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Индекс цитирования

biblio/kolxoz/cs/cspl.txt · Последнее изменение: 09.09.2023 16:32 — nozdr

Языки программирования

  1. "ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL'86 (ACM, 1986)(ISBN 089791175X)(T)(O)(332s)_CsPl_.djvu" (13.1М)
  2. "Abiteboul S., et al. Web Data Management (draft, CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107012430)(O)(451s)_CsPl_.pdf" (7.1М)
  3. "Adams J.C., et al. The Fortran 2003 Handbook (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 1846283787)(713s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.4М)
  4. "Addis T., Addis J. Drawing programs.. the theory and practice of schematic functional programming (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848826176)(O)(400s)_CsPl_.pdf" (9.3М)
  5. "Akin E. Object-oriented programming via Fortran 90-95 (1991)(301s)_S_.pdf" (1.2М)
  6. "Alcock D. Illustrating Pascal (CUP, 1987)(ISBN 0521336953)(T)(S)(194s)_CsPl_.djvu" (4.7М)
  7. "Aleksandresku A. Sovremennyj disajn Si++ (2002)(ru)(T)(326s).djvu" (3.3М)
  8. "Aleksandresku A. Yazyk programmirovaniya __D__ (Simvol, 2012)(ru)(ISBN 9785932862056)(T)(O)(538s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.6М)
  9. "Alexandrescu A. Modern C++ design.. generic programming and design patterns applied (AW, 2001)(ISBN 0201704315)(285s).pdf" (1.2М)
  10. "Alexandrescu A. The D programming language (Pearson, 2010)(ISBN 9780321635365)(600dpi)(T)(O)(492s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.3М)
  11. "Algoritmicheskij yazyk ALGOL 60.. Modificirovannoe soobshchenie (Mir, 1982)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(72s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.1М)
  12. "Apt K. Principles of constraint programming (CUP, 2003)(420s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.8М)
  13. "Arlou D., Nejshtadt I. (_Arlow,Neustadt_) __UML__ 2 i Unificirovannyj process. 2e izd. (Simvol-Plyus, 2007)(ISBN 5932860944)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(622s)_CsPl_.djvu" (4.7М)
  14. "Armstrong J. Making reliable distributed systems (using Erlang)(PhD thesis, Stockholm, 2003)(295s)_CsPl_.pdf" (859.2К)
  15. "Asperti A., Guerrini S. The optimal implementation of functional programming languages (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521621127)(O)(403s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.5М)
  16. "B#yuli A. (_Beaulieu_) Izuchaem __SQL__ (Simvol, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 5932860510)(O)(311s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.7М)
  17. "Barten#ev O. Sovremennyj Fortran (3e izd., MIFI, 2000)(ru)(450s).pdf" (2.3М)
  18. "Barten#ev O.V. Sovremennyj Mikrosoft Fortran 90 (ru)(T)(390s).djvu" (7.8М)
  19. "Barton J.J., Nackman L.R. Scientific and engineering C++ (AW, 1994)(T)(667s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.2М)
  20. "Beazley D. Python essential reference (2ed., New Riders, 2001)(T)(C)(ISBN 0735710910)(586s).djvu" (4.3М)
  21. "Beginning Python (Wrox Press, 2005)(679s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.7М)
  22. "Bergin, Gibson. (eds.) History of programming languages, vol.2 (AW, 1996)(ISBN 0201895021)(T)(O)(878s)_CsPl_.djvu" (8.9М)
  23. "Block M., Neumann A. Haskell-Intensivkurs.. Ein kompakter Einstieg in die funktionale Programmierung (de)(Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642047173)(O)(298s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.9М)
  24. "Borodich Yu.S., Val#vachev A.N., Kuz#mich A.I. Paskal# dlya personal#nyx komp#yuterov (Vyshe#jshaya shkola, 1991)(ISBN 533900662X)(ru)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(O)(367s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.5М)
  25. "Bottenbrux G. (_Bottenbruch H._) Struktura ALGOL-60 i ego ispol'zovanie (IL, 1963)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(101s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.2М)
  26. "Bottenbrux G. (_Bottenbruch_) Struktura ALGOL-60 i ego ispol#zovanie (net s.14)(IL, 1963)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(100s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.1М)
  27. "Bowen J. Formal Specification and Documentation Using Z.. A Case Study Approach (Thomson Computer Press, 1996)(ISBN 9781850322306)(315s)_CsPl_.pdf" (716.6К)
  28. "Bradnam K., Korf I. Unix and Perl to the rescue (draft, CUP, 2012)(ISBN 9781107000681)(O)(375s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.6М)
  29. "Braude E#. (_Braude_) Texnologiya razrabotki programmnogo obespecheniya (Piter, 2004)(ISBN 594723663X)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(655s)_CsPl_.djvu" (11.0М)
  30. "Brooks D.R. An Introduction to HTML and JavaScript for Scientists and Engineers (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 1846286565)(O)(207s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.2М)
  31. "Buch G., i dr. (_Booch G._) Ob~ektno-orientirovannyj analiz i proektirovanie, s primerami prilozhenij na __C++__ (ru)(2e izd., Nevskij dialekt, 2000)(475s)_CsPl_.pdf" (4.7М)
  32. "Buch G., i dr. (_Booch_) Ob~ektno-orientirovannyj analiz i proektirovanie s primerami prilozhenij (3izd., Vil#yams, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785845914019)(600dpi)(K)(T)(720s)_CsPl_.djvu" (9.8М)
  33. "Budd T. A little Smalltalk (AW, 1987)(K)(ISBN 9780201106985)(600dpi)(T)(O)(295s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.2М)
  34. "Budd T. Multiparadigm Programming in Leda (AW, 1994)(ISBN 0201820803)(600dpi)(T)(412s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.8М)
