O)(196s)_GG_.djvu" (1.4М)
    49. "Parkin M., Powell M., Matthews K. Economics (6ed., AW, 2005)(ISBN 0321312643)(876s)_GG_.pdf" (20.9М)
    50. "Pass K., i dr. Slovar' po e'konomike __COLLINS__ (SPb, E'Sh, 1998)(ru)(ISBN 5900428354)(600dpi)(T)(753s)_GG_.djvu" (8.4М)
    51. "Pirayoff R. CliffsAP economics micro & macro (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 076453999X)(268s)_GG_.pdf" (1.3М)
    52. "Pirs D. (_Pearce_) (red.) Slovar' sovremennoj e'konomicheskoj teorii Makmillana (Infra-M, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 5862254536)(600dpi)(T)(609s)_GG_.djvu" (9.3М)
    53. "Salvatore D., Diulio E.A. Principles of Economics (Schaum's Easy Outlines, MGH, 2003)(ISBN 0071425837)(O)(159s)_GG_.pdf" (2.1М)
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    55. "Samuelson P.A., Barnett W.A. (eds.) Inside the Economist's Mind.. Conversations with Eminent Economists (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 1405157151)(O)(456s)_GG_.pdf" (2.9М)
    56. "Sazhina M.A., Chibrikov G.G. E'konomicheskaya teoriya (2izd., Norma, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785468000267)(600dpi)(K)(T)(673s)_GG_.djvu" (8.0М)
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    3. "Barth J. The Rise and Fall of the US Mortgage and Credit Markets (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470477245)(O)(563s)_GH_.pdf" (7.5М)
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    9. "Cargill T.F., Sakamoto T. Japan since 1980 (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 0521856728)(O)(330s)_GH_.pdf" (1.2М)
    10. "Carruthers B.G. City of capital.. Politics and markets in the English financial revolution (PUP, 1996)(ISBN 0691044554)(O)(317s)_GH_.pdf" (1.8М)
    11. "Cherkovec V.N. (red.) Vsemirnaya istoriya e'konomicheskoj mysli. T.3 (Mysl', 1989)(ru)(ISBN 5244000381)(600dpi)(T)(608s)_GH_.djvu" (7.0М)
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    13. "Cottrell P.L., Notaras G., Tortella G. (eds.) From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro (Ashgate Pub., 2007)(ISBN 0754653897)(O)(211s)_GH_.pdf" (1.4М)
    14. "Crafts N., Toniolo G. (eds.) Economic growth in Europe since 1945 (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 0521496276)(O)(T)(S)(625s)_GH_.djvu" (5.3М)
    15. "Cummings J.W. Towards Modern Public Finance.. The American War With Mexico 1846-1848 (Pickering & Chatto Ltd, 2008)(ISBN 1851969888)(235s)_GH_.pdf" (1.0М)
    16. "Feinstein C.H. (ed.) Banking, currency, and finance in Europe between the wars (OUP, 1995)(ISBN 0198288034)(O)(555s)_GH_.pdf" (2.6М)
    17. "Feldstein M. (ed.) American economic policy in the 1980s (UCP, 1994)(ISBN 0226240932)(T)(S)(836s)_GH_.djvu" (7.0М)
    18. "Ferguson N. The Ascent of Money (Penguin, 2008)(ISBN 1594201927)(T)(O)(S)(452s)_GH_.djvu" (5.2М)
    19. "Ferguson N. The cash nexus (Basic Books, 2001)(ISBN 0465023258)(T)(O)(S)(576s)_GH_.djvu" (9.0М)
    20. "Foxhall L. Olive cultivation in ancient Greece (OUP, 2007)(ISBN 0198152884)(O)(313s)_GH_.pdf" (3.9М)
    21. "Fratianni M., Spinelli F. A monetary history of Italy (CUP, 1997)(ISBN 0521443156)(T)(S)(322s)_GH_.djvu" (2.3М)
