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Индекс цитирования

biblio/kolxoz/cs/csdb.txt · Последнее изменение: 09.09.2023 16:30 — nozdr

Теория баз данных

  1. "Alagic S. Relational database technology (Springer, 1986)(ISBN 038796276X)(T)(271s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.7М)
  2. "Bancilhon F., Buneman P. (eds.) Advances in database programming languages (ACM Press, AW, 1990)(ISBN 0201502577)(600dpi)(T)(477s)_CsDb_.djvu" (4.1М)
  3. "Bell C. Expert MySQL (2ed., Apress, 2012)(ISBN 9781430246596)(O)(627s)_CsDb_.pdf" (4.4М)
  4. "Beniaminov E.M. Algebraicheskie metody v teorii baz dannyx (Nauchnyj mir, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 5891762080)(600dpi)(K)(T)(184s)_CsDb_.djvu" (1.7М)
  5. "Beniaminov E.M., Efimova E.A. E'lementy universal'noj algebry i ee prilozhenij v informatike (NM, 2004)(ru)(600dpi)(ISBN 5891762463)(K)(T)(169s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.1М)
  6. "Celko J. Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties (MK, 2004)(ISBN 1558609202)(O)(238s)_CsDb_.pdf" (1.5М)
  7. "Coronel C., Morris S., Rob P. Database Systems.. Design, Implementation, and Management (10ed., CL, 2012)(ISBN 1111969604)(752s)_CsDb_.epub" (19.4М)
  8. "Date C. Database in Depth.. Relational Theory for Practitioners (O'Reilly, 2005)(ISBN 0596100124)(600dpi)(T)(227s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.0М)
  9. "Date C., Darwen H., Lorentzos N. Temporal Data and the Relational Model (MK, 2002)(ISBN 1558608559)(T)(O)(448s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.9М)
  10. "Date C.J. A guide to the SQL standard (2ed., AW, 1989)(ISBN 0201502097)(600dpi)(T)(243s)_CsDb_.djvu" (1.5М)
  11. "Date C.J. An Introduction to Database Systems.. Volume 1 (6ed., AW, 1994)(ISBN 9780201824582)(T)(863s)_CsDb_.djvu" (7.5М)
  12. "Date C.J. An introduction to database systems, vol.2 (AW, 1985)(ISBN 0201144743)(600dpi)(T)(400s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.2М)
  13. "Date C.J. Database design and relational theory. Normal forms and all that jazz (O'Reilly, 2012)(ISBN 9781449328016)(O)(276s)_CsDb_.pdf" (4.9М)
  14. "Date C.J. Database design and relational theory.. normal forms and all that jazz (O'Reilly, 2012)(ISBN 9781449328016)(600dpi)(T)(O)(276s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.1М)
  15. "Date C.J. Date on Database.. Writings 2000-2006 (Apress, 2006)(ISBN 9781590597460)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(566s)_CsDb_.djvu" (5.6М)
  16. "Date C.J. Instructor's Manual for Introduction to Database Systems, 8ed. (2003)(T)(401s)_CsDb_.djvu" (1.9М)
  17. "Date C.J. Introduction to database systems (8ed., Pearson, 2004)(ISBN 0321189566)(300dpi)(K)(T)(1033s)_CsAl_.djvu" (25.9М)
  18. "Date C.J. Relational database writings 1985-1989 (AW, 1990)(ISBN 0201508818)(T)(535s)_CsDb_.djvu" (3.5М)
  19. "Date C.J. Relational database writings 1991-1994 (AW, 1995)(ISBN 0201824590)(T)(551s)_CsDb_.djvu" (4.2М)
  20. "Date C.J. SQL and relational theory.. how to write accurate SQL code (2ed., O'Reilly, 2011)(ISBN 1449316409)(600dpi)(T)(O)(446s)_CsDb_.djvu" (3.5М)
  21. "Date C.J. SQL and relational theory.. how to write accurate SQL code (O'Reilly, 2009)(ISBN 0596523068)(O)(428s)_CsDb_.pdf" (2.0М)
  22. "Date C.J. The Relational Database Dictionary, Extended Edition (Apress, 2008)(ISBN 1430210419)(O)(230s)_CsDb_.pdf" (1.1М)
  23. "Date C.J., Darwen H. A guide to the SQL standard (4ed., AW, 1997)(ISBN 0201964260)(T)(523s)_CsDb_.djvu" (4.4М)
  24. "Date C.J., Darwen H. Foundation for object relational databases (AW, 1998)(ISBN 0201309785)(T)(499s)_CsDb_.djvu" (4.9М)
  25. "Date C.J., Darwen H. Relational database writings 1989-1991 (AW, 1992)(ISBN 0201543036)(T)(523s)_CsDb_.djvu" (3.6М)
  26. "De'jt K. (_Date C.J._) __SQL__ i relyacionnaja teorija.. kak gramotno pisat' kod na __SQL__ (Simvol-Plyus, 2010)(ISBN 9785932861738)(ru)(476s)_CsDb_.pdf" (4.4М)
  27. "Dejt K.Dzh. __SQL__ i relyacionnaya teoriya. Kak gramotno pisat' kod na __SQL__ (Simvol, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785932861738)(O)(476s)_CsDb_.pdf" (2.4М)
  28. "Elmasri R., Navathe S. Fundamentals of Database Systems (6ed., AW, 2010)(ISBN 0136086209)(O)(1201s)_CsDb_.pdf" (5.4М)
