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  1. "Acharya T., Ray A. Image Processing.. Principles and Applications (ISBN 0471719986)(Wiley, 2005)(T)(449s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.3М)
  2. "Acton S.T. Biomedical image analysis.. Tracking (Morgan, 2006)(ISBN 1598290185)(153s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.2М)
  3. "Acton S.T., Ray N. Biomedical image analysis. Segmentation (Morgan, 2009)(ISBN 1598290207)(O)(117s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.3М)
  4. "Agapov S.V. Fotogrammetriya skanernyx snimkov (Kartocentr, 1996)(ru)(ISBN 5860660154)(600dpi)(T)(O)(175s)_CsIp_.djvu" (1.9М)
  5. "Aja-Fernandez S., et al. Tensors in image processing and computer vision (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848822987)(466s)_CsIp_.pdf" (26.6М)
  6. "Akenine-Moeller T., Haines E. Real-time rendering (2ed., AK Peters, 2002)(ISBN 1568811829)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(C)(877s)_CsIp_.djvu" (10.6М)
  7. "Akiyama I. (ed.) Acoustical imaging. Vol.29 (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 1402088221)(O)(519s)_CsIp_.pdf" (23.6М)
  8. "Aleksandrov V.V., Gorskij N.D. Predstavlenie i obrabotka izobrazhenij. Rekursivnyj podxod (Nauka, 1985)(ru)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(O)(191s)_CsIp_.djvu" (3.4М)
  9. "Ammari H. An introduction to mathematics of emerging biomedical imaging (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540795529)(193s)_CsIp_.pdf" (2.3М)
  10. "Ammeral L. Principy programmirovaniya v mashinnoj grafike (1992)(ru)(T)(224s)(600dpi)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.0М)
  11. "An Introduction to Fractal Image Compression (Texas Instruments Europe, 1997)(20s)_CsIp_.pdf" (624.5К)
  12. "Angeles J., et al. (eds.) Brain, body and machine (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642162584)(O)(363s)_CsIp_.pdf" (10.5М)
  13. "Anisimov B.V., Kurganov V.D., Zlobin V.K. Raspoznavanie i cifrovaja obrabotka izobrazhenij (1983)(ru)(L)(150s).djvu" (4.5М)
  14. "Anisimov B.V., Kurganov V.D., Zlobin V.K. Raspoznavanie i cifrovaja obrabotka izobrazhenij (1983)(ru)(L)(T)(150s).djvu" (5.3М)
  15. "Aubert G., Kornprobst P. Mathematical Problems in Image Processing.. Partial Differential Equations And the Calculus of Variations (2006)(600dpi)(T)(397s)_CsIp_.djvu" (8.4М)
  16. "Ayres F., et al. Analysis of oriented texture with applications to the detection of architectural (Morgan, 2011)(ISBN 1608450295)(O)(165s)_CsIp_.pdf" (4.2М)
  17. "Baessmann H., Besslich P.W. Ad Oculus.. Digital Image Processing, Student Version 2.0 (ITP, 1995)(K)(T)(446s)_CsIp_.djvu" (9.2М)
  18. "Ballard D.H., Brown C.M. Computer vision (PH, 1982)(ISBN 0131653164)(T)(548s).djvu" (8.0М)
  19. "Banhart J. (ed.) Advanced Tomographic Methods in Materials Research and Engineering (OUP, 2008)(ISBN 0199213240)(489s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.7М)
  20. "Banik S., et al. Landmarking and segmentation of 3D CT images (Morgan and Claypool, 2009)(ISBN 1598292846)(170s)_CsIp_.pdf" (9.9М)
  21. "Bankman I.N. (ed.) Handbook of medical imaging (AP, 2000)(ISBN 0120777908)(O)(910s)_CsIp_.pdf" (21.8М)
  22. "Barni M. (ed.) Document and image compression (draft, CRC, 2006)(ISBN 0849335566)(O)(456s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.3М)
  23. "Batchelor B.G., Whelan P.F. Intelligent vision systems for industry (Springer, 1997)(T)(C)(473s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.8М)
  24. "Benois-Pineau J., Precioso F., Cord M. Visual Indexing and Retrieval (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461435877)(O)(113s)_CsIp_.pdf" (1.5М)
  25. "Bergounioux M. (ed.) Mathematical image processing. University of Orleans, 2010 (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642196039)(O)(209s)_CsIp_.pdf" (3.6М)
  26. "Berryman J.G. Nonlinear Inversion and Tomography (LN, MIT, 1991)(400dpi)(T)(173s)_CsIp_.djvu" (857.7К)
  27. "Bertero M., Boccacci P. Introduction to Inverse Problems in Imaging (IOP, 1998)(400dpi)(T)(370s)_CsIp_.djvu" (3.5М)