    22. "Freeland R.F. The Struggle for Control of the Modern Corporation (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 9780521630344)(O)(382s)_GH_.pdf" (1.8М)
    23. "Friedman M., Schwartz A.J. A monetary history of the United States, 1867-1960 (PUP, 1963)(ISBN 0691041474)(T)(S)(891s)_GH_.djvu" (8.5М)
    24. "Galbraith J.K. A short history of financial euphoria (Whittle Books, 1993)(ISBN 0670850284)(T)(S)(130s)_GH_.djvu" (982.2К)
    25. "Garber P.M. Famous first bubbles (MIT, 2000)(ISBN 0262072041)(O)(176s)_GH_.pdf" (556.1К)
    26. "Gregory P.R. The political economy of Stalinism (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521826284)(O)(322s)_GH_.pdf" (1.7М)
    27. "Groenewegen P. Eighteenth century economics (Routledge, 2002)(ISBN 0415279402)(446s)_GH_.pdf" (3.3М)
    28. "Hadley E.M. Memoir of a trustbuster.. A lifelong adventure with Japan (University of Hawaii Press, 2003)(ISBN 0824825896)(185s)_GH_.pdf" (1.5М)
    29. "Harris W.V. (ed.) The monetary systems of the Greeks and Romans (OUP, 2008)(ISBN 0199233357)(O)(345s)_GH_.pdf" (1.9М)
    30. "Hart M.'t, Jonker J., van Zanden J.L. (eds.) A financial history of the Netherlands (CUP, 1997)(ISBN 0521581613)(T)(S)(249s)_GH_.djvu" (1.9М)
    31. "Hetzel R.L. The Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve.. A History (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 0521881323)(409s)_GH_.pdf" (5.2М)
    32. "Hollander D.B. Money in the late Roman Republic (Brill, 2007)(ISBN 9004156496)(O)(209s)_GH_.pdf" (1.2М)
    33. "Homer S., Sylla R. A history of interest rates (4ed., Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471732834)(733s)_GH_.pdf" (11.2М)
    34. "Kennedy G. Adam Smith. A moral philosopher and his political economy (Palgrave, 2008)(ISBN 1403999481)(O)(302s)_GH_.pdf" (861.7К)
    35. "Kindleberger C.P., Aliber R.Z. Manias, Panics and Crashes.. A History of Financial Crises (Palgrave, 2005)(ISBN 140393651X)(318s)_GH_.pdf" (998.6К)
    36. "Matson C. (ed.) The economy of early America (Penn State, 2006)(ISBN 0271027118)(O)(389s)_GH_.pdf" (2.8М)
    37. "Matthews R., Feinstein C., Odling-Smee J. British economic growth 1856-1973 (OUP, 1982)(ISBN 0198284535)(O)(737s)_GH_.pdf" (4.3М)
    38. "Mercer H. Constructing a Competitive Order.. The Hidden History of British Antitrust Policy (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 9780521412926)(S)(T)(O)(285s)_GH_.djvu" (2.1М)
    39. "Michie R.C. Guilty Money.. The City of London in Victorian and Edwardian Culture, 1815-1914 (Pickering & Chatto Pub., 2009)(ISBN 185196892X)(O)(289s)_GH_.pdf" (1.2М)
    40. "Michie R.C. The London Stock Exchange (OUP, 1999)(ISBN 0199242550)(O)(697s)_FK_.pdf" (3.1М)
    41. "Minsky H.P. Stabilizing an unstable economy (MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0071592997)(T)(S)(436s)_GH_.djvu" (3.1М)
    42. "O'Gorman F. (ed.) Victorian literature and finance (OUP, 2007)(ISBN 0199281920)(216s)_GH_.pdf" (1.2М)
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    51. "Samuelson R.J. The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath (Random House, 2008)(ISBN 0375505482)(450dpi)(O)(T)(339s)_GH_.djvu" (2.2М)
    52. "Shuxov N.S., Frejdlin M.P. Matematicheskaya e'konomiya v Rossii, 1865-1995 (Nauka, 1996)(ru)(ISBN 5020123110)(600dpi)(T)(357s)_GH_.djvu" (4.5М)
