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  1. FA
    1. "Alexander D., Nobes C. Financial accounting (2ed., FTPH, 2004)(ISBN 0273685201)(497s)_FA_.pdf" (2.4М)
    2. "Auerbach A.J. (ed.) Corporate takeovers (UCP, 1988)(ISBN 0226032116)(400dpi)(T)(S)(354s)_FA_.djvu" (3.1М)
    3. "Barker R. Short Introduction to Accounting (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 9781107015517)(O)(170s)_FA_.pdf" (689.7К)
    4. "Beaumont P.H. Financial engineering principles (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471463582)(318s)_FA_.pdf" (1.4М)
    5. "Bender R., Ward K. Corporate Financial Strategy (3ed., BH, 2008)(ISBN 0750686650)(O)(406s)_FA_.pdf" (1.5М)
    6. "Bragg S.M. Mergers & Acquisitions (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470398949)(321s)_FA_.pdf" (1.1М)
    7. "Brealey R.A., Myers S.C. Principles of corporate finance (7ed., MGH, 2003)(ISBN 0072467665)(1062s)_FA_.pdf" (6.8М)
    8. "Brealey R.A., Myers S.C., Marcus A.J. Fundamentals of corporate finance (3ed., MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0072380519)(O)(651s)_FA_.pdf" (3.9М)
    9. "Brejli R., Majers S. (_Brealey R.A., Myers S.C._) Principy korporativnyh finansov (Olimp-Biznes, 1997)(ISBN 5901028015)(ru)(T)(1083s)_FA_.djvu" (15.2М)
    10. "Brejli R., Majers S. (_Brealey R.A., Myers S.C._) Principy korporativnyx finansov (2izd., Olimp-Biznes, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785969300897)(K)(T)(1011s)_FA_.djvu" (16.9М)
    11. "Britton A., Waterston C. Financial accounting (4ed., FTPH, 2006)(ISBN 0273703609)(365s)_FA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    12. "Bruner R.F. Deals from Hell.. M&A lessons that rise above the ashes (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470452595)(O)(435s)_FA_.pdf" (2.6М)
    13. "Chorafas D.N. Liabilities, liquidity, and cash management (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471106305)(O)(336s)_FA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    14. "Ehrhardt M.C., Brigham E.F. Corporate finance (Thomson, 2003)(ISBN 0324180357)(O)(651s)_FA_.pdf" (5.7М)
    15. "Evans F.C., Bishop D.M., Evans F.C., Bishop D.M. Valuation for M&A (Wiley, 2001)(ISBN 0471411019)(313s)_FA_.pdf" (661.0К)
    16. "Frankel M.E.S. Mergers and acquisitions basics (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471675180)(322s)_FA_.pdf" (906.7К)
    17. "Freixas X., Rochet J.-C. Microeconomics of Banking (2ed., MIT, 2008)(ISBN 0262062704)(389s)_FA_.pdf" (3.0М)
    18. "Friedlob G.T., Schleifer L.L.F. Essentials of financial analysis (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471228303)(O)(241s)_FA_.pdf" (1.9М)
    19. "Gaughan P.A. Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0471705640)(639s)_FA_.pdf" (3.7М)
    20. "Grinblatt M., Titman S. Financial markets and corporate strategy (MGH, 2002)(ISBN 0072294337)(893s)_FA_.pdf" (5.6М)
    21. "Guerard J.B.Jr., Schwartz E. Quantitative Corporate Finance (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 1402070195)(546s)_FA_.pdf" (3.8М)
    22. "Heffernan S. Modern banking (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0470095008)(O)(739s)_FA_.pdf" (3.9М)
    23. "Helfert E.A. Financial analysis (MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071378340)(O)(510s)_FA_.pdf" (3.5М)
    24. "Holden C.W. Spreadsheet modeling in corporate finance (PH, 2002)(ISBN 0130499056)(O)(168s)_FA_.pdf" (1.6М)
    25. "Jacobs B.I., Levy K.N. (eds.) Market neutral strategies (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471268682)(304s)_FA_.pdf" (3.5М)
    26. "Kramer B., Johnson C. Financial Statements Demystified (MGH, 2009)(ISBN 0071543872)(O)(305s)_FA_.pdf" (1.5М)
    27. "Krishnamurti C., Vishwanath S.R. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring (Sage, 2008)(ISBN 076193586X)(O)(433s)_FA_.pdf" (1.6М)
    28. "Lerner J., Cashin J.A. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of principles of accounting I (5ed., MGH, 1998)(ISBN 0070381496)(T)(397s)_FA_.djvu" (4.2М)
    29. "Livingstone J.L., Grossman T. (eds.) The portable MBA in finance and accounting (3ed., Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471061859)(O)(672s)_FA_.pdf" (3.4М)
    30. "Marriott P., Edwards J.R., Mellett H.J. Introduction to accounting (3ed., Sage, 2002)(ISBN 0761970371)(552s)_FA_.pdf" (1.8М)
    31. "Mayes S. Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel 2002 (3ed., Thomson, 2006)(ISBN 0324372264)(O)(387s)_FA_.pdf" (4.0М)
    32. "Miller E.L. Mergers and acquisitions (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470222743)(347s)_FA_.pdf" (1.4М)
    33. "Minbiole E.A. Accounting Principles II (Cliffs Notes, 2000)(ISBN 0764585657)(306s)_FA_.pdf" (1.0М)
    34. "Morris G.D., McKay S., Oates A. Finance Director's Handbook (5ed., CIMA Pub., 2009)(ISBN 0750687010)(O)(1006s)_FA_.pdf" (6.7М)
    35. "Paramasivan C., Subramanian T. Financial Management (New Age Pub., 2008)(ISBN 8122425739)(O)(283s)_FA_.pdf" (1.3М)
    36. "Reed S.F., Lajoux A., Nesvold H.P. The art of M & A (4ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0071403027)(1082s)_FA_.pdf" (4.5М)
    37. "Reuvid J. (ed.) Mergers and Acquisitions (Kogan Page, 2007)(ISBN 0749447508)(304s)_FA_.pdf" (850.7К)
    38. "Rid S.F., Lazhu A.R. (_Reed S.F., Lajoux A.R._) Iskusstvo sliyanij i pogloshchenij (Al#pina, 2004)(ISBN 5961400158)(ru)(T)(S)(960s)_FA_.djvu" (9.1М)
    39. "Riggs H.E. Understanding the Financial Score (MC, 2007)(ISBN 1598291688)(176s)_FA_.pdf" (968.8К)
    40. "Robinson T.R., van Greuning H., Henry E., Broihahn M.A. International Financial Statement Analysis (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470287667)(O)(864s)_FA_.pdf" (5.3М)
    41. "Rosenbaum J., Pearl J., Perella J.R. Investment Banking.. Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470442204)(O)(332s)_FA_.pdf" (2.2М)
    42. "Ross S.A., Westerfield R.W., Jaffe J. Corporate Finance (6ed., MGH, 2002)(ISBN 0072831936)(O)(971s)_FA_.pdf" (5.8М)
    43. "Rudyk N.B. Struktura kapitala korporacij (Delo, 2004)(ISBN 577490377X)(ru)(T)(272s)_FA_.djvu" (2.9М)
    44. "Shim J.K., Siegel J.G. Schaum's Outline of Financial Management (3ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0071481281)(498s)_FA_.pdf" (3.3М)
    45. "Siciliano D. (_Siciliano G._) Finansy dlya nefinansovyx menedzherov (GrossMedia, 2005)(ISBN 5476001298)(ru)(T)(S)(252s)_FA_.djvu" (3.3М)
    46. "Siciliano G. Finance for non-financial managers (MGH, 2003)(ISBN 0071413774)(O)(239s)_FA_.pdf" (2.6М)
    47. "Tirole J. The theory of corporate finance (PUP, 2006)(ISBN 0691125562)(657s)_FA_.pdf" (3.8М)