  28. "Bezdek J.C., Keller J., Krisnapuram R., Pal N.R. Fuzzy models and algorithms for pattern recognition and image processing (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387245154)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(C)(793s)_CsIp_.djvu" (14.3М)
  29. "Bhanu B., Han J. Human recognition at a distance in video (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0857291238)(O)(277s)_CsIp_.pdf" (7.4М)
  30. "Bhanu B., Pavlidis I. Computer vision beyond the visible spectrum (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 1852336048)(322s)_CsIp_.pdf" (4.0М)
  31. "Bharatah A. Introduction to medical imaging (Morgan, 2009)(ISBN 1598296116)(186s)_CsIp_.pdf" (9.6М)
  32. "Bhatti A. (ed.) Stereo vision (I-Tech, 2008)(ISBN 9789537619220)(600dpi)(T)(O)(378s)_CsIp_.djvu" (8.2М)
  33. "Bigun J. Vision with direction (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540273220)(395s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.4М)
  34. "Biswas S., Lovell B. Bezier and splines in image processing and machine vision (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9781846289569)(250s)_CsIp_.pdf" (7.1М)
  35. "Blahut R.E. Theory of remote image formation (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521553733)(O)(555s)_CsIp_.pdf" (2.4М)
  36. "Blake A., Kohli P., Rother C. (eds.) Markov random fields for vision and image processing (MIT, 2011)(ISBN 0262015773)(O)(472s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.4М)
  37. "Blanchet G., Charbit M. Digital signal and image processing using MATLAB (ISTE, 2006)(ISBN 1905209134)(764s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.2М)
  38. "Blum R., Liu Z. (eds.) Multi-sensor image fusion and its applications (CRC, 2006)(ISBN 0849334179)(535s)_CsIp_.pdf" (10.0М)
  39. "Bonilla L.L. (ed.) Inverse Problems and Imaging.. Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School, 2002 (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540785450)(O)(204s)_CsIp_.pdf" (3.2М)
  40. "Boulgouris N., et al. (eds.) Biometrics.. Theory, methods, and applications (Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 0470247827)(O)(763s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.7М)
  41. "Bourne R. Fundamentals of digital imaging in medicine (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1848820860)(O)(209s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.4М)
  42. "Bovik A. (ed.) Handbook of image and video processing (2ed., Elsevier, 2005)(ISBN 0121197921)(T)(C)(O)(1429s)_CsIp_.djvu" (37.5М)
  43. "Bovik A. The essential guide to image processing (no TOC)(AP, 2009)(ISBN 9780123744579)(O)(841s)_CsIp_.pdf" (12.4М)
  44. "Bovik A., et al. (eds.) Advances in image processing and understanding.. A festschrift for T.S. Huang (WS, 2002)(ISBN 9812380914)(T)(O)(398s)_CsIp_.djvu" (7.8М)
  45. "Bow S. Pattern Recognition and Image Preprocessing (Dekker, 2002)(T)(719s)_CsIp_.djvu" (6.9М)
  46. "Bow S.-T. Pattern Recognition and Image Preprocessing (2ed., M.Dekker, 2002)(T)(719s).djvu" (10.9М)
  47. "Breuss M., Bruckstein A. (eds.) Innovations for shape analysis (Springer, 2013)(ISBN 9783642341403)(C)(O)(506s)_CsIp_.pdf" (11.3М)
  48. "Brimkov V.E., Barneva R.P. (eds.) Digital geometry algorithms (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9789400741737)(O)(427s)_CsIp_.pdf" (7.9М)
  49. "Brown M., Semelka R. MRI. Basic principles and applications (3ed., Wiley, 2003)(268s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.9М)
  50. "Bruevich P.N. Fotogrammetriya (Nedra, 1990)(ru)(ISBN 5247004647)(600dpi)(T)(O)(287s)_CsIp_.djvu" (4.5М)
  51. "Bryan R.N. (ed.) Introduction to the science of medical imaging (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521747627)(C)(336s)_CsIp_.pdf" (18.9М)
  52. "Bui A., Taira R.K. (eds.) Medical imaging informatics (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1441903844)(O)(562s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.8М)
