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Индекс цитирования

biblio/kolxoz/cs/csnl.txt · Последнее изменение: 09.09.2023 16:32 — nozdr

Естественные языки

  1. "Appelt D.E. Planning English sentences (CUP, 1985)(ISBN 0521301157)(T)(181s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.0М)
  2. "Baayen R.H. Word frequency distributions (Kluwer, 2001)(ISBN 0792370171)(600dpi)(T)(359s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.9М)
  3. "Baayen R.H. Word frequency distributions (Kluwer, 2001)(ISBN 0792370171)(program disk).zip" (1.4М)
  4. "Badia A. Quantifiers in action.. generalized quantification in query, logical and natural languages (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 0387095632)(O)(163s)_CsNl_.pdf" (2.7М)
  5. "Beesley K.R., Karttunen L. Finite state morphology (CSLI, 2003)(ISBN 1575864347)(600dpi)(T)(530s)_CsNl_.djvu" (4.3М)
  6. "Beesley K.R., Karttunen L. Finite state morphology (CSLI, 2003)(ISBN 1575864347)(software CDROM).rar" (2.4М)
  7. "Bes G.G., Guillotin T. (eds.) A natural language and graphics interface (Springer, 1992)(ISBN 0387556753)(600dpi)(T)(198s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.6М)
  8. "Bethard S., Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. Instructor's solution manual to Speech and Language Processing 2ed. (Pearson, 2009)(ISBN 0136072658)(116s)_CsNl_.pdf" (1.1М)
  9. "Biber D., Conrad S., Reppen R. Corpus linguistics (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521496225)(T)(313s)_CsNl_.djvu" (3.7М)
  10. "Blackburn P., Bos J. Representation and inference for natural language, vol. 2 (web draft, 1999)(225s)_CsAi_.pdf" (1.0М)
  11. "Bolc L. (ed.) Natural language parsing systems (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 0387175377)(600dpi)(T)(387s)_CsNl_.djvu" (4.1М)
  12. "Bourigault D., et al. (eds.) Recent Advances in Computational Terminology (JB, 2003)(ISBN 9027249849)(O)(399s)_CsNl_.pdf" (2.6М)
  13. "Butler C.S. Statistics in linguistics (Blackwell, 1985)(ISBN 0631142657)(400dpi)(T)(O)(227s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.1М)
  14. "Carberry S. Plan recognition in natural language dialogue (MIT, 1990)(ISBN 0262031671)(600dpi)(T)(302s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.9М)
  15. "Carter D. Interpreting anaphors in natural language texts (Ellis Horwood, 1987)(ISBN 0745802508)(600dpi)(T)(291s)_CsNl_.djvu" (4.7М)
  16. "Charniak E. Statistical language learning (MIT, 1993)(ISBN 0262032163)(600dpi)(T)(190s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.9М)
  17. "Clark A., Fox C., Lappin S. (eds.) The handbook of computational linguistics and natural language processing (Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 9781405155816)(O)(801s)_CsNl_.pdf" (3.2М)
  18. "Dahl V., Saint-Dizier P. (eds.) Natural language understanding and logic programming (North-Holand, 1985)(ISBN 0444877142)(600dpi)(T)(256s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.1М)
  19. "Dahl V., Saint-Dizier P. (eds.) Natural language understanding and logic programming, part 2 (Elsevier, 1988)(ISBN 0444704086)(600dpi)(T)(353s)_CsNl_.djvu" (5.3М)
  20. "Dahlgren K. Naive semantics for natural language understanding (Kluwer, 1988)(ISBN 0898382874)(600dpi)(T)(270s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.9М)
  21. "Dale R., Mellish C., Zock M. (eds.) Current research in natural language generation (AP, 1990)(ISBN 0122007352)(600dpi)(T)(368s)_CsNl_.djvu" (3.1М)