    53. "Solomon R. Money on the move.. The revolution in international finance since 1980 (PUP, 1999)(ISBN 0691004447)(O)(224s)_GH_.pdf" (829.8К)
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    55. "Sorvina G.N., Yakovec Yu.V. Rossijskaya shkola e'konomicheskoj mysli, Ch.2 (RAGS, 2011)(ru)(ISBN 9785772904046)(T)(222s)_GH_.djvu" (2.4М)
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    5. "Branson W.H., Frenkel J.A., Goldstein M. (eds.) International policy coordination and exchange rate fluctuations (UCP, 1990)(ISBN 0226071413)(T)(S)(396s)_GI_.djvu" (3.4М)
    6. "Caves R.E. Multinational enterprise and economic analysis (3ed., CUP, 2007)(ISBN 052186013X)(O)(405s)_GI_.pdf" (1.7М)
    7. "Chui M., Gai P. Private sector involvement and international financial crises (OUP, 2005)(ISBN 0199267758)(O)(224s)_GI_.pdf" (916.0К)
    8. "Cleaver T. Understanding the world economy (2ed., Routledge, 2002)(ISBN 0415244048)(T)(S)(279s)_GI_.djvu" (2.2М)
    9. "Copeland L.S. Exchange rates and international finance (4ed., FTPH, 2005)(ISBN 0273683063)(513s)_GI_.pdf" (4.1М)
    10. "Desai R.M., Goldberg I. (eds.) Can Russia Compete (Brookings Institution Press, 2008)(ISBN 0815718314)(O)(201s)_GI_.pdf" (1.1М)
    11. "Devereaux C., Lawrence R.Z., Watkins M.D. Case studies in US trade negotiation, v.1.. Making the rules (IIE, 2006)(ISBN 0881323624)(411s)_GI_.pdf" (3.2М)
    12. "Devereaux C., Lawrence R.Z., Watkins M.D. Case studies in US trade negotiation, v.2.. Resolving disputes (IIE, 2006)(ISBN 0881323632)(391s)_GI_.pdf" (1.8М)
    13. "Dooley M.P., Frankel J.A. (eds.) Managing currency crises in emerging markets (UCP, 2003)(ISBN 0226155404)(456s)_GI_.pdf" (3.3М)
    14. "Dornbusch R., Edwards S. (eds.) Reform, recovery, and growth (UCP, 1995)(ISBN 0226158454)(T)(S)(440s)_GI_.djvu" (3.7М)
    15. "Dunn Jr R.M., Mutti J.H. International economics (5ed., Routledge, 2000)(ISBN 0415208793)(O)(625s)_GI_.pdf" (3.7М)
    16. "Edwards S., Ahamed L. (eds.) Economic adjustment and exchange rates in developing countries (UCP, 1986)(ISBN 0226184692)(T)(S)(460s)_GI_.djvu" (3.2М)
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    18. "El-Agraa A. The European Union (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 9781107007963)(O)(515s)_GI_.pdf" (4.5М)
    19. "Feenstra R.C. Advanced international trade (PUP, 2004)(ISBN 0691114102)(O)(657s)_GI_.pdf" (2.6М)
    20. "Feldstein M. (ed.) International capital flows (UCP, 1999)(ISBN 0226241033)(T)(S)(500s)_GI_.djvu" (4.2М)
    21. "Flanders M.J. International monetary economics, 1870-1960 (CUP, 1989)(ISBN 0521361702)(T)(S)(382s)_GI_.djvu" (2.9М)
    22. "Flath D. The Japanese economy (2ed., OUP, 2005)(ISBN 019927861X)(O)(390s)_GI_.pdf" (3.0М)
    23. "Frankel J.A. (ed.) The regionalization of the world economy (UCP, 1998)(ISBN 0226259951)(T)(S)(298s)_GI_.djvu" (2.5М)
    24. "Grauwe P.D. (ed.) Exchange rate economics.. Where do we stand (MIT, 2005)(ISBN 0262042223)(O)(367s)_GI_.pdf" (2.7М)
    25. "Grebennikov P.I. Makroe#konomika v Rossii (2003)(ru)(12s)_GI_.pdf" (376.3К)
    26. "Hairault J.-O., Sopraseuth T. (eds.) Exchange rate dynamics (Routledge, 2004)(ISBN 0415298776)(320s)_GI_.pdf" (1.5М)