  53. "Burger W., Burge M.J. Digital image processing.. An algorithmic introduction using Java (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 1846283795)(600dpi)(T)(574s)_CsIp_.djvu" (8.2М)
  54. "Burger W., Burge M.J. Principles of digital image processing. Core algorithms (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 1848001940)(O)(341s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.4М)
  55. "Butakov, Ostrovskij, Fadeev. Obrabotka izobrazhenij na E#VM (RiS, 1987)(ru)(K)(T)(239s).djvu" (3.2М)
  56. "Buxton R. Introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging.. Principles and techniques (2ed., CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521899958)(O)(479s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.9М)
  57. "Buzug T.M. Computed tomography.. From photon statistics to modern cone-beam CT (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540394079)(O)(526s)_CsIp_.pdf" (15.3М)
  58. "Byrnes J. (ed.) Imaging for detection and identification (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 1402056184)(O)(272s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.6М)
  59. "Cagnoni S. (ed.) Evolutionary image analysis and signal processing (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642016359)(220s)_CsIp_.pdf" (4.5М)
  60. "Camps-Valls G., Bruzzone L. (eds.) Kernel methods for remote sensing data analysis (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 9780470722114)(O)(444s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.3М)
  61. "Cao F. Geometric curve evolution and image processing (LNM1805, Springer, 2003)(187s)_CsIp_.pdf" (2.3М)
  62. "Cao F., et al. Theory of shape identification (LNM1948, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540684808)(216s)_CsIp_.pdf" (10.8М)
  63. "Cappellini V. (ed.) Time-varying image processing and moving object recognition, 4 (Elsevier, 1997)(ISBN 0444823077)(O)(T)(S)(346s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.0М)
  64. "Chan T.F., Shen J. Image processing and analysis (SIAM, 2005)(ISBN 089871589X)(T)(O)(423s)_CsIp_.djvu" (3.9М)
  65. "Chandra A.M., Gosh S.K. (_Chandra,Ghosh_) Distancionnoe zondirovanie i geograficheskie informacionnye sistemy (Texnosfera, 2008)(ISBN 9785948361789)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(C)(308s)_CsIp_.djvu" (7.3М)
  66. "Chanussot J., Collet C., Chehdi K. Multivariate image processing (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 9781848211391)(C)(468s)_CsIp_.pdf" (4.4М)
  67. "Chatterjee A., Siarry P. (eds.) Computational intelligence in image processing (Springer, 2013)(ISBN 9783642306204)(C)(O)(303s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.8М)
  68. "Chaudhuri S., Manjunath J. Motion-free super-resolution (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387258906)(T)(245s)_CsIp_.djvu" (2.5М)
  69. "Chen C.H. (ed.) Image processing for remote sensing (CRC, 2008)(ISBN 9781420066647)(O)(418s)_CsIp_.pdf" (13.4М)
  70. "Chidume C.E. School in Mathematical problems in image processing (ICTP Lecture notes, 2000)(T)(100s).djvu" (701.6К)
  71. "Chowdhury A., Bhandarkar S. Computer vision-guided virtual craniofacial surgery (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9780857292957)(O)(191s)_CsIp_.pdf" (3.1М)
  72. "Christensen H.I., Phillips P.J. (eds.) Empirical evaluation methods in computer vision (WS, 2002)(ISBN 9810249535)(T)(170s)_CsIp_.djvu" (2.7М)
  73. "Chrysikopoulos H.S. Clinical MR imaging and physics.. A tutorial (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 354077999X)(O)(183s)_CsIp_.pdf" (9.9М)
  74. "Cierniak R. X-Ray computed tomography in biomedical engineering (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9780857290267)(O)(333s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.2М)
  75. "Cipolla R., et al. (eds.) Computer vision. Detection, recognition and reconstruction (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 9783642128479)(C)(O)(362s)_CsIp_.pdf" (11.8М)