  35. "Buschmann F., et al. Pattern-oriented software architecture, vol.1.. a system of patterns (Wiley, 2000)(ISBN 0471958697)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(487s)_CsPl_.djvu" (9.7М)
  36. "Buschmann F., et al. Pattern-oriented software architecture, vol.2.. patterns for concurrent and networked objects (Wiley, 2000)(ISBN 0471606952)(482s)_CsPl_.pdf" (4.1М)
  37. "Buschmann F., et al. Pattern-oriented software architecture, vol.4.. patterns for distributed computing (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 9780470059029)(639s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.4М)
  38. "Buschmann F., et al. Pattern-oriented software architecture, vol.5.. on patterns and pattern languages (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 9780471486480)(O)(491s)_CsPl_.pdf" (4.8М)
  39. "Butenhof. Programming with POSIX threads (AW, 1997)(T)(ISBN 0201633922)(398s).djvu" (10.0М)
  40. C
    1. "Alcock D. Illustrating C (ANSI ISO version) (Rev.Ed., CUP, 1992)(ISBN 0521468213)(O)(T)(S)(225s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.9М)
    2. "Bolski M.I. (_M.I.Bolsky_) Jazyk programmirovanija Si. Spravochnik (ru)(RiS, 1988)(ISBN 525600171X)(400dpi)(T)(98s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.6М)
    3. "Harbison S.P., Steele G.L. C, a reference manual (PH, 2002)(ISBN 013089592X)(600dpi)(T)(551s)_CsPl_.djvu" (4.1М)
    4. "Hezfild R., Kirbi L., i dr. (_Heathfield,Kirby_) Iskusstvo programmirovanija na __C__ (DiaSoft, 2001)(ISBN 9667393828)(ru)(KA)(400dpi)(T)(730s)_CsPl_.djvu" (11.1М)
    5. "Kernigan B., Pajk R. (_Kernighan,Pike_) Praktika programmirovaniya (Vil#yams, 2004)(ISBN 5845906792)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(289s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.7М)
    6. "Kernigan B., Ritchi D. (_Kernighan,Ritchie_) Yazyk programmirovaniya __C__ (2izd., Vil#yams, 2009)(ISBN 9785845908919)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(292s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.5М)
    7. "Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. The C programming language, ANSI C edition (2ed., PH, 1988)(ISBN 0131103628)(600dpi)(T)(O)(286s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.3М)
    8. "Potockij V.K. Rabotaem na yazyke __C__ (Malip, 1992)(ru)(72s)_CsPl_.djvu" (842.2К)
    9. "Tondo K., Gimpel S. (_Tondo,Gimpel_) Yazyk Si. Kniga otvetov (FiS, 1994)(ru)(ISBN 5279012610)(600dpi)(K)(T)(160s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.5М)
  41. C++
    1. "Barton J.J., Nackman L.R. Scientific and engineering C++ (Addison Wesley Longman, 1994)(example C code).rar" (168.5К)
    2. "Davydov V.G. Texnologii programmirovaniya __C++__ (BXV, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 5941576056)(657s)_CsPl_.pdf" (9.2М)
    3. "Deitel P.J., Deitel H.M. C++ How to Program (7ed., PH, 2009)(ISBN 9780136117261)(200dpi)(T)(C)(1090s)_CsPl_.djvu" (20.5М)
    4. "Dejtel X.M., Dejtel P.Dzh. (_Deitel_) Kak programmirovat' na __C++__ (5izd., Binom, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785951802248)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1454s)_CsPl_.djvu" (19.4М)
    5. "Glassborow F. You can program in C++. A programmer's introduction (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0470014687)(O)(391s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.0М)
    6. "Goodrich M.T., Tamassia R., Mount D.M. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ (2ed., Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 0470383275)(O)(738s)_CsPl_.pdf" (13.5М)
    7. "Koplien Dzh. (_Coplien_) Mul#tiparadigmennoe proektirovanie dlya __C++__ (Piter, 2005)(ISBN 5947238950)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(237s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.2М)
    8. "Koplien Dzh. (_Coplien_) Programmirovanie na __C++__ (Piter, 2005)(ISBN 546900189X)(ru)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(481s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.4М)
    9. "Lippman S.M., i dr. Yazyk programmirovaniya __C++__. Vvodnyj kurs (4izd., Vil'yams, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 5845911214)(600dpi)(T)(O)(892s)_CsPl_.djvu" (12.3М)
    10. "Logan S. Cross platform development in C++ (AW, 2008)(O)(ISBN 032124642X)(575s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.1М)
    11. "Malik D.S. C++ Programming. Program design including data structures (5ed., Course technology, 2011)(ISBN 9780538798092)(C)(O)(1617s)_CsPl_.pdf" (5.7М)
    12. "Pothering G.J., Naps T.L. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis With C++ (West Publishing Company, 1995)(ISBN 9780314045744)(600dpi)(T)(673s)_CsPl_.djvu" (17.6М)
    13. "Pothering G.J., Naps T.L. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis With C++ (West Publishing Company, 1995)(ISBN 9780314045744)(T)(673s)_CsPl_.djvu" (8.5М)
    14. "Pozrikidis C. Introduction to C++ programming and graphics (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 0387689923)(O)(383s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.5М)
    15. "Prata S. Yazyk programmirovaniya __C++__, lekcii i uprazhneniya (6izd., Vil'yams, 2012)(ru)(ISBN 9785845917782)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1244s)_CsPl_.djvu" (10.3М)
    16. "Prata S. Yazyk programmirovaniya __C++__, lekcii i uprazhneniya - kod (6izd., Vil'yams, 2012)(ru)(ISBN 9785845917782)_CsPl_.rar" (148.0К)
    17. "Savitch W. Problem Solving with C++ (7ed., AW, 2008)(ISBN 9780321531346)(600dpi)(T)(1061s)_CsPl_.djvu" (9.7М)
    18. "Scheinerman E. C++ for mathematicians.. An introduction for students and professionals (CRC, 2006)(ISBN 158488584X)(521s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.1М)