    48. "Tjia J. Building financial models (MGH, 2004)(ISBN 0071402101)(353s)_FA_.pdf" (2.7М)
    49. "Tracy J. Accounting For Dummies (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470246006)(409s)_FA_.pdf" (2.5М)
    50. "Tracy J.A. The fast forward MBA in finance (2ed., Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471202851)(O)(337s)_FA_.pdf" (2.1М)
    51. "Vernimmen P., Quiry P. Corporate Finance (2ed., Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470721928)(O)(1059s)_FA_.pdf" (6.7М)
    52. "Vishwanath S.R. Corporate Finance (Sage, 2007)(ISBN 0761934979)(O)(764s)_FA_.pdf" (4.3М)
    53. "Weaver S.C., Weston J.F. Finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers (MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071382593)(360s)_FA_.pdf" (4.7М)
    54. "Welch I. A first course in corporate finance (draft, Brown, 2006)(764s)_FA_.pdf" (5.6М)
  2. FB
    1. "Batten J.A., Fetherston T.A., Szilagyi P.G. (eds.) European fixed income markets (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470850531)(505s)_FB_.pdf" (2.4М)
    2. "Brandes M.V. Naked guide to bonds (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471462217)(259s)_FB_.pdf" (1.0М)
    3. "Brigo D., Mercurio F. Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540221492)(1014s)_FB_.pdf" (7.3М)
    4. "Buetow G.W., Sochacki J. Term-structure models using binomial trees (CFA Institute, 2001)(ISBN 0943205530)(O)(103s)_FB_.pdf" (665.5К)
    5. "Carmona R.A. Interest rate models (draft, 2000)(58s)_FB_.pdf" (341.0К)
    6. "Choudhry M. An Introduction to Repo Markets (3ed., Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470017562)(226s)_FB_.pdf" (4.1М)
    7. "Choudhry M. An introduction to bond markets (3ed., Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470017589)(434s)_FB_.pdf" (8.0М)
    8. "Choudhry M. Bonds.. A Concise Guide for Investors (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006)(ISBN 0230006493)(191s)_FB_.pdf" (1.4М)
    9. "Choudhry M. The Futures Bond Basis (2ed., Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470025891)(257s)_FB_.pdf" (3.2М)
    10. "Choudhry M. The bond and money markets (BH, 2001)(ISBN 0750646772)(1151s)_FB_.pdf" (10.6М)
    11. "Eurex. Interest Rate Derivatives.. Fixed Income Trading Strategies (brochure, 2002)(109s)_FB_.pdf" (528.6К)
    12. "Fabozzi F.J. (ed.) Interest rate, term structure, and valuation modeling (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471220949)(530s)_FB_.pdf" (5.4М)
    13. "Fabozzi F.J., Mann S.V. (eds.) The handbook of fixed income securities (7ed., MGH, 2005)(ISBN 0071440992)(1531s)_FB_.pdf" (9.9М)
    14. "Faerber E. All About Bonds, Bond Mutual Funds, and Bond ETFs (3ed., MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0071544275)(335s)_FB_.pdf" (1.6М)
    15. "Faerber E. Fundamentals of the bond market (MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071362517)(270s)_FB_.pdf" (828.5К)
    16. "Filipovic D. Term-Structure Models.. A Graduate Course (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3540097260)(O)(259s)_FB_.pdf" (2.9М)
    17. "Gatarek D., Bachert P., Maksymiuk R. The LIBOR market model in practice (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470014431)(291s)_FB_.pdf" (1.9М)
    18. "Grandville O. Bond pricing and portfolio analysis (MIT, 2001)(ISBN 0262041855)(O)(473s)_FB_.pdf" (2.6М)
    19. "Homer S., Leibowitz M.L. Inside the yield book (Bloomberg, 2004)(ISBN 1576601595)(286s)_FB_.pdf" (7.4М)
    20. "Kellison S.G. The Theory of Interest (2ed., MGH, 2000)(ISBN 0256091501)(T)(S)(345s)_FB_.djvu" (3.0М)
    21. "Munk C. Fixed income analysis.. Securities, pricing, and risk management (draft, Denmark, 2004)(340s)_FB_.pdf" (2.5М)
    22. "Munnik J.F.J.d. The valuation of interest rate derivative securities (Routledge, 1996)(ISBN 0415137276)(195s)_FB_.pdf" (2.7М)
    23. "Nawalkha S.K., Soto G.M., Beliaeva N.K. Interest rate risk modeling (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471427241)(430s)_FB_.pdf" (2.3М)
    24. "Puhle M. Bond Portfolio Optimization (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540765921)(143s)_FB_.pdf" (821.5К)
    25. "Rebonato R. Interest-rate option models (2ed., Wiley, 1998)(ISBN 0471979589)(T)(S)(543s)_FB_.djvu" (6.8М)
    26. "Repplinger D. Pricing of Bond Options.. Unspanned Stochastic Volatility and Random Field Models (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540707212)(O)(141s)_FB_.pdf" (1.3М)
    27. "Ryan R.J. (ed.) Yield Curve Dynamics (Global Professional Pub., 1999)(ISBN 1888998067)(200dpi)(T)(S)(231s)_FB_.djvu" (1.6М)
    28. "Stander Y. Yield Curve Modelling (Palgrave, 2005)(ISBN 1403947260)(205s)_FB_.pdf" (1.6М)
    29. "Sundaresan S. Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives (3ed., AP, 2009)(ISBN 0123704715)(O)(456s)_FB_.pdf" (4.7М)
    30. "Tuckman B. Fixed income securities (2ed., Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471063177)(511s)_FB_.pdf" (2.7М)
    31. "Yago G., Trimbath S. Beyond junk bonds.. Expanding high yield markets (OUP, 2003)(ISBN 0195149238)(O)(315s)_FB_.pdf" (1.4М)
  3. FC
    1. "Anson M., et al. Credit derivatives (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 047146600X)(354s)_FC_.pdf" (7.1М)
    2. "Armendariz de Aghion B., Morduch J. The economics of microfinance (MIT, 2005)(ISBN 0262012162)(O)(361s)_FC_.pdf" (2.1М)
    3. "Arvanitis A., Gregory J. Credit.. The complete guide to pricing, hedging and risk management (Risk Books, 2001)(ISBN 1899332731)(439s)_FC_.pdf" (2.3М)
    4. "Banks E. Synthetic and structured assets (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470017139)(281s)_FC_.pdf" (1.5М)
    5. "Bertola G., Disney R., Grant C. (eds.) The economics of consumer credit (MIT, 2006)(ISBN 0262026015)(O)(389s)_FC_.pdf" (2.5М)
    6. "Bindseil U., Gonzalez F., Tabakis E. (eds.) Risk management for central banks and other public investors (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521518563)(O)(542s)_FC_.pdf" (2.7М)
    7. "Bouchaud J.-P., Potters M. Theory of financial risks (draft version, CUP, 1999)(ISBN 0521782325)(L)(124s)_FC_.pdf" (1.9М)
    8. "Bouchet M.H., Clark E., Groslambert B. Country risk assessment (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0470845007)(288s)_FC_.pdf" (1.4М)
    9. "Bruyere R., et al. (eds.) Credit derivatives and structured credit (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470018798)(295s)_FC_.pdf" (2.1М)
    10. "Caselli S., Gatti S. (eds.) Structured Finance.. Techniques, Products and Market (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540253114)(215s)_FC_.pdf" (1.2М)