  29. "Fiajli K. (_Fehily C._) __SQL__ (DMK, 2004)(ru)(ISBN 5940742335)(453s)_CsDb_.pdf" (9.7М)
  30. "Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. Database System Implementation (PH, 1999)(ISBN 0130402648)(600dpi)(T)(671s)_CsDb_.djvu" (13.2М)
  31. "Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. Database Systems.. The Complete Book (PH, 2001)(ISBN 9780130319951)(T)(1144s)_CsDb_.djvu" (8.4М)
  32. "Graber M. (_Gruber_) __SQL__ (ru)(Lori, 2003)(ISBN 5855821099)(600dpi)(T)(664s)_CsDb_.djvu" (10.4М)
  33. "Karvin B. (_Karwin_) Programmirovanie baz dannyh __SQL__. Tipichnye oshibki i ih ustranenie (Rid Grupp, 2012)(ru)(ISBN 9785425205100)(T)(338s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.7М)
  34. "Kimball R., Ross M. The data warehouse toolkit (2ed., Wiley, 2002)(ISBN 0471200247)(449s)_CsDb_.pdf" (1.4М)
  35. "Kirillov V.V, Gromov G.Yu. Vvedenie v relyacionnye bazy dannyx (BXV, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785941577705)(T)(451s)_CsDb_.djvu" (4.0М)
  36. "Kryonke D. (_Kroenke_) Teoriya i praktika postroeniya baz dannyx (8izd., Piter, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 5947232758)(600dpi)(K)(T)(799s)_CsDb_.djvu" (19.1М)
  37. "Lausen G., Vossen G. Models and languages of object-oriented databases (AW, 1998)(ISBN 0201624311)(T)(224s)_CsDb_.djvu" (1.7М)
  38. "Liu L., Ozsu M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of database systems (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9780387355443)(O)(3818s)_CsDb_.pdf" (62.5М)
  39. "Oppel A. Databases DeMYSTiFieD (2ed., MGH, 2010)(ISBN 0071747990)(450s)_CsDb_.pdf" (7.5М)
  40. "Ramakrishnan R., Gehrke J. Database Management Systems (2ed., MGH, 2000)(ISBN 0072465352)(O)(931s)_CsDb_.pdf" (3.2М)
  41. "Rzheuckaya S.Yu. Bazy dannyx. Yazyk __SQL__ (Vologda, 2010)(ru)(T)(160s)_CsDb_.djvu" (1.5М)
  42. "Shekhar S., Chawla S. Spatial Databases.. A Tour (PH, 2003)(ISBN 9780130174802)(T)(284s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.6М)
  43. "Silberschatz A., Korth H., Sudarshan S. Database System Concepts (6ed., MGH, 2010)(ISBN 0073523321)(O)(1376s)_CsDb_.pdf" (10.2М)
  44. "Stephens R. Beginning database design solutions (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470385499)(O)(552s)_CsDb_.pdf" (6.8М)
  45. "Stephens R. Beginning database design solutions (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 9780470385494)(O)(552s)_CsDb_.pdf" (7.3М)
  46. "Stonebraker M., Brown P., Moore D. Object-Relational DBMSs (2ed., MK, 1998)(ISBN 9781558604520)(T)(303s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.1М)
  47. "Teorey T.J. Database modeling and design (3ed., MK, 1999)(ISBN 1558605002)(T)(374s)_CsDb_.djvu" (3.0М)
  48. "Teorey T.J. Database modeling and design.. the fundamental principles (2ed., MK, 1994)(ISBN 1558602947)(T)(289s)_CsDb_.djvu" (2.0М)
  49. "Teorey T.J., Lightstone S.S., Nadeau T. Database modeling and design.. logical design (4ed., MK, 2005)(ISBN 0126853525)(O)(289s)_CsDb_.pdf" (6.3М)
  50. "Teorey T.J., Lightstone S.S., Nadeau T., Jagadish H.V. Database modeling and design.. logical design (5ed., MK, 2011)(ISBN 9780123820204)(O)(335s)_CsDb_.pdf" (5.8М)
  51. "Trinder P. A functional database (phd thesis, report PRG-82, Oxford, 1989)(600dpi)(T)(210s)_CsDb_.djvu" (1.8М)
  52. "Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. A First Course in Database Systems (2ed., PH, 2001)(ISBN 9780130353009)(600dpi)(T)(O)(529s)_CsDb_.djvu" (9.9М)
  53. "Ullman J.D., Widom J.D. A first course in database systems (PH, 1997)(ISBN 0138613370)(400dpi)(T)(O)(482s)_CsDb_.djvu" (9.9М)
  54. "Whitehorn M., Marklyn B. Inside Relational Databases with Examples in Access (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 1846283949)(376s)_CsDb_.pdf" (5.2М)
  55. "Xernandes M.Dz., V'eskas D.L. __SQL__-zaprosy dlya prostyx smertnyx (Lori, 2003)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(473s)_CsDb_.djvu" (22.8М)
  56. "Xernandes M.Dz., V'eskas D.L. __SQL__-zaprosy dlya prostyx smertnyx. Primery (Lori, 2003)(ru)_CsDb_.rar" (4.6М)
  57. "Xorafas D., Legg S. (_Chorafas, Legg_) Konstruktorskie bazy dannyx (Mashinostroenie, 1990)(ru)(ISBN 5217009764)(600dpi)(K)(T)(219s)_CsDb_.djvu" (3.1М)

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