    19. "Shmidskij Ya.K. Programmirovanie na yazyke __C++__. Samouchitel' (Vil'yams, 2004)(ISBN 5845905354)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(363s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.8М)
    20. "Stolyarov A.B. Vvedenie v yazyk __C++__ (3izd., Maks, 2012)(ru)(129s)_CsPl_.pdf" (693.9К)
    21. "Straustrup B. (_Straustrup_) Programmirovanie.. principy i praktika ispol'zovaniya __C++__ (Vil'yams, 2011)(ISBN 9785845916211)(ru)(T)(K)(300dpi)(1228s)_CsPl_.djvu" (18.1М)
    22. "Stroustrup B. The Design and Evolution of C++ (AW, 1994)(ISBN 0201543303)(600dpi)(T)(O)(472s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.4М)
  42. "Campbell J.A. (ed.) Implementations of PROLOG (Ellis Horwood, 1984)(ISBN 0853126755)(600dpi)(T)(395s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.7М)
  43. "Chapman S.J. Fortran 90-95 for scientists and engineers (1ed., MGH, 1998)(ISBN 0070119384)(600dpi)(T)(891s)_CsPl_.djvu" (15.2М)
  44. "Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers (3ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0390911976)(T)(O)(988s)_CsPl_.djvu" (26.2М)
  45. "Chapman. Fortran 90-95 for scientists and engineers. Files for the book and errata.zip" (328.0К)
  46. "Chivers, Sleightholme. Introduction to Fortran 77, 90, 95, 2003 - code examples.rar" (37.7К)
  47. "Chivers, Sleightholme. Introduction to programming with Fortran 77, 90, 95, 2003 (Springer, 2006)(599s)_S_.pdf" (842.3К)
  48. "Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. Prolog programming in depth (PH, 1996)(ISBN 013138645X)(KA)(400dpi)(T)(528s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.1М)
  49. "Curien P.-L. Categorical combinators, sequential algorithms, and functional programming (Birkhauser, 1993)(ISBN 3764336544)(600dpi)(T)(424s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.2М)
  50. "Dejtel. Kak programmirovat# na Si++ (ru)(T)(1036s).djvu" (19.5М)
  51. "Developing Applications with Objective CAML (OReilly, 2000)(T)(757s).djvu" (4.1М)
  52. "Dojmling F., Sillesku D. (_Daeumling,Sillescu_) Yazyk programmirovaniya __PostScript__ (Nauka, 1993)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(137s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.4М)
  53. "Downey A.B. Think Python (O'Reilly, 2012)(ISBN 9781449330729)(O)(298s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.6М)
  54. "Drejer M. (_Dreyer_) __C#__ dlya shkol'nikov (Binom, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785996302369)(128s)_CsPl_.pdf" (7.3М)
  55. "Dzhounz G. (_Jones_) Programmirovanie na yazyke Okkam (Mir, 1989)(ISBN 5030011552)(ru)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(O)(208s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.4М)
  56. "E#ldzher Dzh. Biblioteka programmista na Si++ (ru)(259s).pdf" (1.7М)
  57. "Eisenbach S. (ed.) Functional Programming.. Languages, Tools and Architectures (Ellis Horwood, 1987)(ISBN 9780853129738)(T)(172s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.3М)
  58. "Eisenberg, Abelson. Programming in Scheme (MIT, 1988)(T)(ISBN 0262550172)(318s).djvu" (8.1М)
  59. Erlang
    1. "Armstrong J. Programming Erlang.. Software for a Concurrent World (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007)(ISBN 9781934356005)(O)(526s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.9М)
    2. "Cesarini F., Thompson S. Erlang Programming (O'Reilly, 2009)(ISBN 9780596518189)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(496s)_CsPl_.djvu" (4.6М)
    3. "Cesarini F., Thompson S. Erlang programming (O'Reilly, 2009)(ISBN 9780596518189)(O)(496s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.2М)
    4. "Eisenberg J.D. Etudes for Erlang (O'Reilly, 2013)(ISBN 9781449366452)(128s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.8М)
    5. "Kessin Z. Building Web Applications with Erlang.. working with REST and Web sockets on Yaws (O'Reilly, 2012)(ISBN 1449309968)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(154s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.5М)
    6. "St.Laurent S. Introducing Erlang (O'Reilly, 2013)(ISBN 9781449331764)(O)(201s)_CsPl_.pdf" (5.4М)
    7. "Virding R., Wikstrom C., Williams M. Concurrent Programming in Erlang. Part 1 (2ed., PH, 1996)(ISBN 9780135083017)(205s)_CsPl_.pdf" (570.6К)
  60. "Esser F. Scala fuer Umsteiger (de)(Oldenbourg, 2011)(ISBN 9783486596939)(O)(415s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.8М)
  61. "Feldt, Johnson, Neumann. Ruby developers guide (Syngress, 2002)(T)(C)(721s).djvu" (6.7М)
  62. "Felleisen M., et al. How to design programs.. an introduction to computing and programming (MIT, 2001)(ISBN 0262062186)(600dpi)(T)(742s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.3М)
  63. "Fild A., Harrison P. (_Field,Harrison_) Funkcional#noe programmirovanie (Mir, 1993)(ru)(T)(640s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.8М)
  64. "Finkel R.A. Advanced programming language design (AW 1996)(ISBN 0805311912)(600dpi)(T)(O)(370s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.5М)
  65. "Finkel R.A. Advanced programming language design (AW, 1996)(ISBN 0805311912)(O)(370s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.4М)
  66. Fortran
    1. "Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers (3ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0390911976)(600dpi)(T)(O)(988s)_CsPl_.djvu" (7.8М)
    2. "Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers (3ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 0390911976)(program code)_CsPl_.rar" (1.1М)
    3. "Markus A. Modern Fortran in Practice (CUP, 2012)(ISBN 1107017904)(270s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.2М)