    11. "Chekulaev M.V. Risk-Menedzhment (Al#pina, 2002)(ISBN 5945990353)(ru)(T)(343s)_FC_.djvu" (3.3М)
    12. "Chong Y.Y. Investment risk management (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470849517)(223s)_FC_.pdf" (1.3М)
    13. "Choudhry M., Tanna K. (eds.) An Introduction to Value-at-Risk (4ed., Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470017570)(194s)_FC_.pdf" (3.5М)
    14. "Cont R. (ed.) Frontiers in Quantitative Finance.. Volatility and Credit Risk Modeling (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 047029292X)(O)(320s)_FC_.pdf" (2.6М)
    15. "Dempster M.A.H. (ed.) Risk management (CUP, 2002)(ISBN 0521781809)(O)(290s)_FC_.pdf" (1.9М)
    16. "Dowd K. An introduction to market risk measurement (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0470847484)(307s)_FC_.pdf" (1.5М)
    17. "Dowd K. Measuring market risk (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471521744)(395s)_FC_.pdf" (1.8М)
    18. "Duffie D., Singleton K.J. Credit risk (PUP, 2003)(ISBN 0691090467)(O)(414s)_FC_.pdf" (8.7М)
    19. "Esch L., Kieffer R., Lopez T. Asset and risk management.. Risk oriented finance (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471491446)(416s)_FC_.pdf" (2.4М)
    20. "Finlay S. Consumer Credit Fundamentals (Palgrave, 2006)(ISBN 1403939780)(262s)_FC_.pdf" (830.6К)
    21. "Franke J., Hardle W., Stahl G. (eds.) Measuring risk in complex stochastic systems (Springer, 2000)(ISBN 038798996X)(O)(251s)_FC_.pdf" (6.3М)
    22. "James T. Energy Price Risk (Palgrave, 2003)(ISBN 1403903409)(O)(553s)_FC_.pdf" (17.5М)
    23. "Jones S., Hensher D.A. (eds.) Advances in credit risk modelling and corporate bankruptcy prediction (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 0521869285)(O)(310s)_FC_.pdf" (1.2М)
    24. "Jorion P. Financial Risk Manager Handbook (2ed., Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 047143003X)(O)(733s)_FC_.pdf" (2.5М)
    25. "Jorion P., GARP. (eds.) Financial risk manager handbook (4ed., Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0470126302)(O)(739s)_FC_.pdf" (3.5М)
    26. "Lando D. Credit risk modeling (PUP, 2004)(ISBN 0691089299)(329s)_FC_.pdf" (2.3М)
    27. "Lehman Brothers. Credit Derivatives Explained (Lehman Brothers, 2001)(86s)_FC_.pdf" (316.4К)
    28. "Lehman Brothers. Guide to Exotic Credit Derivatives (Lehman Brothers, 2003)(60s)_FC_.pdf" (1.1М)
    29. "Malevergne Y., Sornette D. Extreme Financial Risks.. From Dependence to Risk Management (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354027264X)(321s)_FC_.pdf" (5.2М)
    30. "Meissner G. Credit Derivatives (Blackwell, 2005)(ISBN 1405126760)(246s)_FC_.pdf" (965.6К)
    31. "Men#shikov I.S., Shelagin D.A. Rynochnye riski.. Modeli i metody (RAN, 2000)(ru)(55s)_FC_.pdf" (621.0К)
    32. "Meucci A. Risk and asset allocation (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540222138)(546s)_FC_.pdf" (4.5М)
    33. "Meyer D.J. (ed.) The economics of risk (W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2003)(ISBN 0880992689)(192s)_FC_.pdf" (1.0М)
    34. "Mounfield C.C. Synthetic CDOs.. Modelling, valuation and risk management (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521897882)(386s)_FC_.pdf" (3.7М)
    35. "Mun J. Modeling risk (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471789003)(623s)_FC_.pdf" (12.5М)
    36. "Pilipovic D. Energy Risk (2ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0071485945)(O)(530s)_FC_.pdf" (8.1М)
    37. "Preinitz W. A Fast Track To Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring and Valuation.. Jump Start VBA (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470398124)(O)(769s)_FC_.pdf" (10.7М)
    38. "Rajan A., McDermott G., Roy R. The structured credit handbook (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0471747491)(499s)_FC_.pdf" (2.7М)
    39. "Rychlik I., Ryden J. Probability and Risk Analysis (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540242236)(O)(286s)_FC_.pdf" (4.3М)
    40. "Shirreff D. Dealing with Financial Risk (Economist Books, 2004)(ISBN 1861975910)(223s)_FC_.pdf" (859.9К)
    41. "Skinner F. Pricing and hedging interest and credit risk sensitive instruments (Elsevier BH, 2005)(ISBN 075066259X)(O)(389s)_FC_.pdf" (1.7М)
    42. "Stein J.L. Stochastic Optimal Control and the U.S. Financial Debt Crisis (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461430780)(O)(175s).pdf" (1.4М)
    43. "Stupakov V.S., Tokarenko G.S. Risk-menedzhment (Finansy i Statistika, 2006)(ISBN 5279028436)(ru)(T)(K)(289s)_FC_.djvu" (3.4М)
    44. "Tapiero C. Risk and financial management (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470849088)(344s)_FC_.pdf" (2.2М)
    45. "Tarantino D.A., Cernauskas D. Risk Management in Finance (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470413468)(O)(358s)_FC_.pdf" (2.0М)
    46. "Warwick B. (ed.) The handbook of risk (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471064122)(285s)_FC_.pdf" (1.8М)
  4. FD
    1. "Alexander C. Market risk analysis III.. Pricing, hedging and trading financial instruments (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470997893)(423s)_FD_.pdf" (10.3М)
    2. "Alexandridis A., Zapranis A. Weather derivatives. Modeling and pricing weather-related risk (Springer, 2013)(ISBN 9781461460701)(O)(309s)_FD_.pdf" (5.5М)
    3. "Back K. A course in derivative securities (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540253734)(357s)_FD_.pdf" (1.4М)
    4. "Baxter M., Rennie A. Financial calculus.. An introduction to derivative pricing (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 0521552893)(T)(241s)_FD_.djvu" (2.3М)
    5. "Bjoerk T. Arbitrage theory in continuous time (2ed., OUP, 2004)(ISBN 0199271267)(400dpi)(T)(S)(486s)_FD_.djvu" (4.5М)
    6. "Bjoerk T. Arbitrage theory in continuous time (OUP, 1998)(ISBN 0198775180)(T)(S)(324s)_FD_.pdf" (6.4М)
    7. "Bouchaud J.-P., Potters M. Theory of financial risk and derivative pricing (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521819164)(O)(401s)_FD_.pdf" (4.1М)
    8. "Bouziane M. Pricing Interest-Rate Derivatives (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540770657)(207s)_FD_.pdf" (3.4М)
    9. "Broadie M., Glasserman P. Hedging with options (no front)(Risk Books, 1998)(ISBN 1899332022)(T)(C)(236s)_FD_.djvu" (4.9М)
    10. "Buff R. Uncertain Volatility Models - Theory and Application (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540426574)(T)(S)(256s)_FD_.djvu" (1.9М)
    11. "Burenin A.N. Forvardy, f#yuchersy, opciony (Moskva, 2005)(ISBN 5902189063)(ru)(T)(542s)_FD_.djvu" (4.8М)