    27. "Hansanti S., Islam S.M., Sheehan P. International Finance in Emerging Markets (Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, 2008)(ISBN 3790820431)(228s)_GI_.pdf" (954.5К)
    28. "Hartmann P. Currency competition and foreign exchange markets (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521632730)(211s)_GI_.pdf" (1.1М)
    29. "Heller H.R. Internationaler Handel.. Theorie und Empirie (Physica, 1975)(de)(ISBN 9783790800845)(600dpi)(T)(252s)_GI_.djvu" (2.3М)
    30. "Hilbert L.C. (ed.) Currency Interventions, Fluctuations and Economic Issues (Nova Science Pub., 2008)(ISBN 1604560789)(O)(171s)_GI_.pdf" (6.3М)
    31. "Ito T., Krueger A.O. (eds.) Changes in exchange rates in rapidly developing countries (UCP, 1999)(ISBN 0226386732)(T)(S)(466s)_GI_.djvu" (3.8М)
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    33. "Jao Y.C. The Asian financial crisis and the ordeal of Hong Kong (Quorum Books, 2001)(ISBN 1567204473)(233s)_GI_.pdf" (1.0М)
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    36. "Kindleberger C.P., Aliber R. Manias, panics, and crashes.. A history of financial crises (5ed., Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471467146)(365s)_GI_.pdf" (1.2М)
    37. "Konya I. Lectures notes in international trade (Boston, 2001)(118s)_GI_.pdf" (468.5К)
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    43. "MacDonald R. Exchange Rate Economics (Routledge, 2006)(ISBN 0415125510)(465s)_GI_.pdf" (2.2М)
    44. "MacLachlan C.M., Brinkley D. (eds.) Argentina.. What went wrong (Praeger Pub., 2006)(ISBN 0275990761)(240s)_GI_.pdf" (1.2М)
    45. "Magnusson L. (ed.) Free trade.. 1793-1886. Early sources in economics, vol. 3 (Routledge, 1997)(ISBN 0415152127)(400dpi)(T)(253s)_GI_.djvu" (3.9М)
    46. "Mark N.C. International Macroeconomics and Finance (draft, Blackwell, 2000)(ISBN 063122288X)(O)(376s)_GI_.pdf" (2.3М)
    47. "Maxfield S. Gatekeepers of growth.. Central banking in developing countries (PUP, 1997)(ISBN 0691026874)(O)(197s)_GI_.pdf" (1.1М)
    48. "OECD. Economic Surveys.. Russian Federation (OECD, 2006)(ISBN 9264029958)(227s)_GI_.pdf" (2.4М)
    49. "Obstfeld M., Rogoff K. Foundations of international macroeconomics (MIT, 1996)(ISBN 0262150476)(T)(S)(814s)_GI_.djvu" (9.4М)
    50. "Palombi L., Blumberg B.S. (eds.) Gene Cartels (Elgar, 2009)(ISBN 1847208363)(O)(410s)_GI_.pdf" (1.0М)
    51. "Radetzki M. A handbook of primary commodities in the global economy (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 0521880203)(O)(245s)_GI_.pdf" (848.3К)
    52. "Rajan R.S. Exchange Rate, Monetary And Financial Issues And Policies In Asia (WS, 2008)(ISBN 9812834575)(O)(325s)_GI_.pdf" (3.8М)
    53. "Reinert K.A. An Introduction to International Economics (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 9781107003576)(O)(501s)_GI_.pdf" (4.1М)
    54. "Sachs J.D. (ed.) Developing country debt and the world economy (UCP, 1989)(ISBN 0226733386)(T)(S)(350s)_GI_.djvu" (2.5М)
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    56. "Sarno L., Taylor M. The economics of exchange rates (CUP, 2002)(ISBN 0521481333)(O)(331s)_GI_.pdf" (3.9М)