    4. "Metcalf M., Reid J., Cohen M. Fortran 95 2003 explained (OUP, 2004)(ISBN 019852692X)(600dpi)(T)(434s)_CsPl_.djvu" (4.5М)
  67. "Fortran 90 5-day course (U.Liverpool, 1997)(600dpi)(T)(278s).djvu" (1.8М)
  68. "Fourer R., Gay D.M., Kernighan B.W. AMPL.. A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming (Duxbury Press, 2002)(ISBN 0534388094)(T)(O)(525s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.0М)
  69. "Fridl Dzh. (_Friedl_) Regulyarnye vyrazheniya (3izd., Simvol, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785932861219)(600dpi)(T)(O)(600s)_CsPl_.djvu" (6.4М)
  70. "Fridman A., Klander L., i dr. S++ arxiv programm - kod s kommentariyami (Binom, 2001)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(638s)_CsPl_.djvu" (23.5М)
  71. "Friedman D.P., Felleisen M. The Little Schemer (4ed., MIT, 1995)(ISBN 0262560992)(600dpi)(T)(O)(211s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.1М)
  72. "Friedman D.P., Wand M. Essentials of programming languages (3ed., MIT, 2008)(ISBN 0262062798)(433s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.3М)
  73. "Fritzson P. Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1 (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471471631)(600dpi)(T)(O)(917s)_CsPl_.djvu" (21.2М)
  74. "Gabbar H.A. (eds.) Modern Formal Methods and Applications (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9781402042232)(216s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.7М)
  75. "Gaddis T., Walters J., Muganda G. Starting Out with C++.. Early Objects (5ed., AW, 2005)(ISBN 0321383486)(600dpi)(T)(1337s)_CsPl_.djvu" (7.2М)
  76. "Gagarina L.G., i dr. Texnologiya razrabotki programmnogo obespecheniya (INFRA-M, 2008)(ISBN 9785819903421)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(401s)_CsPl_.djvu" (6.6М)
  77. "Gamma E., Helm R., Johnson R., Vlissides J.M. Design Patterns.. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (AW, 1994)(ISBN 0201633612)(600dpi)(T)(O)(417s)_CsPl_.djvu" (6.2М)
  78. "Gamma E., Helm R., Johnson R., Vlissides J.M. Design Patterns.. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (AW, 1994)(ISBN 0201633612)(T)(O)(417s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.3М)
  79. "Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides. Design patterns CD(400dpi)(T)(C)(806s).djvu" (8.9М)
  80. "Geller D.P., Fridman D.P. (_Geller,Freedman_) Strukturnoe programmirovanie na APL (Mashinostroenie, 1982)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(256s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.8М)
  81. "Gilman L., Rouz A. (_Gilman,Rose_) Kurs APL.. dialogovyj podhod (Mir, 1979)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(527s)_CsPl_.djvu" (7.6М)
  82. "Goerzen J. Foundations of Python network programming (APress, 2004)(KA)(T)(538s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.0М)
  83. "Golub A.I. Veryovka dostatochnoj dliny.. pravila programmirovanija na Si i Si++ (2001)(ru)(T)(241s).djvu" (1.5М)
  84. "Griswold R.E. Macroimplementation of Snobol 4 (W.H.Freeman, 1972)(ISBN 9780716704478)(600dpi)(T)(323s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.3М)
  85. "Griswold R.E., Griswold M.T. Icon Programming Language (3ed., Coriolis Group, 2000)(ISBN 1573980013)(410s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.2М)
  86. "Griswold R.E., Griswold M.T. The implementation of the Icon programming language (PUP, 1986)(ISBN 0691084319)(600dpi)(T)(343s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.8М)
  87. "Griswold R.E., Jeffery C.L., Townsend G.M. Graphics Programming in Icon (Peer-to-Peer Communications, 2000)(ISBN 1573980099)(T)(532s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.1М)
  88. "Griswold R.E., et al. Snobol 4 Programming Language (PH, 1971)(ISBN 9780138153731)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(272s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.7М)
  89. "Griswold, Griswold. Implementation of the ICON programming language (2002)(400dpi)(L)(T)(174s).djvu" (2.8М)
  90. "Gruber. Ponimaem SQL (ru)(T)(291s).djvu" (1.8М)
  91. "Grune D., Bal H.E., Jacobs C.J.H., Langendoen K.G. Modern compiler design (Wiley, 2000)(K)(T)(753s)_CsPl_.djvu" (6.7М)
  92. "Gupta R. Making use of Python (Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471219754)(416s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.2М)
  93. "Hahn B. Introduction to Fortran 90 for scientists and engineers (bad fonts, bad equations)(286s).pdf" (2.0М)
  94. "Hall J.N., McAdams J.A., Foy B.D. Effective Perl Programming.. Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl (2ed., AW, 2010)(ISBN 9780321496942)(O)(494s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.6М)
  95. "Hanter R. (_Hunter_) Proektirovanie i konstruirovanie kompilyatorov (1984)(ru)(210s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.1М)
  96. "Harper. Programming in Standard ML (lecture notes, 2002)(T)(293s).djvu" (1.4М)
  97. "Harrison J. Introduction to functional programming (web draft, 1997)(168s)_CsPl_.pdf" (518.8К)
  98. "Harrop J. F# for Scientists (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 9780470242117)(T)(O)(371s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.7М)
  99. "Harrop J. OCaml for scientists (Flying Frog Consultancy, 2005)(T)(281s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.2М)
  100. "Harvey B., Wright M. Simply SCHEME.. introducing computer science (MIT, 1994)(ISBN 0262082268)(T)(610s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.6М)
  101. Haskell