    12. "Calvet L., Fisher A. Multifractal Volatility..Theory, Forecasting, and Pricing (AP, 2008)(ISBN 0121500136)(252s)_FD_.pdf" (3.6М)
    13. "Chance D.M. Essays in derivatives (2ed., Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470086254)(O)(435s)_FD_.pdf" (2.1М)
    14. "Chern I.-L. Financial mathematics (LN, Taiwan, 2007)(109s)_FD_.pdf" (525.4К)
    15. "Chisholm A.M. Derivatives demystified (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 047009382X)(O)(251s)_FD_.pdf" (1.1М)
    16. "Chorafas D.N. Introduction to derivative financial instruments (MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0071546642)(384s)_FD_.pdf" (1.8М)
    17. "Culp C.L. Risk transfer.. Derivatives in theory and practice (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471464988)(481s)_FD_.pdf" (1.7М)
    18. "Deutsch H.-P. Derivatives and internal models (Palgrave, 2002)(ISBN 0333977068)(638s)_FD_.pdf" (3.6М)
    19. "Duarte J. Futures & options for dummies (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471752835)(387s)_FD_.pdf" (3.1М)
    20. "Eales B.A., Choudhry M. Derivative instruments (BH, 2003)(ISBN 0750654198)(273s)_FD_.pdf" (2.6М)
    21. "Epps T.W. Pricing Derivative Securities (2ed., WS, 2007)(ISBN 9812700331)(644s)_FD_.pdf" (4.3М)
    22. FDrop
      1. "Brach M.A. Real options in practice (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471263087)(O)(378s)_FDrop_.pdf" (5.8М)
      2. "Chance D.M., Peterson P.P. Real options and investment valuation (CFA Institute, 2002)(ISBN 0943205573)(O)(126s)_FDrop_.pdf" (1.1М)
      3. "Eapen G. Decision Options.. The Art and Science of Making Decisions (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 1420086820)(320s)_FDrop_.pdf" (8.7М)
      4. "Kodukula P., Papudesu C. Project Valuation Using Real Options (J. Ross Pub., 2006)(ISBN 1932159436)(257s)_FDrop_.pdf" (1.6М)
      5. "Mun J. Real options analysis (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 047125696X)(415s)_FDrop_.pdf" (3.9М)
      6. "Mun J. Real options analysis course (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471430013)(O)(319s)_FDrop_.pdf" (6.2М)
      7. "Reuer J.J., Tong T.W. (eds.) Real Options Theory (JAI Press, 2007)(ISBN 0762314273)(519s)_FDrop_.pdf" (2.9М)
      8. "Smit H.T.J., Trigeorgis L. Strategic investment (PUP, 2004)(ISBN 0691010390)(505s)_FDrop_.pdf" (1.6М)
    23. FDtrd
      1. "Allaire M. The Options Strategist (MGH, 2003)(ISBN 0071408959)(273s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (976.1К)
      2. "Bernstein J. How to trade the new single stock futures (Dearborn Trade Pub., 2003)(ISBN 0793157811)(O)(214s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (3.0М)
      3. "Bittman J. Trading Options as a Professional (MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0071465057)(O)(382s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (1.4М)
      4. "Borsellino L.J. Trading S&P, Nasdaq 100 & E-mini Futures (web draft, 2001)(45s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (510.9К)
      5. "Cohen G. Options Made Easy.. Your Guide to Profitable Trading (2ed., FTPH, 2005)(ISBN 0131871358)(369s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (4.9М)
      6. "Cohen G. The Bible of Options Strategies (FTPH, 2005)(ISBN 0131710664)(401s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (2.3М)
      7. "Cottle C.M. Options Trading.. The Hidden Reality (RiskDoctor, 2006)(ISBN 0977869172)(430s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (4.6М)
      8. "De Weert F. An introduction to options trading (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470029706)(178s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (1.2М)
      9. "De Weert F. Exotic Options Trading (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470517905)(205s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (1.5М)
      10. "Duarte J. Trading Futures For Dummies (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470287225)(386s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (5.0М)
      11. "Dubil R. An arbitrage guide to financial markets (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470853328)(346s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (2.9М)
      12. "Fontanills G.A. The Options Course Workbook (2ed., Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471694215)(236s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (740.5К)
      13. "Fontanills G.A. The Options Course.. High Profit & Low Stress Trading Methods (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471668516)(594s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (2.5М)
      14. "Fontanills G.A. Trade Options Online (2ed., Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470336021)(O)(482s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (7.8М)
      15. "Fontanills G.A. Trading Options For Dummies (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470241764)(385s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (4.9М)
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      17. "Jabbour G., Budwick P. The option trader handbook (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471567078)(355s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (1.1М)
      18. "Johnston S.A., Johnston S. Trading options to win (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471226858)(319s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (921.2К)
      19. "Lind-Waldock. The Complete Guide to Futures Trading (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470055596)(313s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (3.7М)
      20. "Powers M. Starting out in futures trading (6ed., MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071363904)(395s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (2.0М)
      21. "Sinclair E. Volatility Trading, + CD-ROM (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470181990)(227s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (2.7М)
      22. "Thomsett M.C. Options trading for the conservative investor (FTPH, 2005)(ISBN 0131497855)(285s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (1.9М)
      23. "Thomsett M.C. Winning With Futures (AMACOM, 2008)(ISBN 0814409873)(O)(257s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (4.5М)
      24. "Thomsett M.S. (_Thomsett_) Torgovlya opcionami (3ed., Al#pina, 2001)(ISBN 5896840160)(ru)(T)(342s)_FDtrd_.djvu" (3.5М)
      25. "Ward R. Options and options trading (MGH, 2004)(ISBN 0071432094)(O)(405s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (3.2М)
      26. "Wasendorf R.R. All about futures (MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071341706)(289s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (1.3М)