    57. "Scott A.J. Geography and economy (OUP, 2006)(ISBN 019928430X)(191s)_GI_.pdf" (1.2М)
    58. "Seabright P. (ed.) The Vanishing rouble (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 0521790379)(402s)_GI_.pdf" (3.1М)
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    60. "Stein J.L., Allen P.R. Fundamental determinants of exchange rates (OUP, 1995)(ISBN 0198287992)(O)(273s)_GI_.pdf" (2.9М)
    61. "Thompson H. International Economics (2ed., WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812563466)(T)(O)(S)(520s)_GI_.djvu" (4.6М)
    62. "Truman E.M. Inflation targeting in the world economy (Institute for International Economics, 2003)(ISBN 0881323454)(O)(278s)_GI_.pdf" (914.7К)
    63. "Visser H. A guide to international monetary economics (3ed., Elgar, 2004)(ISBN 1843765950)(O)(272s)_GI_.pdf" (1.2М)
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    66. "Weinstein M.M. (ed.) Globalization.. What's new (Columbia, 2005)(ISBN 0231134584)(O)(293s)_GI_.pdf" (1.9М)
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    7. "Barro R.J., Sala-i-Martin X. Economic growth (2ed., MIT Press, 2004)(ISBN 0262025531)(673s)_GK_.pdf" (5.9М)
    8. "Barron J.M., Ewing B.T., Lynch G.J. Understanding macroeconomic theory (Routledge, 2006)(ISBN 0415701953)(O)(241s)_GK_.pdf" (1.1М)
    9. "Baumol W.J., Litan R.E., Schramm C.J. Good capitalism, bad capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity (YUP, 2007)(ISBN 0300109415)(334s)_GK_.pdf" (2.2М)
    10. "Bernanke B.S., Woodford M. (eds.) The inflation-targeting debate (UCP, 2005)(ISBN 0226044718)(O)(468s)_GK_.pdf" (1.8М)
    11. "Bernholz P. Monetary regimes and inflation (Elgar, 2003)(ISBN 1843761556)(T)(S)(224s)_GK_.djvu" (1.8М)
    12. "Bewley T.F. General equilibrium, overlapping generations models, and optimal growth theory (HUP, 2007)(ISBN 0674022882)(615s)_GK_.pdf" (2.7М)
    13. "Bird R.M., Gendron P.-P. The VAT in developing and transitional countries (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521877652)(O)(279s)_GK_.pdf" (1.2М)
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    16. "Burdekin R.C.K., Siklos P.L. (eds.) Deflation.. Current and historical perspectives (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521837995)(O)(385s)_GK_.pdf" (1.9М)
    17. "Cohn S.M. Reintroducing Macroeconomics.. A Critical Approach (Sharpe Reference, 2006)(ISBN 0765614502)(O)(397s)_GK_.pdf" (1.8М)
    18. "Cooper G. The Origin of Financial Crises (Harriman House, 2008)(ISBN 1905641850)(O)(209s)_GK_.pdf" (1.2М)
    19. "Cypher J.M., Dietz J.L. The process of economic development (2ed., Routledge, 2004)(ISBN 0415254159)(O)(591s)_GK_.pdf" (3.1М)
    20. "Dadkhah K. The Evolution of Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3540770070)(274s)_GK_.pdf" (3.9М)
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    22. "Dietzenbacher E., Lahr M.L. (eds.) Wassily Leontief and input-output economics (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521832381)(O)(420s)_GK_.pdf" (3.0М)
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    33. "Friedman B.M., Woodford M. (eds.) Handbook of Monetary Economics, vol.3A (NH, 2010)(ISBN 9780444532381)(754s)_GK_.pdf" (9.1М)