  76. "Ciulla C. Improved signal and image interpolation in biomedical applications.. (MRI) (MISR, 2009)(ISBN 160566202X)(641s)_CsIp_.pdf" (17.0М)
  77. "Cohen M.F., Wallace J.R. Radiosity and realistic image synthesis (AP, 1995)(412s).pdf" (6.1М)
  78. "Corke P. Robotics, vision and control.. fundamental algorithms in MATLAB (Springer, 2011)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(558s)_CsIp_.djvu" (17.2М)
  79. "Costa L., Cesar R.M.Jr. Shape classification and analysis (2ed., CRC, 2009)(ISBN 9780849379291)(O)(675s)_CsIp_.pdf" (10.6М)
  80. "Crane R. Simplified approach to image processing in C (PH, 1997)(600dpi)(324s).djvu" (11.8М)
  81. "Crane R. Simplified approach to image processing in C (PH, 1997)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0132264161)(324s).djvu" (12.5М)
  82. "Crane R. Simplified approach to image processing in C (PH, 1997)(600dpi)(T)(ISBN 0132264161)(324s)_CsIp_.djvu" (4.5М)
  83. "Crane R. Simplified approach to image processing in C (PH, 1997)(T)(324s).djvu" (3.8М)
  84. "Crane R. Simplified approach to image processing in C (PH, 1997)(T)(ISBN 0132264161)(324s).djvu" (3.8М)
  85. "Crane R. Simplified approach to image processing in C (PH, 1997)(software code).zip" (811.1К)
  86. "Cristobal G., Schelkens P., Thienpont H. (eds.) Optical and Digital Image Processing (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 3527409564)(O)(939s)_CsIp_.pdf" (10.1М)
  87. "Dahlhaus R., et al. (eds.) Mathematical methods in signal processing and digital image analysis (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540756316)(302s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.5М)
  88. "Damiani E., et al. (eds.) Signal processing for image enhancement and multimedia processing (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 0387724990)(356s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.7М)
  89. "Davies E.R. Computer and machine vision.. theory, algorithms, practicalities (4ed., Elsevier, 2012)(ISBN 9780123869081)(C)(O)(912s)_CsIp_.pdf" (11.7М)
  90. "Davies E.R. Machine vision.. Theory, algorithms, practicalities (3ed., Elsevier, 2005)(ISBN 0122060938)(T)(O)(956s)_CsIp_.djvu" (9.1М)
  91. "Davies E.R. Machine vision.. theory, algorithms, practicalities (Elsevier, 2005)(ISBN 0122060938)(T)(C)(O)(958s)_CsIp_.djvu" (8.0М)
  92. "Delac, Grgic, Bartlett (eds.) Recent advances in face recognition (I-Tech, 2008)(ISBN 9789537619343)(600dpi)(T)(O)(244s)_CsIp_.djvu" (3.9М)
  93. "Demirkaya O., et al. Image processing with MATLAB.. Applications in medicine and biology (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 0849392462)(T)(444s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.1М)
  94. "Demirkaya O., et al. Image processing with MATLAB.. Applications in medicine and biology (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 0849392462)(m-files)_CsIp_.rar" (101.8К)
  95. "Dermanis A., Grun A., Sanso F. (eds.) Geomatic methods for the analysis of data in the earth sciences (LNES0095, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540674764)(400dpi)(K)(T)(267s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.1М)
  96. "Deserno T.M. (ed.) Biomedical image processing (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642158153)(O)(634s)_CsIp_.pdf" (11.2М)
  97. "Desolneux A., Moisan L., Morel J.-M. From gestalt theory to image analysis. A probabilistic approach (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9780387726359)(285s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.1М)
  98. "Devillers R., Jeansoulin R. (eds.) Fundamentals of spatial data quality (ISTE, 2006)(ISBN 1905209568)(310s)_CsIp_.pdf" (3.9М)
  99. "Di Zenzo, Cinque, Levialdi. Run-based algorithms for binary image analysis and processing (IEEE Trans.Pattern Anal. 18, 1996)(T)(7s).djvu" (167.5К)
  100. "Diakides N., Bronzino J. (eds.) Medical infrared imaging (CRC, 2007)(ISBN 0849390273)(451s)_CsIp_.pdf" (11.0М)
  101. "Dickmanns E.D. Dynamic vision for perception and control of motion (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9781846286377)(O)(490s)_CsIp_.pdf" (7.5М)