      27. "Yates L. High performance options trading (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471323659)(238s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (5.0М)
      28. "Yates T. Enhanced Indexing Strategies.. Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher Performance (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470259256)(O)(305s)_FDtrd_.pdf" (5.9М)
    24. "Fengler M.R. Semiparametric Modeling of Implied Volatility (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262342)(231s)_FD_.pdf" (4.5М)
    25. "Gatheral J. The volatility surface.. A practitioner's guide (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471792519)(210s)_FD_.pdf" (1.5М)
    26. "Hall Dzh.K. (_Hull J.C._) Opciony, f#yuchersy i drugie proizvodnye finansovye instrumenty (glavy 1-15)(6izd., Vil#yams, 2007)(ISBN 9785845912053)(ru)(100dpi)(C)(518s)_FD_.pdf" (25.6М)
    27. "Henry-Labordere P. Analysis, Geometry, and Modeling in Finance.. Advanced Methods in Option Pricing (CRC, 2008)(ISBN 1420086995)(402s)_FD_.pdf" (2.5М)
    28. "Higham D. An introduction to financial option valuation (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521547571)(297s)_FD_.pdf" (2.6М)
    29. "Hull J.C. Options, Futures, and other Derivatives (7ed., PH, 2009)(ISBN 9780135009949)(K)(T)(838s)_MVspf_.djvu" (13.5М)
    30. "Hull J.C. Options, futures and other derivatives (7ed., Pearson PH, 2009)(ISBN 0136015867)(T)(S)(837s)_FD_.djvu" (11.0М)
    31. "Hunt P.J., Kennedy J.E. Financial derivatives in theory and practice (Revised Ed., Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470863595)(469s)_FD_.pdf" (5.4М)
    32. "James P. Option theory (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471492892)(388s)_FD_.pdf" (7.9М)
    33. "Jewson S., Brix A. Weather derivative valuation (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521843715)(392s)_FD_.pdf" (3.3М)
    34. "Jiang L. Mathematical Modeling and Methods of Option Pricing (WS, 2005)(ISBN 9812563695)(T)(S)(342s)_FD_.djvu" (1.8М)
    35. "Jouini E., Cvitanic J., Musiela M. (eds.) Option pricing, interest rates and risk management (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521792371)(O)(686s)_FD_.pdf" (3.3М)
    36. "Kline D. Fundamentals of the futures market (MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071379886)(272s)_FD_.pdf" (2.4М)
    37. "Kohn R.V. Continuous Time Finance (LN, NYU, 2004)(80s)_FD_.pdf" (1.3М)
    38. "Kohn R.V. Derivative Securities (LN, NYU, 2004)(152s)_FD_.pdf" (1.9М)
    39. "Kohn R.V. Partial Differential Equations for Finance (LN, NYU, 2003)(123s)_FD_.pdf" (1.4М)
    40. "Kolb R.W., Overdahl J.A. Financial derivatives (3ed., Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471232327)(336s)_FD_.pdf" (1.4М)
    41. "Konnolli K.B. (_Connolly K.B._) Pokupka i prodazha volatil#nosti (IK Analitika, 2000)(ru)(T)(243s)_FD_.djvu" (2.2М)
    42. "Kwok Y.-K. Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540422889)(541s)_FD_.pdf" (4.4М)
    43. "Kyprianou A., Schoutens W., Wilmott P. Exotic option pricing and advanced Levy models (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0470016841)(344s)_FD_.pdf" (3.5М)
    44. "Lewis A. Option Valuation under Stochastic Volatility (Finance Press,2000)(ISBN 0967637201)(400dpi)(K)(T)(362s)_FD_.djvu" (6.7М)
    45. "Lofton T. Getting started in futures (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471732923)(303s)_FD_.pdf" (4.9М)
    46. "McCafferty T.A. All about options (2ed., MGH, 1998)(ISBN 0070455430)(257s)_FD_.pdf" (1.1М)
    47. "McMillan L.G. McMillan on options (2ed., Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471678759)(671s)_FD_.pdf" (2.7М)
    48. "Miron P., Swannell P. Pricing and Hedging Swaps (Euromoney Pub., 1992)(ISBN 185564052X)(O)(264s)_FD_.pdf" (69.5М)
    49. "Natenberg S. Option Volatility & Pricing (MGH, 1994)(ISBN 155738486X)(T)(S)(476s)_FD_.djvu" (4.3М)
    50. "Neftci S.N. Principles of Financial Engineering (2ed., AP, 2008)(ISBN 0123735742)(O)(697s)_FD_.pdf" (3.5М)
    51. "Overhaus M., et al. Equity Derivatives.. Theory and Applications (Wiley, 2001)(ISBN 0471436461)(238s)_FD_.pdf" (1.0М)
    52. "Poon S.-H., Stapleton R.C. Asset pricing in discrete time (OUP, 2005)(ISBN 0199271445)(O)(153s)_FD_.pdf" (2.5М)
    53. "Raw H. Binary Options (Harriman House, 2008)(ISBN 1905641532)(259s)_FD_.pdf" (3.0М)
    54. "Ross S.M. An elementary introduction to mathematical finance (3ed., CUP, 2011)(ISBN 9780521192538)(O)(323s)_FD_.pdf" (1.0М)
    55. "Ross S.M. An introduction to mathematical finance.. Options and other topics (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 0521770432)(600dpi)(T)(200s)_FD_.djvu" (1.1М)
    56. "Rostek S. Option Pricing in Fractional Brownian Markets (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642003303)(O)(146s)_FD_.pdf" (2.3М)
    57. "Rouah F.D., Vainberg G. Option Pricing Models and Volatility Using Excel-VBA (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0471794643)(458s)_FD_.pdf" (10.7М)
    58. "Rubinstein M. Rubinstein On Derivatives (Risk Books, 2000)(ISBN 1899332537)(T)(485s)_FD_.djvu" (6.3М)
    59. "Schofield N.C. Commodity derivatives (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0470019107)(337s)_FD_.pdf" (1.4М)
    60. "Schoutens W. Levy processes in finance.. Pricing financial derivatives (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0470851562)(189s)_FD_.pdf" (2.3М)
    61. "Syz J.M. Property derivatives (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470998024)(246s)_FD_.pdf" (1.8М)
    62. "Taleb N. Dynamic hedging.. Managing vanilla and exotic options (Wiley, 1997)(ISBN 0471152803)(T)(515s)_FD_.djvu" (5.0М)
    63. "Tavella D. Quantitative methods in derivatives pricing (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471394475)(304s)_FD_.pdf" (1.7М)
    64. "Thomsett M.C. Getting Started in Options (7ed., Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0470138068)(395s)_FD_.pdf" (4.7М)
    65. "Vajn S. (_Vine_) Opciony (Al#pina, 2003)(ISBN 5945990809)(ru)(T)(382s)_FD_.djvu" (5.9М)
    66. "Wiersema U. Brownian Motion Calculus (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0470021705)(331s)_FD_.pdf" (2.3М)
    67. "Wilmott P. (ed.) The Best of Wilmott 1 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470023511)(460s)_FD_.pdf" (5.2М)
    68. "Wilmott P. (ed.) The best of Wilmott 2 (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470017384)(407s)_FD_.pdf" (5.0М)