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    35. "Gao B. Japan's economic dilemma (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521790255)(O)(314s)_GK_.pdf" (920.7К)
    36. "Garrison R.W. Time and money.. The macroeconomics of capital structure (Routledge, 2001)(ISBN 0415079829)(O)(289s)_GK_.pdf" (1.2М)
    37. "Glick R., Moreno R., Spiegel M.M. (eds.) Financial crises in emerging markets (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 052180020X)(O)(477s)_GK_.pdf" (3.9М)
    38. "Goodhart C. The evolution of central banks (MIT, 1988)(ISBN 0262071118)(T)(S)(219s)_GK_.djvu" (1.3М)
    39. "Gordon R.J. Productivity growth, inflation, and unemployment (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521800080)(O)(518s)_GK_.pdf" (2.2М)
    40. "Gwartney J.D., Stroup R.L., Sobel R.S., Macpherson D. Macroeconomics (13ed., South-Western College Pub, 2010)(ISBN 0538754281)(O)(624s)_GK_.pdf" (21.5М)
    41. "Haldane e.A.G. (ed.) Fixing financial crises in the twenty-first century (Routledge, 2004)(ISBN 0415327601)(363s)_GK_.pdf" (2.3М)
    42. "Handa J. Monetary Economics II (2ed., Routledge, 2008)(ISBN 0415772095)(871s)_GK_.pdf" (4.3М)
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    44. "Helpman E. The mystery of economic growth (HUP, 2004)(ISBN 067401572X)(238s)_GK_.pdf" (770.9К)
    45. "Howarth D., Loedel P. The European Central Bank (Palgrave, 2003)(ISBN 0333924932)(264s)_GK_.pdf" (763.3К)
    46. "Ivashkovskij S.N. Makroe#konomika (2izd., ANX, 2002)(ISBN 5774901785)(ru)(T)(472s)_GK_.djvu" (6.0М)
    47. "Klein L.R., Welfe A., Welfe W. Principles of macroeconometric modeling (Elsevier, 1999)(ISBN 0444818782)(T)(S)(367s)_GK_.djvu" (2.4М)
    48. "Krusell P. Lecture notes for Macroeconomics I (Princeton, 2004)(196s)_GK_.pdf" (1.0М)
    49. "Lim G.C., McNelis P.D. Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy (MIT, 2008)(ISBN 0262123061)(O)(251s)_GK_.pdf" (2.7М)
    50. "Ljungqvist L., Sargent T. Recursive Macroeconomic Theory (MIT, 2000)(ISBN 0262194511)(1038s)_GK_.pdf" (5.7М)
    51. "Lusse A. Makroe#konomika (2izd., Piter, 1999)(ISBN 5804601547)(ru)(T)(240s)_GK_.djvu" (1.8М)
    52. "Mankiw N.G. (ed.) Monetary policy (UCP, 1994)(ISBN 0226503089)(T)(S)(358s)_GK_.djvu" (3.0М)
    53. "Mankiw N.G. Principles of Macroeconomics (3ed., Thomson, 2003)(ISBN 0324171897)(O)(509s)_GK_.pdf" (8.0М)
    54. "Matveeva T.Yu. Vvedenie v makroe'konomiku (5izd., VShE', 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785759805434)(600dpi)(T)(511s)_GK_.djvu" (12.7М)
    55. "McCallum B.T. Monetary economics (Palgrave, 1989)(ISBN 0023784717)(600dpi)(T)(366s)_GK_.djvu" (4.8М)
    56. "Miles D., Scott A. Macroeconomics (2ed., Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0470868929)(633s)_GK_.pdf" (3.5М)
    57. "Montiel P.J. Macroeconomics in emerging markets (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521780608)(O)(457s)_GK_.pdf" (2.3М)
    58. "Morishima M. Theory of economic growth (OUP, 1969)(ISBN 0198281641)(O)(T)(325s)_GK_.djvu" (2.6М)
    59. "Raa T.T. The economics of input-output analysis (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521841798)(213s)_GK_.pdf" (809.5К)
    60. "Rabin A. Monetary theory (Elgar, 2004)(ISBN 1840647442)(O)(323s)_GK_.pdf" (1.0М)