    1. "Block M., Neumann A. Haskell-Intensivkurs.. Ein kompakter Einstieg in die funktionale Programmierung (de)(Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642047173)(O)(298s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.9М)
    2. "Chakravarty M.M.T., Keller G.C. Einfuehrung in die Programmierung mit Haskell (de)(Pearson, 2004)(ISBN 3827371376)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(199s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.1М)
    3. "Clark C., Myers C., Poon E. Errata for Programming with Miranda (free web version, 2011).html.gz" (2.8К)
    4. "Clark C., Myers C., Poon E. Programming with Miranda (free web version, PH, 2011)(ISBN 013192592X)(O)(312s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.7М)
    5. "Hudak P. The Haskell school of expression (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 0521643384)(K)(600dpi)(T)(382s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.5М)
    6. "Hutton G. Programming in Haskell (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0511296150)(O)(184s)_CsPl_.pdf" (678.0К)
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  103. "Hill P., Lloyd J. The Goedel Programming Language (MIT, 1994)(ISBN 9780262082297)(600dpi)(T)(370s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.1М)
  104. "Hofstedt P. Multiparadigm Constraint Programming Languages (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642173292)(O)(193s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.8М)
  105. "Hook B. Write Portable Code.. An Introduction to Developing Software for Multiple Platforms (No Starch Press, 2005)(ISBN 9781593270568)(150dpi)(T)(O)(273s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.8М)
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  119. "Jacky J. The Way of Z.. Practical Programming with Formal Methods (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 9780521559768)(600dpi)(T)(370s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.3М)
  120. Java
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  121. "Jones S.L.P., et al. The implementation of functional programming languages (PH, 1987)(ISBN 013453333X)(600dpi)(T)(458s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.4М)
  122. "Jones, Drake. Python and XML (OReilly, 2001)(T)(C)(ISBN 0596001282)(446s).djvu" (3.0М)
  123. "Josuttis. The C++ STL - A Tutorial And Reference (AW, 1999)(642s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.7М)
  124. "Kanetkar Y. Test your C skills (BPB Publications, 2005)(ISBN 8183331181)(600dpi)(T)(252s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.4М)
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  126. "Katzan H. APL Programming and Computer Techniques (Van Nostrand, 1970)(ISBN 9780442242510)(T)(342s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.8М)
  127. "Keene S.E. Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp (AW, 1989)(T)(288s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.9М)
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  135. "Kloksin, Mellish. Programmirovanie na jazyke Prolog (ru)(T)(334s).djvu" (3.3М)
  136. "Kluge W. (ed.) Implementation of functional languages (Proc. Bad Godesberg, LNCS1268, Springer, 1997)(T)(295s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.7М)
  137. "Knuth D.E. Literate Programming (CSLI, 1992)(ISBN 9780937073803)(600dpi)(T)(O)(384s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.9М)
  138. "Kozell E.I., i dr. Ot Si k Si++ (FiS, 1993)(ru)(K)(T)(O)(272s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.1М)
  139. "Kupferschmid M. Classical Fortran (M.Dekker, 2002)(ISBN 0824708024)(KA)(T)(755s)_CsPl_.djvu" (4.7М)
  140. "Langtangen H.-P. Python Scripting For Computational Science (Springer, 2004)(745s).pdf" (4.1М)
  141. "Lawrence M., Verzani J. Programming Graphical User Interfaces in R (CRC, 2012)(ISBN 1439856826)(O)(467s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.2М)
  142. "Leler W. Constraint Programming Languages.. Their Specification and Generation (AW, 1987)(ISBN 9780201062434)(K)(600dpi)(T)(210s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.4М)
  143. "Lesnevskij A.S. Ob~ektno-orientirovannoe programmirovanie dlya nachinayushchix (Binom, 2005)(ru)(T)(O)(232s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.8М)
  144. "Lewis D.W. Fundamentals of embedded software.. where C and Assembly meet (PH, 2001)(ISBN 0130615897)(KA)(T)(280s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.0М)
  145. "Liberti Dzh. Si++. E#nciklopedija pol#zovatelya (STL, UML, CORBA...)(ru)(T)(581s).djvu" (10.4М)
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  147. "Lippman S.B. Essential C++ (AW, 2002)(251s)_CsPl_.pdf" (684.8К)
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  149. Lisp
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    4. "Eisenberg M., Abelson H. Programming in Scheme (MIT, 1988)(ISBN 9780262550178)(K)(T)(318s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.4М)
    5. "Friedman D.P., Felleisen M. The seasoned schemer (MIT, 1996)(ISBN 026256100X)(600dpi)(T)(O)(225s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.4М)
    6. "Gabriel R.P. Performance and evaluation of LISP systems (MIT, 1985)(ISBN 9780262070935)(294s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.2М)
    7. "Graham P. ANSI Common Lisp (PH, 1996)(ISBN 0133708756)(600dpi)(T)(O)(450s)_CsPl_.djvu" (4.8М)
    8. "Henderson P., Jones G.A., Jones S.B. The LispKit manual, vols.1 and 2 (report PRG-32, Oxford, 1983)(400dpi)(T)(263s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.8М)
    9. "Kiczales G., des Rivieres J., Bobrow D.G. The art of the metaobject protocol (MIT, 1991)(ISBN 9780585358123)(KA)(T)(330s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.7М)