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    70. "Wilmott P. Paul Wilmott on quantitative finance (2ed., Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470018704)(1401s)_FD_.pdf" (15.6М)
    71. "Wilmott P., Howison S., Dewynne J. The mathematics of financial derivatives.. A student introduction (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 0521497892)(T)(S)(329s)_FD_.djvu" (2.0М)
  5. FG
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    2. "Amin S. Data against natural disasters (World Bank, 2008)(ISBN 0821374524)(O)(342s)_FG_.pdf" (983.1К)
    3. "Bailey R.E. The economics of financial markets (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 052184827X)(550s)_FG_.pdf" (2.7М)
    4. "Caprio G., Honohan P., Stiglitz J.E. (eds.) Financial liberalization (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521803691)(319s)_FG_.pdf" (1.7М)
    5. "Cesarano F. Monetary Theory and Bretton Woods.. The Construction of an International Monetary Order (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521867592)(O)(264s)_FG_.pdf" (890.7К)
    6. "Cheng B., Tong H. Asset pricing.. A structural theory and its applications (WS, 2008)(ISBN 9812704558)(O)(91s)_FG_.pdf" (1.1М)
    7. "Cliff M. Finance notes (draft, 1998)(213s)_FG_.pdf" (888.2К)
    8. "Cochrane J.H. Asset pricing (Rev.Ed., PUP, 2005)(ISBN 0691121370)(553s)_FG_.pdf" (3.9М)
    9. "Constantinides G.M., Harris M., , Stulz R.M. (eds.) Handbook of the economics of finance (Elsevier NH, 2003)(ISBN 0444513639)(698s)_FG_.pdf" (3.4М)
    10. "Crack T.F. Heard on the street.. quantitative questions from Wall Street interviews (9ed., T.F.Crack, 2004)(ISBN 0970055234)(500dpi)(T)(274s)_FG_.djvu" (3.1М)
    11. "Cuthbertson K., Nitzsche D. Quantitative financial economics.. Stocks, bonds and foreign exchange (2ed., Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470091711)(O)(738s)_FG_.pdf" (3.5М)
    12. "Cvitanic J., Zapatero F. Introduction to the economics and mathematics of financial markets (MIT, 2004)(ISBN 0262033208)(517s)_FG_.pdf" (1.6М)
    13. "Danthine J.-P., Donaldson J.B. Intermediate financial theory (2ed., PH, 2002)(ISBN 0130174467)(466s)_FG_.pdf" (4.5М)
    14. "Eeckhoudt L., Gollier C., Schlesinger H. Economic and financial decisions under risk (PUP, 2005)(ISBN 0691122156)(245s)_FG_.pdf" (2.0М)
    15. "Engerman S.L., et al. (eds.) Finance, intermediaries, and economic development (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521820545)(O)(362s)_FG_.pdf" (2.2М)
    16. "Estrada J. Finance in a nutshell (FTPH, 2005)(ISBN 0273675400)(403s)_FG_.pdf" (2.6М)
    17. "Fabozzi F.J. (ed.) Handbook of finance (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470078146)(O)(869s)_FG_.pdf" (10.4М)
    18. "Fabozzi F.J., Focardi S.M., Kolm P.N. Financial Modeling of the Equity Market.. From CAPM to Cointegration (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471699004)(673s)_FG_.pdf" (9.5М)
    19. "Funke C. Selected Essays in Empirical Asset Pricing (Gabler, 2008)(ISBN 3834911429)(122s)_FG_.pdf" (536.4К)
    20. "Gandolfo G. International finance and open-economy macroeconomics (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540434593)(T)(S)(640s)_FG_.djvu" (11.9М)
    21. "Howells P., Bain K. The economics of money, banking and finance.. A European text (3ed., FTPH, 2005)(ISBN 0273693395)(621s)_FG_.pdf" (8.9М)
    22. "Jones C. Financial Economics (Routledge, 2008)(ISBN 0415375843)(333s)_FG_.pdf" (2.2М)
    23. "Joyce J.P. The IMF and Global Financial Crisis.. Phoenix Rising (draft, CUP, 2013)(ISBN 9780521874175)(O)(263s)_FG_.pdf" (1.7М)
    24. "LeRoy S.F., Werner J. Principles of financial economics (draft, CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521586054)(289s)_FG_.pdf" (1.2М)
    25. "Lee C.-F., Lee A.C. (eds.) Encyclopedia of finance (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387263365)(O)(859s)_FG_.pdf" (3.7М)
    26. "Lehmann B.N. (ed.) The legacy of Fischer Black (OUP, 2004)(ISBN 0195168364)(O)(319s)_FG_.pdf" (2.7М)
    27. "MacMinn R.D. Fisher Model And Financial Markets (WS, 2005)(ISBN 9812564071)(121s)_FG_.pdf" (831.4К)
    28. "Mele A. Lecture notes in financial economics (LSE, 2007)(336s)_FG_.pdf" (2.6М)
    29. "Mishkin F.S. The economics of money, banking, and financial markets (draft, 7ed., Pearson, 2004)(ISBN 0321122356)(850s)_FG_.pdf" (17.0М)
    30. "Mishkin F.S., Eakins S.G. Financial markets and institutions (5ed., AW, 2006)(ISBN 0321280296)(T)(S)(730s)_FG_.djvu" (23.2М)
    31. "Pervozvanskij A.A., Pervozvanskaya T.N. Finansovyj rynok.. raschet i risk (Infra, 1994)(ISBN 5862250182)(ru)(T)(K)(300dpi)(192s)_FG_.djvu" (1.7М)
    32. "Ross S.A. Neoclassical finance (PUP, 2004)(ISBN 0691121389)(117s)_FG_.pdf" (1.2М)
    33. "Siklos P.L. The changing face of central banking (CUP, 2002)(ISBN 052178025X)(O)(370s)_FG_.pdf" (1.3М)
    34. "Siklos P.L., Bohl M.T., Wohar M.E. (eds.) Challenges in Central Banking (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521199298)(O)(418s)_FG_.pdf" (1.7М)
    35. "Steiner R. Mastering financial calculations (FTPH, 1996)(ISBN 027362587X)(417s)_FG_.pdf" (1.9М)
  6. FI
    1. "Altug S., Labadie P. Asset pricing for dynamic economies (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 0521875854)(O)(602s)_FI_.pdf" (2.7М)
    2. "Amenc N., Sourd V.L. Portfolio theory and performance analysis (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0470858745)(O)(283s)_FI_.pdf" (1.2М)
    3. "Au T.P. A modern approach to Graham and Dodd investing (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471584150)(350s)_FI_.pdf" (1.4М)
    4. "Bernstein W.J. The four pillars of investing.. lessons for building a winning portfolio (MGH, 2010)(ISBN 0071759174)(O)(350s)_FI_.pdf" (2.4М)
    5. "Bhattacharya S., Constantinides G.M. (eds.) Theory of Valuation (2ed., WS, 2005)(ISBN 9812563741)(T)(O)(S)(387s)_FI_.djvu" (3.4М)
    6. "Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A.J. Essentials of investments (5ed., MGH, 2004)(ISBN 0072510773)(777s)_FI_.pdf" (6.4М)
    7. "Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A.J. Investments, vol. 1 (5ed., MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0390320021)(O)(923s)_FI_.pdf" (5.9М)
    8. "Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A.J. Investments, vol. 2 (5ed., MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0390320021)(O)(104s)_FI_.pdf" (691.1К)
    9. "Calverley J. The investor's guide to economic fundamentals (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0470846909)(263s)_FI_.pdf" (1.2М)
    10. "Canto V. Understanding asset allocation (FTPH, 2006)(ISBN 0131876767)(337s)_FI_.pdf" (1.9М)
