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  1. "Ajzerman M.A., Gusev L.A., Rozonoer L.I., Smirnova I.M., Tal# A.A. Logika, avtomaty, algoritmy (Nauka, 1963)(ru)(K)(T)(556s).djvu" (5.7М)
  2. "Alferova Z.V. Teoriya algoritmov (Statistika, 1973)(ru)(165s).djvu" (1.2М)
  3. "Alferova Z.V. Teoriya algoritmov (Statistika, 1973)(ru)(T)(165s).djvu" (1.7М)
  4. "Anisimov A.V. Rekursivnye preobrazovateli informacii (Kiev. Vishcha shkola, 1987)(KA)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(233s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.8М)
  5. "Arbib M.A. (red.) Algebraicheskaja teorija avtomatov, jazykov i polugrupp (Statistika, 1975)(ru)(L)(T)(168s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.8М)
  6. "Arbib M.A. (red.) Algebraicheskaja teorija avtomatov, jazykov i polugrupp (Statistika, 1975)(ru)(T)(335s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.0М)
  7. "Arora S., Barak B. Computational complexity.. A modern approach (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521424267)(605s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.3М)
  8. "Arora S., Barak B. Computational complexity.. A modern approach (web draft, 2007)(489s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.6М)
  9. "Avigad J. Computability and incompleteness. Lecture notes (free web version, 2007)(128s)_CsNp_.pdf" (495.1К)
  10. "Barendregt H. Lambda-ischislenie (Mir, 1985) (ru)(L)(T)(304s).djvu" (6.7М)
  11. "Barendregt H., Barendsen E. Introduction to Lambda calculus (free web version, 2000)(53s)_CsNp_.pdf" (256.8К)
  12. "Blum L., Cucker F., Shub M., Smale S. Complexity and Real Computation (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 9780387982816)(600dpi)(T)(474s)_CsNp_.djvu" (10.3М)
  13. "Blum L., Cucker F., Shub M., Smale S. Complexity and Real Computation (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 9780387982816)(T)(474s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.9М)
  14. "Boerger E., Staerk R. Abstract state machines.. A method for high-level system design and analysis (Springer 2003)(448s).pdf" (2.9М)
  15. "Bogdanov A., Trevisan L. Average-case complexity (NOW, 2006)(ISBN 1933019492)(122s)_CsNp_.pdf" (598.4К)
  16. "Borger E., Stark R. Abstract state machines.. Solutions to exercises (Springer, 2003)(18s)_CsNp_.pdf" (259.0К)
  17. "Bovet D., Crescenzi P. Introduction to the theory of complexity (PH, 1994)(ISBN 0139153802)(O)(291s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.2М)
  18. "Braue#r V. (_W.Brauer_) Vvedenie v teoriju konechnyh avtomatov (RiS, 1987)(ru)(T)(392s)_CsNp_.djvu" (12.2М)
  19. "Bridges D.S. Computability.. A mathematical sketchbook (GTM146, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 0387941746)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(190s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.9М)
  20. "Burgin M. Super-recursive algorithms (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387955690)(O)(314s)_CsNp_.pdf" (2.1М)
  21. "Burgisser, Clausen, Shokrollahi. Algebraic complexity theory (Springer, 1997)(KA)(T)(645s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.8М)
  22. "Burgisser, Clausen, Shokrollahi. Algebraic complexity theory (Springer, 1997)(L)(T)(323s).djvu" (7.6М)
  23. "Calude C. Information and randomness.. An algorithmic perspective (2ed., Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540434666)(600dpi)(T)(487s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.8М)
  24. "Calude C. Information and randomness.. an algorithmic approach (Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540574565)(600dpi)(T)(258s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.0М)
  25. "Calude C. Theories of computational complexity (ADM35, NH, 1988)(ISBN 044470356X)(T)(498s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.2М)
  26. "Chazelle B. The discrepancy method. Randomness and complexity (draft, 2001)(O)(497s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.2М)
  27. "Chiswell I. A course in formal languages, automata and groups (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848009399)(161s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.2М)