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  150. "Loogen R. Integration funktionaler und logischer Programmiersprachen (Oldenbourg, 1995)(ISBN 3486230409)(de)(600dpi)(T)(286s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.4М)
  151. "Louden K.C., Lambert K.A. Programming languages.. principles and practice (3ed., Course Technology, 2011)(ISBN 9781111529413)(666s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.9М)
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  153. ML
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    4. "Harper R. Programming in Standard ML (web draft version 1.2, 2011)(O)(297s)_CsPl_.pdf" (756.2К)
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    7. "Kahrs S. Mistakes and ambiguities in the definition of Standard ML (1993)(600dpi)(T)(33s)_CsPl_.djvu" (251.0К)
    8. "Milner R., Tofte M. Commentary on Standard ML (MIT, 1991)(ISBN 0262631377)(176s)_CsPl_.pdf" (886.1К)
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    11. "Paulson L.C. ML for the Working Programmer (2ed., CUP, 1996)(ISBN 052156543X)(600dpi)(T)(493s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.6М)
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    13. "Reppy J.H. Concurrent Programming in ML (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521714729)(325s)_CsPl_.pdf" (912.4К)
    14. "Smith J.B. Practical OCaml (Apress, 2006)(ISBN 159059620X)(O)(483s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.0М)
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  161. "Meyer B. Object-Oriented Software Construction (2ed., PH, 2000)(ISBN 0136291554)(O)(1406s)_CsPl_.pdf" (7.7М)
  162. "Milner R., Tofte M., Harper R., MacQueen D. The definition of Standard ML, revised (MIT, 1997)(ISBN 9780262631815)(400dpi)(T)(104s)_CsPl_.djvu" (678.7К)
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  164. "Myler H.R. Fundamentals of Engineering Programming with C and Fortran (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 9780521620635)(T)(O)(223s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.9М)
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  171. "Odersky M., Spoon L., Venners B. Programming in Scala.. A Comprehensive Step-by-step Guide (Artima Inc, 2008)(ISBN 0981531601)(O)(754s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.6М)
  172. "Opaleva E'.A., Samojlenko V.P. Yazyki programmirovaniya i metody translyacii (BXV-Peterburg, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 5941573278)(T)(471s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.0М)
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  179. "Pierce B.C. (ed.) Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages (MIT, 2004)(ISBN 9780262162289)(O)(589s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.3М)
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  184. "Plotkin G., Stirling C.P., Tofte M. (eds.) Proof, Language, and Interaction.. Essays in Honour of Robin Milner (MIT, 2000)(ISBN 0262161885)(400dpi)(T)(737s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.6М)
  185. "Pollard et al. (eds.) High Performance Computing Systems and Applications (Kluwer, 2000)(T)(619s).djvu" (7.6М)
  186. "Prajs D. (_Price_) Programmirovanie na jazyke Paskal'.. prakticheskoe rukovodstvo (Mir, 1987)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(234s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.0М)
  187. "Pratt T. (_Pratt_) Yazyki programmirovaniya.. razrabotka i realizaciya (Mir, 1979)(ru)(K)(T)(573s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.3М)
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  192. Prolog
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    4. "Apt K.R. From logic programming to Prolog (PH, 1997)(ISBN 013230368X)(O)(345s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.2М)
    5. "Bothner P.P., Kaehler W. Programmieren in PROLOG. Eine umfassende und praxisgerechte Einfuehrung (Vieweg, 1991)(de)(ISBN 9783528051587)(O)(369s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.1М)
    6. "Bothner P.P., Kaehler W. Programmieren in PROLOG. Eine umfassende und praxisgerechte Einfuehrung (program code)(Vieweg, 1991)(ISBN 9783528051587)(de)_CsPl_.zip" (53.1К)
    7. "Bramer M. Logic Programming with Prolog (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 9781852339388)(O)(229s)_CsPl_.pdf" (634.6К)
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    11. "Coelho H., Cotta J.C. PROLOG by Example. How to Learn, Teach and Use It (Springer, 1988)(ISBN 9783540183136)(600dpi)(T)(394s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.1М)
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    13. "Dobry T. A High Performance Architecture for Prolog (Kluwer, 1990)(ISBN 0792390601)(600dpi)(T)(238s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.6М)
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    15. "Gregory S. Parallel Logic Programming in Parlog.. The Language and Its Implementation (AW, 1987)(ISBN 9780201192414)(600dpi)(T)(229s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.8М)
    16. "Maier D., Warren D.S. Computing With Logic.. Logic Programming With Prolog (AW, 1988)(ISBN 9780805366815)(600dpi)(T)(559s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.9М)
    17. "O'Keefe R. The Craft of Prolog (MIT, 1990)(ISBN 9780262150392)(K)(600dpi)(T)(412s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.1М)
    18. "Shapiro E., Sterling L. The art of Prolog (2ed., MIT, 1999)(K)(ISBN 9780262193382)(600dpi)(T)(O)(552s)_CsPl_.djvu" (6.4М)