  102. "Dill J., et al. (eds.) Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781447128038)(O)(555s)_CsIp_.pdf" (17.1М)
  103. "Domasov M.V., Gnatyuk S.P. Cvet, upravlenie cvetom, raschety, izmereniya (Piter, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785388003416)(250s)_CsIp_.djvu" (16.6М)
  104. "Dougherty E. Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing (Dekker, 1993)(ISBN 0824787242)(T)(545s)_CsIp_.djvu" (8.3М)
  105. "Dougherty G. (ed.) Medical image processing. Techniques and applications (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441997695)(O)(397s)_CsIp_.pdf" (9.3М)
  106. "Dougherty G. Digital image processing for medical applications (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521860857)(485s)_CsIp_.pdf" (19.9М)
  107. "Dougherty G. Digital image processing for medical applications (draft, CUP, 2010)(ISBN 9780521860857)(O)(485s)_CsIp_.pdf" (16.9М)
  108. "Dubois E. The structure and properties of color spaces and the representation of color images (Morgan, 2010)(ISBN 1598292323)(O)(130s)_CsIp_.pdf" (1.2М)
  109. "Duda R.O., Hart P.E., Stork D.G. Pattern classification (2ed., Wiley, 2000)(ISBN 0471056693)(738s).pdf" (11.8М)
  110. "Duda R.O., Hart P.E., Stork D.G. Pattern classification (2ed., Wiley, 2000)(ISBN 0471056693)(T)(C)(738s).djvu" (6.7М)
  111. "Duda R.O., Hart P.E., Stork D.G. Pattern classification (2ed., Wiley, 2000)(ISBN 9780471056690)(T)(673s)_CsIp_.djvu" (6.8М)
  112. "Dunn F., Parberry I. 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development (Wordware,2002)(ISBN 1556229119)(T)(C)(439s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.1М)
  113. "Easton R.L.Jr. Fourier methods in imaging (Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 0470689838)(O)(956s)_CsIp_.pdf" (22.5М)
  114. "Eberly D. Ridges in image and data analysis (Springer, 1996)(ISBN 0792342682)(K)(T)(225s)_CsIp_.djvu" (2.0М)
  115. "Efimov S.N. Cifrovaya obrabotka videoinformacii (Sajns, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 5880701328)(600dpi)(K)(T)(274s)_CsIp_.djvu" (4.8М)
  116. "Elad M. Sparse and redundant representations.. From theory to applications in signal and image (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 144197010X)(O)(397s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.6М)
  117. "Epstein C.L. Introduction to the mathematics of medical imaging (2ed., SIAM, 2008)(ISBN 089871642X)(793s)_CsIp_.pdf" (7.9М)
  118. "Ezhova K.V. Modelirovanie i obrabotka izobrazhenij (SPbNIU ITMO, 2009)(ru)(O)(95s)_CsIp_.pdf" (2.9М)
  119. "Fairchild M. Color appearance models (2ed., Wiley, 2005)(ISBN 0470012161)(O)(409s)_CsIp_.pdf" (4.2М)
  120. "Fajn V.S. Opoznavanie izobrazhenij (Nauka, 1970)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(297s).djvu" (8.2М)
  121. "Faridani A. Introduction to the mathematics of computed tomography, in.. Inside out. Uhlmann G. (ed.) (draft, CUP, 2002)(0521824699)(61s)_CsIp_.pdf" (458.4К)
  122. "Farrelle P.M. Recursive block coding for image data compression (Springer, 1990)(L)(T)(162s)_CsIp_.djvu" (3.3М)
  123. "Farrelle P.M. Recursive block coding for image data compression (Springer, 1990)(T)(324s)_CsIp_.djvu" (2.9М)
  124. "Feeman T.G. The mathematics of medical imaging.. A beginners guide (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 0387927115)(O)(150s)_CsIp_.pdf" (4.1М)
  125. "Ferilli S. Automatic digital document processing and management (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0857291971)(O)(325s)_CsIp_.pdf" (2.8М)
  126. "Fernandez-Maloigne C. (ed.) Advanced color image processing and analysis (Springer, 2013)(ISBN 9781441961891)(C)(O)(524s)_CsIp_.pdf" (12.7М)
  127. "Fieguth P. Statistical image processing and multidimensional modeling (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441972935)(O)(478s)_CsIp_.pdf" (15.3М)
  128. "Fiete R. Modeling the imaging chain of digital cameras (SPIE, 2010)(ISBN 0819483397)(O)(225s)_CsIp_.pdf" (21.7М)