    61. "Romer D. Advanced macroeconomics.. Solutions manual (MGH, 1996)(KA)(200dpi)(O)(T)(ISBN 0070536686)(274s)_GK_.djvu" (2.7М)
    62. "Salvadori N. (ed.) The theory of economic growth (Elgar, 2003)(ISBN 184376010X)(409s)_GK_.pdf" (1.4М)
    63. "Scazzieri R., Sen A., Zamagni S. (eds.) Markets, Money and Capital (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521873215)(O)(467s)_GK_.pdf" (2.9М)
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    65. "Turnovsky S.J. Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521764750)(O)(255s)_GK_.pdf" (1.2М)
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    8. "Arzhenovskij S.V., Fedosova O.N. E#konometrika (Rostov, 2002)(ru)(L)(52s)_GL_.pdf" (789.5К)
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    15. "Bierens H.J. Introduction to the Foundations of Econometrics (LN, PSU, 2003)(434s)_GL_.pdf" (2.1М)
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    40. "Fan J., Yao Q. Nonlinear time series.. Nonparametric and Parametric Methods (Springer, 2003)(ISBN 0387951709)(569s)_GL_.pdf" (3.1М)
    41. "Ferguson B.S., Lim G.C. Dynamic economic models in discrete time (Routledge, 2003)(ISBN 0415288991)(O)(174s)_GL_.pdf" (922.2К)
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    44. "Franses P.H., Paap R. Periodic time series models (OUP, 2004)(ISBN 019924202X)(T)(O)(S)(162s)_GL_.djvu" (1.1М)
    45. "Gao J., et al. Multiscale analysis of complex time series (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0471654701)(O)(T)(S)(368s)_GL_.djvu" (3.2М)
    46. "Geweke J. Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471679321)(308s)_GL_.pdf" (3.5М)
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    50. "Greenberg E. Introduction to Bayesian econometrics (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 9780521858717)(O)(219s)_GL_.pdf" (1.1М)
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    55. "Hagmann M. Introduction to nonparametric econometrics (LN, HEC Lausanne & FEM, 2003)(32s)_GL_.pdf" (249.1К)
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    57. "Hansen B.E. Econometrics (draft, U. of Wisconsin, 2006)(196s)_GL_.pdf" (1.5М)
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    62. "Hendry D.F. Econometrics.. Alchemy or science (New Ed., OUP, 2000)(ISBN 0198293542)(O)(561s)_GL_.pdf" (5.6М)
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    64. "Horowitz J.L. Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 0387928693)(O)(278s)_GL_.pdf" (1.6М)
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    73. "Kirchgassner G., Wolters J. Introduction to Modern Time Series Analysis (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 354073290X)(277s)_GL_.pdf" (1.6М)
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    14. "Baumol' U. (_Baumol_) E'konomicheskaya teoriya i issledovanie operacij (Progress, 1965)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(496s)_GM_.djvu" (7.4М)
    15. "Berezhnaya E.V., Berezhnoj V.I. Matematicheskie metody modelirovaniya e#konomicheskih sistem (2izd., Finansy i statistika, 2005)(ISBN 5279029408)(ru)(T)(S)(433s)_GM_.djvu" (5.8М)
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