  28. "Clote P., Kranakis E. Boolean functions and computation models (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540594361)(T)(O)(618s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.5М)
  29. "Cockshott P., Mackenzie L.M., Michaelson G. Computation and its Limits (OUP, 2012)(ISBN 0199640327)(O)(246s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.7М)
  30. "Codd E.F. Cellular automata (ACM monograph, AP, 1968)(ISBN 0121788504)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(132s)_CsNp_.djvu" (959.7К)
  31. "Cooper S.B. Computability theory (CRC, 2004)(ISBN 1584882379)(K)(600dpi)(T)(421s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.3М)
  32. "Cooper S.B., Sorbi A. (eds.) Computability in context. Computation and logic in the real world (WS, 2009)(ISBN 1848162456)(O)(419s)_CsNp_.pdf" (2.3М)
  33. "Cooper, Lowe, Sorbi. (eds.) New computational paradigms. Changing conceptions of what is computable (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387360336)(551s)_CsNp_.pdf" (5.1М)
  34. "Cowan G., Pines D., Meltzer D. (eds.) Complexity (Perseus Books, 1999)(ISBN 0738202320)(40dpi)(T)(O)(S)(750s)_CsNp_.djvu" (10.7М)
  35. "Cutland N. Computability.. An Introduction to Recursive Function Theory (CUP, 1980)(ISBN 9780521294652)(T)(261s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.5М)
  36. "Cutland N. Computability.. an Introduction to Recursive Function Theory (CUP, 1992)(ISBN 0521223849)(K)(T)(260s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.5М)
  37. "Dasgupta S., Papadimitriou C.H., Vazirani U.V. Algorithms (web draft, 2006)(336s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.7М)
  38. "Davis M. Computability and unsolvability (MGH, 1958)(ISBN 0486614719)(T)(235s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.8М)
  39. "Davis M., Sigal R., Weyuker E. Computability, complexity, and languages.. Fundamentals of theoretical computer science (2ed., AP, 1994)(ISBN 0122063821)(600dpi)(T)(O)(628s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.8М)
  40. "Davis M., Weyuker E. Computability, complexity and languages.. Fundamentals of theoretical computer science (AP, 1983)(ISBN 0122063805)(K)(T)(434s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.3М)
  41. "Dowek G. Proofs and algorithms.. An introduction to logic and computability (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0857291203)(O)(168s)_CsNp_.pdf" (966.8К)
  42. "Downey R., Hirschfeldt D. Algorithmic randomness and complexity (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 0387955674)(O)(884s)_CsNp_.pdf" (5.6М)
  43. "Du D., Ko K. Theory of Computational Complexity (Wiley, 2000)(ISBN 9780471345060)(T)(498s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.6М)
  44. "Du D.Z., Ko K.I., Hu X. Design and analysis of approximation algorithms (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461417002)(O)(450s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.2М)
  45. "Du D.Z., Ko K.I., Hu X. Design and analysis of approximation algorithms (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461417002)(O)(453s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.0М)
  46. "Du Ding-Zhu, Ko Ker-I. Problem solving in automata, languages and complexity (Wiley, 2001)(ISBN 0471439606)(T)(401s).djvu" (3.5М)
  47. "E#bbinhaus, Jakobs, Man, Hermes. Mashiny T#juringa i rekursivnye funkcii (Mir, 1972)(net str.1-5)(ru)(L)(T)(136s).djvu" (2.5М)
  48. "E#bbinhauz, Jakobs, Man, Hermes. (_Ebbinghaus,Jacobs,Mahn,Hermes_) Mashiny T#juringa i rekursivnye funkcii (Mir, 1972)(ru)(460dpi)(K)(T)(O)(264s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.7М)
  49. "Eilenberg S., Elgot C. Recursiveness (AP, 1970)(ISBN 0122340507)(600dpi)(T)(94s)_CsNp_.djvu" (452.1К)
  50. "Enderton H.B. Computability theory. An introduction to recursion theory (AP, 2010)(ISBN 0123849586)(O)(187s)_CsNp_.pdf" (2.0М)
  51. "Epstein R.L., Carnielli W.A. Computability. Computable functions, logic, foundations of mathematics (3ed., ARF, 2008)(ISBN 098155072X)(400dpi)(T)(O)(378s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.8М)
  52. "Epstein R.L., Carnielli W.A. Computability.. computable functions, logic, foundations of mathematics (3ed., Advanced Reasoning Forum, 2008)(ISBN 098155072X)(400dpi)(T)(377s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.8М)