    19. "Sterling L., Shapiro E. (_Sterling,Shapiro_) Iskusstvo programmirovanija na jazyke Prolog (Mir, 1990)(ISBN 5030004068)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(336s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.8М)
    20. "Van Le T. Techniques of PROLOG Programming.. with Implementation of Logical Negation and Quantified Goals (Wiley, 1993)(ISBN 0471599700)(600dpi)(T)(621s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.5М)
  193. Python
    1. "Bizli D. (_Beazley_) __Python__. Podrobnyj spravochnik (Simvol, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785932861578)(858s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.7М)
    2. "Bressert E. SciPy and NumPy.. an overview for developers (O'Reilly Media, 2012)(ISBN 1449305466)(O)(67s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.8М)
    3. "Downey A. Python for Software Design.. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521725968)(O)(271s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.7М)
    4. "Goerzen J., Rhodes B. Foundations of Python 3 Network Programming (2ed., Apress, 2010)(ISBN 1430230037)(O)(370s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.6М)
    5. "Guttag J.V. Introduction to computation and programming using Python (MIT, 2013)(ISBN 9780262519632)(600dpi)(T)(281s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.3М)
    6. "Hetland M.L. Beginning Python.. From novice to professional (APress, 2005)(ISBN 159059519X)(O)(641s)_CsPl_.pdf" (10.0М)
    7. "Idris I. NumPy Cookbook.. 70 recipes for learning the Python open-source mathematical library (Packt Publishing, 2012)(ISBN 1849518920)(O)(226s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.6М)
    8. "Langtangen H.P. A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9783642183652)(O)(736s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.9М)
    9. "Langtangen H.P. A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (3ed., Springer, 2012)(ISBN 3642302920)(O)(832s)_CsPl_.pdf" (5.5М)
    10. "Langtangen H.P. A primer on scientific programming with Python (3ed., Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642302923)(O)(820s)_CsPl_.pdf" (5.4М)
    11. "Langtangen H.P. Python scripting for computational science (3ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9783540739166)(769s)_CsPl_.pdf" (4.3М)
    12. "Lessa A. Python Developer's Handbook (Sams Pub., 2000)(ISBN 0672319942)(O)(958s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.9М)
    13. "Lutc M. (_Lutz_) Izuchaem __Python__ (4izd., Simvol, 2011)(ISBN 9785932861592)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1272s)_CsPl_.djvu" (10.2М)
    14. "Lutc M. (_Lutz_) Programmirovanie na __Python__, Tom 1 (4izd., Simvol, 2011)(ru)(ISBN 9785932862100)(O)(991s)_CsPl_.pdf" (13.1М)
    15. "Lutc M. (_Lutz_) Programmirovanie na __Python__, Tom 2 (4izd., Simvol, 2011)(ru)(ISBN 9785932862117)(O)(991s)_CsPl_.pdf" (12.9М)
    16. "Lutz M. Learning Python (4ed., O'Reilly, 2009)(ISBN 9780596158064)(O)(1213s)_CsPl_.pdf" (4.8М)
    17. "Lutz M. Programming Python (4ed., O'Reilly, 2011)(ISBN 9780596158101)(O)(1628s)_CsPl_.pdf" (11.8М)
    18. "Lutz M. Python pocket reference (O'Reilly, 2010)(ISBN 9780596158088)(O)(210s)_CsPl_.pdf" (961.5К)
    19. "McKinney W. Python for data analysis (O'Reilly, 2012)(ISBN 1449319793)(O)(470s)_CsPl_.pdf" (8.7М)
    20. "Pilgrim M. Dive into Python (draft, 2002)(O)(220s)_CsPl_.pdf" (414.3К)
    21. "Pilgrim M. Python 3 - Intensivkurs.. Projekte erfolgreich realisieren (Springer, 2010)(de)(ISBN 9783642043765)(O)(361s)_CsPl_.pdf" (8.3М)
    22. "Sammerfild M. (_Summerfield_) Programmirovanie na __Python__ 3 (Simvol, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785932861615)(600dpi)(T)(O)(609s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.4М)
    23. "Telles M. Python power. The comprehensive guide (Thomson, 2008)(ISBN 1598631586)(O)(529s)_CsPl_.pdf" (3.1М)
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  196. "Reek K. Pointers on C (no front matter, no TOC, no index)(AW, 1997)(ISBN 0673999866)(600dpi)(T)(O)(609s)_CsPl_.djvu" (14.0М)
  197. "Reiser M., Wirth N. Programming in Oberon.. steps beyond Pascal and Modula (AW, 1992)(ISBN 0201565439)(600dpi)(T)(340s)_CsPl_.djvu" (6.4М)
  198. "Rempt B. GUI programming with Python.. Qt edition (source)_pyqtsrc.tar.gz" (16.2М)
  199. "Reynolds J.C. Theories of programming languages (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521594146)(O)(T)(S)(513s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.4М)
  200. "Roberge, Brandle, Whittington. A laboratory course in C++ data structures (2ed., 2003)(ISBN 0763719765)(600dpi)(T)(C)(381s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.4М)
  201. "Rosenberg. How debuggers work(T)(C)(263s).djvu" (3.3М)
  202. "Ross P. Advanced Prolog.. Techniques and Examples (AW, 1989)(ISBN 0201175274)(600dpi)(T)(306s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.1М)
  203. "Rossum G., i dr. Jazyk programmirovanija Pajton (2001)(ru)(454s).pdf" (1.4М)
  204. "Rossum G., i dr. Jazyk programmirovanija Pajton (2001)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(454s).djvu" (3.6М)
  205. "Satter G. Novye slozhnye zadachi na C++ (2005)(KA)(ru)(T)(271s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.3М)
  206. "Satter G., Aleksandresku A. Standarty programmirovaniya na C++ (2005)(ru)(K)(T)(219s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.7М)
  207. "Schach S. Object-Oriented Software Engineering (7ed., MGH, 2007)(ISBN 007352333X)(O)(578s)_CsPl_.pdf" (9.7М)
  208. "Schach S. Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering (8ed., MGH, 2010)(ISBN 0073376183)(O)(688s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.7М)