    11. "Courcoubetis C., Weber R. Pricing communication networks (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0470851309)(O)(379s)_FI_.pdf" (2.6М)
    12. "Cragg J.G., Malkiel B.G. Expectations and the structure of share prices (UCP, 1982)(ISBN 0226116689)(T)(O)(S)(184s)_FI_.djvu" (1.3М)
    13. "Crescenzi A. Investing from the top down.. A macro approach to captial markets (MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0071543848)(O)(302s)_FI_.pdf" (1.4М)
    14. "Damodaran A. (_Damodaran A._) Investicionnye bajki (Piter, 2007)(ISBN 546900998X)(ru)(T)(S)(478s)_FI_.djvu" (6.3М)
    15. "Damodaran A. (_Damodaran_) Investicionnaya ocenka (2ed., Al#pina, 2004)(ISBN 5961400247)(ru)(T)(1339s)_FI_.djvu" (18.6М)
    16. "Damodaran A. Investment valuation (draft, 2ed., Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471414883)(1372s)_FI_.pdf" (3.6М)
    17. "Dempster M., Pflug G., Mitra G. (eds.) Quantitative Fund Management (CRC, 2008)(ISBN 1420081918)(O)(488s)_FI_.pdf" (4.5М)
    18. "Dimson E., Marsh P., Staunton M. Triumph of the optimists (PUP, 2002)(ISBN 0691091943)(O)(353s)_FI_.pdf" (2.6М)
    19. "Domash H. Fire your stock analyst (FTPH, 2006)(ISBN 0132260387)(O)(415s)_FI_.pdf" (3.3М)
    20. "English J. Applied equity analysis (MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071360514)(T)(438s)_FI_.djvu" (2.4М)
    21. FIhed
      1. "Agarwal V., Narayan , Naik Y. Hedge Funds (Now Pub., 2005)(ISBN 1933019174)(77s)_FIhed_.pdf" (1.1М)
      2. "Brouwer G.d. Hedge funds in emerging markets (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521802334)(241s)_FIhed_.pdf" (4.3М)
      3. "Burton K. Hedge Hunters (Bloomberg, 2007)(ISBN 1576602451)(224s)_FIhed_.pdf" (907.0К)
      4. "Coggan P. Guide to Hedge Funds (The Economist, Profile Books, 2008)(ISBN 1846680557)(160s)_FIhed_.pdf" (719.1К)
      5. "Fong H.G. (ed.) The World of Hedge Funds (WS, 2005)(ISBN 9812563776)(217s)_FIhed_.pdf" (2.2М)
      6. "Gregoriou G.N., Huebner G., Papageorgiou N., Rouah F. Hedge funds (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471737437)(687s)_FIhed_.pdf" (6.2М)
      7. "Horwitz R. Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals (Bloomberg, 2004)(ISBN 1576601633)(301s)_FIhed_.pdf" (1.9М)
      8. "Jaeger L. Alternative Beta Strategies and Hedge Fund Replication (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 047075446X)(275s)_FIhed_.pdf" (2.9М)
      9. "Lhabitant F.-S. Handbook of hedge funds (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470026634)(654s)_FIhed_.pdf" (4.3М)
      10. "Lo A.W. The Dynamics of the Hedge Fund Industry (CFA Institute, 2005)(ISBN 0943205727)(O)(128s)_FIhed_.pdf" (1.9М)
      11. "Logue A.C. Hedge funds for dummies (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0470049278)(O)(362s)_FIhed_.pdf" (2.6М)
      12. "McCrary S.A. Hedge Fund Course (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471671584)(305s)_FIhed_.pdf" (959.3К)
      13. "Nicholas J.G. Hedge Fund of Funds Investing (Bloomberg, 2004)(ISBN 1576601242)(287s)_FIhed_.pdf" (6.6М)
      14. "Phillips K.S., Surz R.J. (eds.) Hedge funds (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471463094)(226s)_FIhed_.pdf" (2.8М)
      15. "Strachman D.A. Getting started in hedge funds (2ed., Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471715441)(210s)_FIhed_.pdf" (1.2М)
      16. "Strachman D.A. The Long and Short Of Hedge Funds.. A Complete Guide to Hedge Fund Evaluation and Investing (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0471792187)(O)(241s)_FIhed_.pdf" (2.4М)
      17. "Tran V.Q. Evaluating hedge fund performance (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471681717)(304s)_FIhed_.pdf" (875.0К)
      18. "Zoia A., Finkel A. Getting a Job in Hedge Funds (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 047022648X)(192s)_FIhed_.pdf" (2.0М)
    22. "Fabozzi F.J., Drake P.P. Finance.. Capital Markets, Financial Management, and Investment Management (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470407352)(O)(833s)_FI_.pdf" (4.7М)
    23. "Faerber E.E. All About Stocks (3ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0071494553)(322s)_FI_.pdf" (1.0М)
    24. "Ferri R. The ETF Book (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0470130636)(415s)_FI_.pdf" (1.5М)
    25. "Fisher F.A. (_Fisher P.A._) Obyknovennye akcii i neobyknovennye doxody (Al#pina, 2003)(ISBN 5945990523)(ru)(T)(381s)_FI_.djvu" (2.7М)
    26. "Genser M. A Structural Framework for the Pricing of Corporate Securities (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540286837)(199s)_FI_.pdf" (2.5М)
    27. "Graham B., Dodd D. Security analysis (6ed., MGH, 2009)(ISBN 0071592539)(O)(818s)_FI_.pdf" (2.8М)
    28. "Grant J.L. Foundations of economic value added (2ed., Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471234834)(327s)_FI_.pdf" (2.1М)
    29. "Hardy M. Investment guarantees (Wiley, 2003)(ISBN 0471392901)(358s)_FI_.pdf" (3.3М)
    30. "Hoover S. Stock Valuation (MGH, 2006)(ISBN 0071483349)(386s)_FI_.pdf" (1.6М)
    31. "Korn R., Korn E. Option pricing and portfolio optimization.. Modern methods of financial mathematics (no p.20,21,54,55)(AMS, 2001)(ISBN 0821821237)(T)(O)(264s)_FI_.djvu" (3.2М)
    32. "Kottl S., i dr. (_Cottle S._) Analiz cennyx bumag Gre#ma i Dodda (5ed., Olimp-Biznes, 2000)(ISBN 5901028163)(ru)(T)(S)(685s)_FI_.djvu" (8.8М)
    33. "Lang M. Employee Stock Options and Equity Valuation (CFA Institute, 2004)(ISBN 0943205670)(O)(79s)_FI_.pdf" (366.7К)
    34. "Leibowitz M.L., Emrich S., Bova A. Modern portfolio management (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470398531)(542s)_FI_.pdf" (4.7М)
    35. "Lerman D. Exchange traded funds and E-mini stock index futures (Wiley, 2001)(ISBN 0471442984)(337s)_FI_.pdf" (889.6К)
    36. "Malyugin V.I. Rynok cennyx bumag.. Kolichestvennye metody analiza (Delo, 2003)(ISBN 5774903036)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(322s)_FI_.djvu" (4.4М)
    37. "Maringer D. Portfolio management with heuristic optimization (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387258523)(237s)_FI_.pdf" (2.2М)
    38. "Mladjenovic P. Stock Investing For Dummies (3ed., For Dummies, 2009)(ISBN 0470401141)(388s)_FI_.pdf" (4.0М)
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    40. "OECD. International Investment Perspectives (OECD, 2006)(ISBN 9264026894)(263s)_FI_.pdf" (2.2М)
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    14. "Elliott R.J., Kopp P.E. Mathematics of financial markets (2ed., Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387212922)(355s)_FM_.pdf" (1.8М)