  53. "Fernandez M. Models of computation.. An introduction to computability theory (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848824335)(188s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.1М)
  54. "Feynman et al. Lectures on computation (1996)(T)(ISBN 0201489910)(324s).djvu" (3.3М)
  55. "Floyd R.W., Beigel R. The Language of Machines.. An Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages (W.H.Freeman, 1994)(ISBN 9780716782667)(T)(721s)_CsNp_.djvu" (13.0М)
  56. "Garey M.R., Johnson D.S. Computer and intractability.. a guide to the theory of NP-completeness (1979)(ISBN 0716710447)(600dpi)(T)(O)(351s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.1М)
  57. "Garey M.R., Johnson D.S. Computer and intractability.. a guide to the theory of NP-completeness (1979)(L)(T)(ISBN 0716710447)(175s).djvu" (3.2М)
  58. "Ge#ri M., Dzhonson D. Vychislitel#nye mashiny i trudnoreshaemye zadachi (Mir, 1982)(ru)(T)(419s).djvu" (12.1М)
  59. "Glushkov V.M. Sintez cifrovyx avtomatov (GIFML, 1962)(ru)(T)(K)(476s)_CsNp_.djvu" (5.4М)
  60. "Glushkov V.M. Algebra. Jazyki. Programmirovanie (ru)(L)(T)(159s).djvu" (4.1М)
  61. "Glushkov V.M. Sintez cifrovyh avtomatov (FML, 1962)(ru)(L)(T)(238s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.2М)
  62. "Goldreich O. Computational complexity.. A conceptual perspective (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 052188473X)(632s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.5М)
  63. "Goldreich O. Introduction to complexity theory, lecture notes (1999)(375s).pdf" (2.4М)
  64. "Goldreich O. P, NP, and NP-completeness.. The basics of computational complexity (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 052119248X)(O)(216s)_CsNp_.pdf" (990.1К)
  65. "Griffor E.R. (ed.) Handbook of computability theory (Elsevier, 1999)(ISBN 0444898824)(T)(710s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.7М)
  66. "Griffor E.R. (ed.) Handbook of computability theory (SLFM140, Elsevier, 1999)(ISBN 0444898824)(T)(O)(735s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.7М)
  67. "Gruska J. Foundations of Computing (Thomson Learning, 1997)(ISBN 9781850322436)(T)(546s)_CsNp_.djvu" (6.2М)
  68. "Gurari E. Introduction to the theory of computation (1989)(600s).pdf" (6.7М)
  69. "Gurari. Introduction to theory of computation (1989)(html).zip" (3.1М)
  70. "Harel D. Computers Ltd.. What they really can't do (OUP, 2000)(ISBN 0198505558)(600dpi)(T)(O)(238s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.8М)
  71. "Hehner E.C.R. A practical theory of programming (2ed., 2004)(242s).pdf" (933.7К)
  72. "Hein J. Theory of Computation. An Introduction (JaBP, 1996)(ISBN 0867204974)(600dpi)(T)(628s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.4М)
  73. "Hemaspaandra L.A., Ogihara M. The complexity theory companion (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540674195)(T)(O)(600dpi)(382s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.2М)
  74. "Hemaspaandra L.A., Ogihara M. The complexity theory companion (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540674195)(T)(O)(600dpi)(383s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.3М)
  75. "Homer S., Selman A.L. Computability and complexity theory (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9781461406815)(O)(315s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.6М)
  76. "Homer S., Selman A.L. Computability and complexity theory (Springer, 2001)(ISBN 0387950559)(T)(207s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.4М)
  77. "Hopkroft, Motvani, Ul#man. (_Hopcroft, Motwani, Ullman_) Vvedenie v teoriju avtomatov (2e izd., 2002)(ru)(T)(521s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.6М)
  78. "Immerman N. Descriptive Complexity (Springer, 1998)(ISBN 9780387986005)(K)(T)(284s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.1М)
  79. "Iordache O. Polystochastic models for complexity (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642106536)(O)(310s)_Cs_.pdf" (1.7М)
  80. "Jablonskij S.V. Vvedenie v diskretnuju matematiku (Nauka, 1986)(ru)(396dpi)(T)(C)(384s).djvu" (8.6М)
  81. "Jones N.D. Computability and complexity from a programming perspective (MIT, 1997)(ISBN 0262100649)(O)(484s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.8М)