  22. "Danlos L. The linguistic basis of text generation (CUP, 1987)(ISBN 9780521329385)(600dpi)(T)(238s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.1М)
  23. "Dekker P.J.E. Dynamic Semantics (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 940074868X)(O)(137s)_CsNl_.pdf" (900.8К)
  24. "Delmonte R. Computational linguistic text processing.. lexicon, grammar, parsing, and anaphora resolution (Nova, 2008)(ISBN 9781604567496)(600dpi)(T)(401s)_CsNl_.djvu" (3.4М)
  25. "Delmonte R. Computational linguistic text processing.. logical form, semantic interpretation, discourse relations and question answering (Nova, 2007)(ISBN 1600217001)(600dpi)(T)(381s)_CsNl_.djvu" (3.3М)
  26. "Dougherty R.C. Natural language computing.. an English generative grammar in Prolog (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994)(ISBN 0805815252)(600dpi)(T)(396s)_CsNl_.djvu" (4.4М)
  27. "Dougherty R.C. Natural language computing.. an English generative grammar in Prolog (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994)(ISBN 0805815252)(program code).rar" (20.0К)
  28. "Gelhausen T. Modellextraktion aus natuerlichen Sprachen.. Eine Methode zur systematischen Erstellung von Domaenenmodellen (phd thesis, KIT, 2010)(ISBN 3866445474)(de)(320s)_CsNl_.pdf" (3.0М)
  29. "Gladkij A.V. Sintaksicheskie struktury estestvennogo jazyka v avtomatizirovannyh sistemah obshchenija (ru)(Nauka, 1985)(600dpi)(T)(145s)_CsNl_.djvu" (4.4М)
  30. "Goshawke W., Kelly I.D.K., Wigg J.D. Computer translation of natural language (Sigma press, 1987)(ISBN 1850580561)(600dpi)(T)(292s)_CsAi_.djvu" (2.5М)
  31. "Goutte C., et al. Learning machine translation (MIT, 2009)(ISBN 9780262072977)(329s)_CsNl_.pdf" (1.7М)
  32. "Hausser R. Computational Linguistics and Talking Robots.. Processing Content in Database Semantics (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642224318)(O)(297s)_CsNl_.pdf" (2.9М)
  33. "Hausser R. Left-associative grammar.. the algebraic definitions (Computers and Translation 3, p.121, 1988)(600dpi)(T)(35s)_CsNl_.djvu" (426.8К)
  34. "Hinrichs E., et al. Ein HPSG-Fragment des Deutschen, Teil 1.. Theorie (SFB Bericht 95, 1997)(de)(384s)_CsNl_.pdf" (1.8М)
  35. "Indurkhya N., Damerau F.J. (eds.) Handbook of natural language processing (2ed., CRC, 2010)(ISBN 9781420085921)(O)(692s)_CsNl_.pdf" (6.0М)
  36. "Jurafsky, Martin. Speech and Language Processing (front matter and back matter only)(2ed., Pearson, 2008)(600dpi)(T)(105s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.9М)
  37. "Kaljurand K. Attempto Controlled English as a semantic web language (phd thesis, 2007)(161s)_CsNl_.pdf" (974.5К)
  38. "Karlgren J. Information retrieval.. statistics and linguistics (web draft, SICS, 2000)(600dpi)(T)(57s)_CsNl_.djvu" (342.6К)
  39. "Kennedy G. An introduction to corpus linguistics (AW Longman, 1998)(ISBN 9780582231542)(T)(325s)_CsNl_.djvu" (6.8М)
  40. "Koehn P. Statistical machine translation (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 9780521874151)(O)(447s)_CsNl_.pdf" (1.7М)
  41. "Kuhn T. Controlled English for knowledge representation (phd thesis, 2010)(244s)_CsNl_.pdf" (2.6М)
  42. "Lemnitzer L., Zinsmeister H. Korpuslinguistik.. eine Einfuehrung (de)(2ed., Narr, 2010)(ISBN 9783823365556)(600dpi)(T)(210s)_CsNl_.djvu" (3.9М)
  43. "Lindquist H. Corpus linguistics and the description of English (Edinburgh University Press, 2009)(ISBN 9780748626144)(O)(241s)_CsNl_.pdf" (850.5К)
  44. "Marcus M.P. Theory of Syntactic Recognition for Natural Language (MIT, 1980)(ISBN 0262131498)(600dpi)(T)(352s)_CsAi_.djvu" (2.7М)