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    25. "Jondeau E., Poon S.-H., Rockinger M. Financial Modeling Under Non-Gaussian Distributions (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 1846284198)(548s)_FM_.pdf" (6.4М)
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    5. "Glasserman P. Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering (Springer, 2004)(ISBN 0387004513)(O)(610s)_FN_.pdf" (3.3М)
    6. "Jaeckel P. Monte Carlo methods in finance (draft, Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 047149741X)(O)(235s)_FN_.pdf" (4.9М)
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    9. "Levy G. Computational finance using C and C# (Elsevier, 2008)(ISBN 0750669195)(385s)_FN_.pdf" (1.8М)
    10. "London J. Modeling derivatives in C++ (Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471654647)(841s)_FN_.pdf" (6.1М)
    11. "McLeish D.L. Monte Carlo simulation and finance (draft, Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0471677787)(290s)_FN_.pdf" (2.1М)
    12. "Seydel R.U. Tools for Computational Finance (3ed., Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540279237)(313s)_FN_.pdf" (3.3М)
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    14. "Shetty Y., Jayaswal S. Practical .NET for financial markets (Apress, 2006)(ISBN 1590595645)(O)(536s)_FN_.pdf" (11.7М)
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    3. "Bernstein J. Physicists on Wall Street and Other Essays on Science and Society (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387765050)(177s)_FPop_.pdf" (1.3М)
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    10. "Derman E. My life as a quant.. Reflections on Physics and Finance (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471394203)(T)(289s)_FPop_.djvu" (2.2М)
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    31. "Paulos J.A. A mathematician plays the stock market (Basic Books, 2003)(ISBN 0465054803)(T)(221s)_FPop_.djvu" (1.4М)
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    42. "Sutton A.C. Wall Street and FDR (Lightyear Press, 1993)(ISBN 0899683258)(O)(177s)_FPop_.pdf" (631.4К)
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    4. "Aronson D.R. Evidence-based technical analysis (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0470008741)(600dpi)(T)(S)(544s)_FT_.djvu" (6.7М)
    5. "Bassal O. Swing Trading For Dummies (For Dummies, 2008)(ISBN 0470293683)(O)(363s)_FT_.pdf" (4.9М)
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    7. "Chan E. Quantitative Trading.. How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470284889)(O)(204s)_FT_.pdf" (3.7М)
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    9. "Daragan V.A. Igra na birzhe (2izd., URSS, 1998)(ISBN 5884171587)(ru)(T)(229s)_FT_.djvu" (2.8М)
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    14. "Ehlers J.F. Cybernetic analysis for stocks and futures (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471463078)(O)(274s)_FT_.pdf" (3.2М)
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      2. "Cofnas A. The Forex Options Course.. A Self-Study Guide to Trading Currency Options (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470243740)(O)(236s)_FTfx_.pdf" (12.5М)
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      4. "Cross S.Y. All about ForEx market in the USA (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1998)(98s)_FTfx_.pdf" (1.1М)
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      6. "Henderson C. Currency strategy (2ed., Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470027592)(264s)_FTfx_.pdf" (1.6М)
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      8. "Saettele J. Sentiment in the Forex Market.. Indicators and Strategies To Profit from Crowd Behavior and Market Extremes (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470208236)(211s)_FTfx_.pdf" (5.2М)
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      13. "Silvani A. Beat the Forex Dealer (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470722088)(T)(S)(238s)_FTfx_.djvu" (4.7М)
      14. "Steiner B. Foreign exchange and money markets (BH, 2002)(ISBN 0750650257)(O)(344s)_FTfx_.pdf" (1.9М)
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      17. "Ullrich C. Forecasting and Hedging in the Foreign Exchange Markets (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642004946)(O)(200s)_FTfx_.pdf" (2.9М)
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    25. "Kac Dzh.O., MakKormik D.L. (_Katz J.O., McCormick D.L._) E#nciklopediya Torgovyh Strategij (Al#pina, 2002)(ISBN 5945990280)(ru)(385s)_FT_.pdf" (6.2М)
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    27. "Katsanos M. Intermarket Trading Strategies (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470758104)(429s)_FT_.pdf" (4.8М)
    28. "Katz J.O., McCormick D.L. The encyclopedia of trading strategies (reget)(MGH, 2000)(ISBN 0070580995)(386s)_FT_.pdf" (5.3М)
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    32. "Kestner L.N. Quantitative trading strategies (MGH, 2003)(ISBN 0071412395)(367s)_FT_.pdf" (2.8М)
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    35. "Kolbi R.V., Mejers T.A. (_Colby R.W., Meyers T.A._) E#nciklopediya texnicheskix indikatorov rynka (Al#pina, 2000)(ISBN 589684008X)(ru)(T)(583s)_FT_.djvu" (7.4М)
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    37. "Mak D.K. The Science of Financial Market Trading (WS, 2003)(ISBN 9812382526)(T)(S)(260s)_FT_.djvu" (1.3М)
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    39. "Merfi Dzh. (_Murphy J._) Mezhrynochnyj tehnicheskij analiz (Diagramma, 1999)(ISBN 5900820508)(ru)(T)(293s)_FT_.djvu" (4.2М)
    40. "Morris G.L. (_Morris G.L._) Yaponskie svechi.. metod analiza akcij i f#yuchersov, proverennyj vremenem (Alpina, 2001)(ISBN 5945990140)(ru)(K)(T)(308s)_FT_.djvu" (2.1М)
    41. "Murphy J.J. Intermarket analysis (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471023299)(O)(290s)_FT_.pdf" (3.6М)
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    43. "Murphy J.J. Simple sector trading (presentation, 2002)(34s)_FT_.pdf" (3.6М)
    44. "Murphy J.J. Technical analysis of the finacial markets (NY Institute of Finance, 1999)(ISBN 0735200661)(T)(S)(577s)_FT_.djvu" (6.4М)
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    47. "Nassar D.S. Rules of the trade (MGH, 2001)(ISBN 0071381201)(278s)_FT_.pdf" (861.7К)
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    49. "Pardo R. The Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies (2ed., Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470128011)(367s)_FT_.pdf" (3.2М)
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