  82. "Jones N.D. Computability and complexity from a programming perspective (MIT, 1997)(T)(457s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.7М)
  83. "Katlend N. (_Cutland_) Vychisllimost#. Vvedenie v teoriyu rekursivnyh funkcij (Mir, 1983)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(255s)_CsNp_.djvu" (5.4М)
  84. "Kitaev, Shen#, Vyalyj. Klassicheskie i kvantovye vychislenija(ru)(T)(193s).djvu" (2.3М)
  85. "Kobrinskij N.E., Trahtenbrot B.A. Vvedenie v teoriyu konechnyh avtomatov (Fizmatgiz, 1962)(ru)(T)(405s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.0М)
  86. "Kushilevitz E., Nisan N. Communication complexity (CUP, 1997)(ISBN 0521560675)(600dpi)(T)(207s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.9М)
  87. "Kuznecov V.E. Predstavlenie v E#VM neformal#nyh procedur(ru)(Nauka, 1989)(KA)(T)(161s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.9М)
  88. "Lavrov S.S. Programmirovanie. Matematicheskie osnovy, sredstva, teorija (ru)(T)(314s).djvu" (3.6М)
  89. "Lewis H.R., Papadimitriou C.H. Elements of the Theory of Computation (2ed., PH, 1998)(ISBN 0132624788)(K)(T)(375s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.1М)
  90. "Lewis H.R., Papadimitriou C.H. Elements of the Theory of Computation (2ed., PH, 1998)(ISBN 9780132624787)(T)(378s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.8М)
  91. "Lipton R. The P=NP question and Godels lost letter (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1441971548)(O)(254s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.2М)
  92. "Luby M., Wigderson A. Pairwise independence and derandomization (NOW, 2006)(ISBN 1933019220)(78s)_CsNp_.pdf" (476.4К)
  93. "Mal#cev A.N. Algoritmy i rekursivnye funkcii (Nauka, 1986)(ru)(L)(T)(183s).djvu" (4.6М)
  94. "Mal'cev A.I. Algorithms and recursive functions (Wolters, 1970)(ISBN 9001570704)(K)(T)(O)(370s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.2М)
  95. "Manin Ju.I. Vychislimoe i nevychislimoe (1980)(ru)(L)(T)(66s).djvu" (2.1М)
  96. "Manin Yu.I. Vychislimoe i nevychislimoe (Sov. radio, 1980)(ru)(T)(O)(600dpi)(130s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.0М)
  97. "Manna Z. Lectures on the logic of computer programming (SIAM, 1980)(ISBN 0898711649)(T)(O)(57s)_CsNp_.djvu" (275.4К)
  98. "Marchenkov S.S. E#lementarnye rekursivnye funkcii (MCCME 2003)(K)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(112s)_CsNp_.djvu" (962.1К)
  99. "Markov A.A., Nagornyj N.M. Teorija algorifmov (Nauka, 1984)(ru)(L)(T)(217s).djvu" (4.4М)
  100. "Minskij M. Vychislenija i avtomaty (Mir, 1971)(ru)(K)(T)(366s).djvu" (3.6М)
  101. "Moret B. The theory of computation (AW, 1998)(ISBN 0201258285)(T)(471s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.5М)
  102. "Moret B., Shapiro H.D. Algorithms from P to NP, Vol. I.. Design and Efficiency (AW, 1991)(ISBN 9780805380088)(T)(590s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.5М)
  103. "Nies A. Computability and randomness (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0199230765)(450s)_CsNp_.pdf" (2.5М)
  104. "Nies A. Computability and randomness (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0199230765)(O)(450s)_CsNp_.pdf" (2.5М)
  105. "O#Donnell M.J. Computing in systems described by equations (LNCS0058, Springer, 1977)(ISBN 0387085319)(T)(125s)_CsNp_.djvu" (750.9К)
  106. "Papadimitriou C.H. Computational Complexity (1994)(600dpi)(T)(540s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.7М)
  107. "Parberry I. Complexity of parallel computations (free web version, 1987)(ISBN 0470209313)(T)(O)(212s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.4М)
  108. "Peter R. Recursive functions (2ed., AP, 1967)(ASIN B0006BP0OE)(T)(301s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.9М)
  109. "Peter R. Rekursivnye funkcii (IL, 1954)(ru)(T)(264s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.0М)
  110. "Rodzhers H. Teorija rekursivnyh funckij i e#ffektivnaja vychislimost# (Mir, 1972)(ru)(L)(T)(312s).djvu" (7.0М)
  111. "Salomaa A. Computation and automata (CUP 1985)(T)(ISBN 0521302455)(290s).djvu" (3.3М)
  112. "Schoening U. Algorithmen kurz gefasst (Spectrum, 1997)(ISBN 3827402328)(de)(T)(209s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.4М)