  45. "McDonald D.D., Bolc L. (eds.) Natural language generation systems (Springer, 1988)(ISBN 0387966919)(600dpi)(T)(403s)_CsNl_.djvu" (5.5М)
  46. "McEnery T., Wilson A. Corpus linguistics.. an introduction (2ed., Edinburgh U., 2001)(ISBN 0748611657)(600dpi)(T)(244s)_CsNl_.djvu" (3.2М)
  47. "Mel'chuk I. Avtomaticheskij sintaksicheskij analiz, tom 1 (AN SSSR, 1964)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(364s)_CsNl_.djvu" (8.1М)
  48. "Moens M. Automatic Indexing and Abstracting of Document Texts (ISBN 0792377931)(Kluwer, 2000)(282s)_CsNl_.pdf" (1.2М)
  49. "Nekrasov I.V. Razrabotka i issledovanie metoda klassifikacii bibliograficheskoj tekstovoj informacii (dissertacija, Moskva, 2005)(ru)(T)(150s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.8М)
  50. "Olive J., et al. (eds.) Handbook of natural language processing and machine translation (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9781441977120)(O)(964s)_CsNl_.pdf" (17.2М)
  51. "Ovchinnikova E. Integration of world knowledge for natural language understanding (Atlantis Press, 2012)(ISBN 9789491216527)(O)(252s)_CsNl_.pdf" (1.5М)
  52. "Patten T. Systemic text generation as problem solving (CUP, 1988)(ISBN 052135076X)(600dpi)(T)(229s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.9М)
  53. "Piotrovskij R.G. Inzhenernaya lingvistika i teoriya yazyka (Nauka, 1979)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(116s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.8М)
  54. "Pustejovsky J., Stubbs A. Natural language annotation for machine learning (O'Reilly, 2012)(ISBN 9781449306663)(O)(343s)_CsNl_.pdf" (6.1М)
  55. "Ranta A. Grammatical Framework.. Programming with Multilingual Grammars (CSLI, 2011)(ISBN 1575866277)(600dpi)(T)(344s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.3М)
  56. "Recent advances in natural language processing, 3 conf., RANLP 2003 (JB, 2003)(ISBN 9027247749)(O)(417s)_CsNl_.pdf" (3.1М)
  57. "Review of Sager.. Computer grammar of English(T)(4s).djvu" (82.7К)
  58. "Sampson G. Empirical linguistics (Continuum, 2001)(ISBN 0826448836)(300dpi)(T)(237s)_CsNl_.djvu" (2.2М)
  59. "Sampson G. Empirical linguistics (Continuum, 2001)(ISBN 0826448836)(600dpi)(T)(237s)_CsNl_.djvu" (4.3М)
  60. "Sampson G. English for the computer.. the SUSANNE corpus and analytic scheme (OUP, 1995)(ISBN 0198240236)(600dpi)(T)(511s)_CsNl_.djvu" (4.7М)
  61. "Schwitter R. Kontrolliertes English fuer Anforderungsspezifikationen (phd thesis, Zuerich, 1998)(de)(600dpi)(T)(268s)_CsNl_.djvu" (1.5М)
  62. "Slocum J. (ed.) Machine translation systems (CUP, 1988)(ISBN 0521359635)(600dpi)(T)(352s)_CsNl_.djvu" (7.7М)
  63. "Winkler S., Featherston S. The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics 1.. Process (SGG101, de Gruyter, 2009)(ISBN 3110213389)(O)(281s)_CsNl_.pdf" (2.3М)
  64. "de Jonge B., Tobin D.Y. (eds.) Linguistic Theory and Empirical Evidence (JB, 2011)(ISBN 902721574X)(O)(307s)_CsNl_.pdf" (2.8М)
  65. "de Swart H. Introduction to natural language semantics (CSLI, 1998)(ISBN 1575861380)(600dpi)(T)(271s)_CsAi_.djvu" (1.9М)
  66. "de la Higuera C. Grammatical Inference.. Learning Automata and Grammars (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 9780521963165)(O)(433s)_CsAi_.pdf" (2.5М)
  67. "van Eijck J., Unger C. Computational Semantics with Functional Programming (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521757606)(O)(422s)_CsAi_.pdf" (1.8М)

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