  209. "Schach S.R. Object-oriented and Classical Software Engineering (7ed., MGH, 2006)(ISBN 0071258493)(400dpi)(T)(642s)_CsPl_.djvu" (13.4М)
  210. "Scheinerman E. C++ for mathematicians. An introduction for students and professionals (CRC, 2006)(ISBN 158488584X)(520s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.8М)
  211. "Schneeweiss R. Moderne C++ Programmierung (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642214288)(O)(401s)(de)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.9М)
  212. "Scott M.L. Programming Language Pragmatics (3ed., Elsevier, 2009)(ISBN 9780123745149)(941s)_CsPl_.pdf" (6.3М)
  213. "Scott M.L. Programming Language Pragmatics (Morgan Kaufmann, 2000)(ISBN 9781558604421)(K)(600dpi)(T)(866s)_CsPl_.djvu" (8.9М)
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  215. "Sebesta R. Osnovnye koncepcii yazykov programmirovaniya (5izd., Vil#yams, 2001)(ru)(ISBN 5845901928)(K)(T)(659s)_CsPl_.djvu" (9.5М)
  216. "Sebesta R.W. Concepts of Programming Languages (10ed., AW, 2012)(ISBN 0131395319)(O)(816s)_CsPl_.pdf" (2.7М)
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  219. "Sebesta R.W. Concepts of programming languages (AW)(T)(698s).djvu" (15.5М)
  220. "Semantika yazykov programmirovaniya (sbornik statej) (Mir, 1980)(ru)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(O)(397s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.0М)
  221. "Sestoft P. Programming language concepts (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781447141556)(O)(294s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.5М)
  222. "Shapiro E., Sterling L. The art of Prolog (2ed., MIT, 1999)(K)(T)(550s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.0М)
  223. "Shelest V. Programmirovanie (BXV-Peterburg, 2002)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(585s)_CsPl_.djvu" (8.6М)
  224. "Shildt G., Xolms D. Iskusstvo programmirovaniya na JAVA (Vil#yams, 2005)(ru).fajly._CsPl_.rar" (61.4К)
  225. "Shildt G., Xolms Dzh. (_Schildt,Holmes_) Iskusstvo programmirovaniya na JAVA (Vil#yams, 2005)(ru)(K)(T)(333s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.7М)
  226. "Shleer S., Mellor S. (_Shlaer,Mellor_) Ob~ektno-orientirovannyj analiz.. modelirovanie mira v sostoyaniyax (Kiev, 1993)(ru)(ISBN 5770755415)(600dpi)(K)(T)(244s)_CsPl_.djvu" (6.2М)
  227. "Smith G. The Object-Z Specification Language (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 9780792386841)(159s)_CsPl_.pdf" (589.8К)
  228. "Steele G.L. Common Lisp, the language (1990)(1096s).ps.gz" (1.8М)
  229. "Stobo D. Jazyk programmirovanija Prolog (RiS,1993)(ru)(L)(T)(183s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.3М)
  230. "Thompson S. Haskell.. the art of functional programming (1ed., AW, 1996)(KA)(T)(502s).djvu" (2.8М)
  231. "Thompson S. Haskell.. the art of functional programming (2ed., AW, 1999)(KA)(T)(504s).djvu" (3.7М)
  232. "Touretzky D.S. Common LISP.. a gentle introduction to symbolic computation (1990)(ISBN 0805304924)(T)(587s).djvu" (2.5М)
  233. "Vandevoorde D. C++ Solutions.. companion to C++ programming language (AW, 1998)(O)(600dpi)(T)(300s)_CsPl_.djvu" (1.9М)
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  235. "Vendrov A.M. Proektirovanie programmnogo obespecheniya e'konomicheskix informacionnyx sistem (2izd., FiS, 2006)(ISBN 5279029378)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(545s)_CsPl_.djvu" (7.8М)
  236. "Virt N. Programmirovanie na yazyke __MODULA__-2 (Mir, 1987)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(225s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.5М)
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  239. "Weiss M.A. Data structures and problem solving using C++ (2ed., Pearson, 2003)(ISBN 0321205006)(600dpi)(T)(976s)_CsPl_.djvu" (9.9М)
  240. "Wexelblat R.L. (ed.) History of programming languages, vol.1 (ACMM, AP, 1981)(ISBN 0127450408)(T)(O)(822s)_CsPl_.djvu" (9.3М)
  241. "Williams J.H., Fisher D.A. Design and Implementation of Programming Languages (LNCS0054, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 354008360X)(T)(506s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.0М)
  242. "Winskel G. The formal semantics of programming languages.. an introduction (MIT, 1993)(ISBN 0262231697)(600dpi)(T)(383s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.6М)
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  244. "Woodcock J., Davies J. Using Z.. Specification, Refinement, and Proof (PH, 1996)(ISBN 9780139484728)(O)(408s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.3М)
  245. "Woodcock, Davies. Using Z (free web version, 1999)(O)(407s)_CsPl_.pdf" (1.3М)
  246. "Wordsworth J. Software Development With Z.. A Practical Approach to Formal Methods in Software Engineering (AW, 1992)(ISBN 9780201627572)(600dpi)(T)(375s)_CsPl_.djvu" (2.2М)
  247. "Xenderson P. Funkcional#noe programmirovanie. Primenenie i realizaciya(Mir, 1983)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(350s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.1М)
  248. "Xramcov P.B., Brik S.A., Rusak A.M., Surin A.I. Vvedenie v __HTML__ (2003)(ru)(60s)_CsPl_.pdf" (652.4К)
  249. "Yakobson A., Buch G., Rambo Dzh. (_Jacobson, Booch, Rumbaugh_) Unificirovannyj process razrabotki programmnogo obespecheniya (Piter, 2002)(ISBN 5318003583)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(496s)_CsPl_.djvu" (7.1М)
  250. "Yourdon E. Writings of the revolution (Yourdon Press, 1982)(ISBN 0917072251)(600dpi)(T)(471s)_CsPl_.djvu" (5.2М)
  251. "Yourdon E.N. (ed.) Classics in software engineering (Yourdon Press, 1979)(ISBN 0917072146)(600dpi)(T)(433s)_CsPl_.djvu" (3.4М)
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