  113. "Schoening U. Algorithmen kurz gefasst (de)(T)(105s).djvu" (1.6М)
  114. "Schoening U. Theoretische Informatik kurz gefasst (Inf IV)(low res)(de)(T)(86s).djvu" (1.7М)
  115. "Schoning U. Gems of theoretical computer science (draft, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540644253)(327s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.4М)
  116. "Shennon, Makkarti. Chast# 2. Mashiny T#juringa (ru)(L)(T)(35s).djvu" (799.6К)
  117. "Singh A. Elements of computation theory (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848824963)(429s)_CsNp_.pdf" (3.3М)
  118. "Sipser M. Introduction to the theory of computation (2005)(600dpi)(T)(453s)_CsNp_.djvu" (5.2М)
  119. "Sipser M. Introduction to the theory of computation (PWS, 1997)(ISBN 053494728X)(K)(T)(410s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.7М)
  120. "Sipser M. Introduction to the theory of computation. Instructor#s manual.. solutions to 1ed., 1997 (Thomson, 1999)(ISBN 053437462X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(61s)_CsNp_.djvu" (906.0К)
  121. "Smith C. A recursive introduction to the theory of computation (Springer, 1994)(ISBN 0387943323)(600dpi)(T)(O)(155s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.2М)
  122. "Straubing H. Finite automata, formal logic, and circuit complexity (Birkhauser, 1994)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0817637192)(237s).djvu" (11.2М)
  123. "Streicher T. Domain-theoretic foundations of functional programming (WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812701427)(T)(C)(O)(132s)_CsNp_.djvu" (876.4К)
  124. "Sudan M. Efficient Checking of Polynomials and Proofs and the Hardness of Appoximation Problems (LNCS1001, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606157)(T)(O)(98s)_CsNp_.djvu" (753.7К)
  125. "Tourlakis G. Theory of computation (Wiley, 2012)(ISBN 9781118014783)(T)(O)(410s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.8М)
  126. "Trahtenbrot B.A., Barzdin# Ya.M. Konechnye avtomaty. Povedenie i sintez (Nauka, 1970)(ru)(L)(T)(200s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.8М)
  127. "Traxtenbrot B.A. Algoritmy i mashinnoe reshenie zadach (2e izd., GIFML, 1960)(ru)(T)(K)(120s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.1М)
  128. "Turner R. Computable Models (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848820518)(238s)_CsNp_.pdf" (1.1М)
  129. "Uspenskij V.A. Lekcii o vychislimyh funkcijah (FML, 1960)(ru)(T)(491s)_CsNp_.djvu" (5.7М)
  130. "Uspenskij V.A. Mashina Posta (ru)(L)(T)(49s).djvu" (994.7К)
  131. "Uspenskij V.A., Vereshchagin N.K., Shen# A. Kolmogorovskaya slozhnost# (draft, 2007)(ru)(420s)_CsNp_.ps.gz" (1.3М)
  132. "Varpahovskij F.L. E#lementy teorii algoritmov (Prosveshchenie, 1970)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(25s)_CsNp_.djvu" (514.2К)
  133. "Varpaxovskij F.L. E#lementy teorii algoritmov (Prosveshchenie 1970)(ru)(T)(25s)(600dpi)_CsNp_.djvu" (556.6К)
  134. "Vereshchagin N.K., Uspenskij V.A., Shen' A. Kolmogorovskaya slozhnost' i algoritmicheskaya sluchajnost' (MCNMO, 2012)(ISBN 9785940577096)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(588s)_CsNp_.djvu" (4.6М)
  135. "Wegener I. Branching programs and binary decision diagrams (SIAM, 2000)(ISBN 0898714583)(T)(O)(419s)_CsNp_.djvu" (3.6М)
  136. "Weihrauch K. Computable Analysis.. An Introduction (Springer, 2000)(ISBN 9783540668176)(T)(297s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.5М)
  137. "Yap C.K. Theory of complexity classes (web draft, 2009)(O)(438s)_CsNp_.pdf" (5.0М)
  138. "Yap C.K. Theory of complexity classes. Vol.1 (free draft, 1998)(O)(435s)_CsNp_.pdf" (2.0М)
  139. "Zenil H. (ed.) Randomness through computation. Some answers, more questions (WS, 2011)(ISBN 9814327743)(O)(440s)_CsNp_.pdf" (2.5М)
  140. "Zhou C., Hansen M.R. Duration Calculus.. A Formal Approach to Real-Time Systems (Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540408231)(600dpi)(T)(256s)_CsNp_.djvu" (1.9М)
  141. "Zimand M. Computational complexity. A quantitative perspective (Elsevier, 2004)(ISBN 0444828419)(T)(350s)_CsNp_.djvu" (2.0М)

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