  129. "Fisenko V.T., Fisenko T.Yu. Komp#yuternaya obrabotka i raspoznavanie izobrazhenij (SPb-ITMO, 2008)(ru)(195s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.1М)
  130. "Fiume E.L. The mathematical structure of raster graphics (AP, 1989)(ISBN 0122579607)(600dpi)(T)(O)(236s)_CsIp_.djvu" (2.4М)
  131. "Florack L., et al. (eds.) Mathematical methods for signal and image analysis and representation (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781447123521)(O)(330s)_CsIp_.pdf" (8.4М)
  132. "Flusser J., et al. Moments and moment invariants in pattern recognition (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470699876)(O)(314s)_CsIp_.pdf" (4.2М)
  133. "Forsajt D., Pons Zh. (_D.A.Forsyth,J.Ponce_) Komp'yuternoe zrenie.. Sovremennyj podxod (Vil'yams, 2004)(ISBN 5845905427)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(C)(929s)_CsIp_.djvu" (22.1М)
  134. "Frank J. Electron tomography.. methods for three-dimensional visualization of structures in the cell (2ed., Springer, 2006)(ISBN 038731234X)(464s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.3М)
  135. "Frank J. Three-dimensional electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies.. Visualization of biological molecules (2ed., OUP, 2006)(ISBN 0195150961)(428s)_CsIp_.pdf" (9.0М)
  136. "Franson D. 2d Artwork and 3d Modelling for Game Artists (Premier Press,2002)(ISBN 1931841330)(600dpi)(T)(C)(713s)_CsIp_.djvu" (16.6М)
  137. "Fujimoto J., Farkas D. (eds.) Biomedical optical imaging (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0195150449)(431s)_CsIp_.pdf" (7.6М)
  138. "Fukunaga K. Introduction to statistical pattern recognition (2ed.)(100dpi)(T)(602s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.3М)
  139. "Fukunaga K. Introduction to statistical pattern recognition (2ed., AP)(300dpi)(T)(602s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.4М)
  140. "Fukunaga K. Introduction to statistical pattern recognition (2ed., AP, 1990)(ISBN 0122698517)(T)(O)(607s)_CsIp_.djvu" (5.5М)
  141. "Furman Ja.A. (red.) Vvedenie v konturnyj analiz.. prilozhenija k obrabotke izobrazhenij i signalov (FML, 2003)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(561s).djvu" (9.7М)
  142. "Furman. Cifrovye metody obrabotki i szhatija binarnyh izobrazhenij (ru)(T)(250s).djvu" (2.3М)
  143. "Garbey M., et al. (eds.) Computational surgery and dual training (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1441911227)(O)(316s)_CsIp_.pdf" (5.9М)
  144. "Ghanbari M. Standard codecs (3ed., IET, 2011)(ISBN 086341964X)(O)(504s)_CsIp_.pdf" (3.2М)
  145. "Ghosh P., Deguchi K. Mathematics of shape description.. A morphological approach to image processing and computer graphics (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470823070)(273s)_CsIp_.pdf" (2.9М)
  146. "Ginzburg V.M. Formirovanie i obrabotka izobrazhenij v real'nom vremeni (RiS, 1986)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(249s)_CsIp_.djvu" (4.7М)
  147. "Glassner A. Morphs, mallards, and montages.. computer-aided imagination (A.K.Peters, 2004)(ISBN 1568812310)(O)(332s)_CsIp_.pdf" (14.9М)
  148. "Glassner A.S. Principles of digital image synthesis, volumes 1 and 2 (free web version, MK, 1995)(ISBN 1558602763)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1400s)_CsIp_.djvu" (16.6М)
  149. "Goh, Ron, Shen. (eds.) Mathematics and computation in imaging science and information processing (WS, 2007)(ISBN 9812709053)(275s)_CsIp_.pdf" (6.7М)
  150. "Goldberger J., et al. (eds.) Practical signal and image processing in clinical cardiology (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1848825145)(O)(400s)_CsIp_.pdf" (17.7М)
  151. "Gonsales R., Vuds R. (_Gonzalez,Woods_) Cifrovaja obrabotka izobrazhenij(Tehnosfera, 2005)(600dpi)(T)(1071s)(ru)_CsIp_.djvu" (15.2М)
  152. "Gonzales R.C., Woods R.E. Digital Image Processing (2ed., PH, 2001)(400dpi)(T)(C)(813s)_CsIp_.djvu" (28.9М)
  153. "Gonzalez F., Romero E. Biomedical image analysis and machine learning technologies (MISR, 2010)(ISBN 1605669563)(O)(391s)_CsIp_.pdf" (7.3М)
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