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biblio/kolxoz/cs/csca.txt · Последнее изменение: 09.09.2023 16:30 — nozdr

Компьютерная алгебра

  1. "Akritas A.G. Osnovy komp#juternoj algebry s prilozhenijami (Mir, 1994) (ru)(L)(T)(272s).djvu" (5.8М)
  2. "Akritas A.G. Osnovy komp#juternoj algebry s prilozhenijami (Mir, 1994)(ru)(T)(530s).djvu" (2.8М)
  3. "Akritas A.G. Osnovy komp'juternoj algebry s prilozhenijami (Mir, 1994)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(530s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.0М)
  4. "Akritas A.G. Osnovy komp'juternoj algebry s prilozhenijami (Mir, 1994)(ru)(KA)(T)(544s)_CsCa_.djvu" (5.4М)
  5. "Arzhancev I. Lekcii o bazisah Gryobnera (2002) (ru)(86s).ps.gz" (175.2К)
  6. "Avgoustis I.D. Definite integration using the generalized hypergeometric functions (MS thesis, MIT, 1977)(600dpi)(T)(139s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.1М)
  7. "Baddoura M.J. Integration in finite terms with elementary functions and dilogarithms (PhD thesis, MIT, 1994)(600dpi)(T)(58s)_CsCa_.djvu" (860.4К)
  8. "Bronstein M. Integration of transcendental functions (Springer, 1997)(L)(T)(156s).djvu" (3.5М)
  9. "Bronstein M. Symbolic Integration I.. Transcendental Functions (ISBN 3540214933)(2ed., Springer, 2005)(T)(331s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.5М)
  10. "Bronstein M. Symbolic integration tutorial (ISSAC98, Rostock, 1998)(35s)_CsCa_.pdf" (289.6К)
  11. "Bruns W. Computer-Algebra (Osnabrueck Skriptum, 2005)(de)(98s)_CsCa_.pdf" (510.0К)
  12. "Buchberger B., Campbell J.A. (eds.) Artificial intelligence and symbolic computation (Proc. Linz, LNAI3249, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540232125)(T)(C)(O)(299s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.6М)
  13. "Buchberger B., Collins G., Loos R. (eds.) Computer Algebra.. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (2ed., Springer, 1983)(ISBN 9783211817766)(600dpi)(T)(291s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.4М)
  14. "Buhberger, Kollinz, Loos (red.). Komp#juternaja algebra.. Simvol#nye i algebraicheskie vychislenija (Mir, 1986)(ru)(L)(T)(194s).djvu" (4.5М)
  15. "Buhberger, Kollinz, Loos, i dr. (red.) Komp#juternaja algebra.. Simvol#nye i algebraicheskie vychislenija (Mir, 1986)(ru)(KA)(T)(388s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.0М)
  16. "Chudnovsky D.V., Jenks R.D. (eds.) Computers in mathematics (LNPAM125, M.Dekker, 1990)(ISBN 0824783417)(T)(403s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.4М)
  17. "Cohen A.M., Cuypers H., Sterk H. (eds.) Some tapas of computer algebra (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540634800)(600dpi)(T)(367s)_CsCa_.djvu" (5.8М)
  18. "Cohen A.M., Cuypers H., Sterk H. (eds.) Some tapas of computer algebra (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540634800)(K)(T)(364s)_CsCa_.djvu" (4.4М)
  19. "Cohen A.M., Cuypers H., Sterk H. (eds.) Some tapas of computer algebra (Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540634800)(T)(366s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.7М)
  20. "Cohen J. Computer algebra and symbolic computation.. mathematical methods (Peters, 2003)(470s)_CsCa_.pdf" (3.3М)
  21. "Cohen J.S. Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation.. mathematical methods (Peters, 2003)(ISBN 1568811594)(CDROM and book).rar" (9.3М)
  22. "Cohen J.S. Computer algebra and symbolic computation.. elementary algorithms (Peters, 2002)(344s).pdf" (2.3М)
  23. "Cohen J.S. Computer algebra and symbolic computation.. elementary algorithms (Peters, 2002)(ISBN 1568811586)(CDROM and book).rar" (7.4М)
  24. "Cohen J.S. Computer algebra and symbolic computation.. elementary algorithms (Peters, 2002)-program code.rar" (2.4М)
  25. "D'yakonov V.P. __Mathematica__ 5.1, 5.2, 6.. Programmirovanie i matematicheskie vychisleniya (DMK-Press, 2008)(ISBN 5940744052)(ru)(572s)_CsCa_.pdf" (5.0М)
  26. "Davenport J.H. Computer algebra (web draft, 2013)(283s)_CsCa_.pdf" (2.7М)
  27. "Davenport J.H., Y.Siret, E.Tournier. Computer Algebra.. Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic Computation (2ed., AP, 1993)(313s).pdf" (1.1М)
  28. "Davenport J.H., Y.Siret, E.Tournier. Computer Algebra.. Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic Computation (2ed., AP, 1993)(313s).ps.gz" (507.0К)
  29. "De#venport. Integrirovanie algebraicheskih funkcij (Mir, 1985) (ru)(L)(T)(95s).djvu" (2.3М)
  30. "Elvey J.S.N. Symbolic calculation and constructive mathematics (Waterloo report CS-80-49, 1980)(T)(250s)_CsCa_.djvu" (4.3М)
  31. "Enns R.H. Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics (Birkhauser 2005)(401s)_CsCa_.pdf" (4.0М)
  32. "Enns R.H. Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics (Birkhauser 2005)(program code).rar" (156.9К)
  33. "Enns R.H., McGuire G.C. Computer algebra recipes.. An introductory guide (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387257675)(T)(S)(435s)_CsCa_.djvu" (4.0М)
  34. "Erocal B. Algebraic extensions for symbolic summation (phd thesis, Linz U., 2011)(O)(85s)_CsCa_.pdf" (833.4К)
  35. "Forth S., et al. (eds.) Recent Advances in Algorithmic Differentiation (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642300226)(O)(356s)_CsCa_.pdf" (5.4М)
  36. "Geddes K., Czapor S., Labahn G. Algorithms for computer algebra (Kluwer, 1992)(K)(T)(ISBN 0792392590)(603s).djvu" (5.0М)
  37. "Geddes K., Czapor S., Labahn G. Algorithms for computer algebra (Kluwer, 1992)(KA)(ISBN 0792392590)(T)(603s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.7М)
  38. "Geddes, Czapor, Labahn. Algorithms for computer algebra (Kluwer, 1992)(L)(T)(ISBN 0792392590)(302s).djvu" (4.4М)
  39. "Gerhard J. Modular algorithms in symbolic summation and symbolic integration (LNCS 3218, Springer, 2004)(231s).pdf" (1.4М)
  40. "Grabmeier J., et al. (eds.) Computer algebra handbook (Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540654666)(600dpi)(T)(656s)_CsCa_.djvu" (6.1М)
  41. "Griewank A. Evaluating derivatives.. principles and techniques of algorithmic differentiation (SIAM, 2000)(ISBN 0898714516)(T)(O)(394s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.2М)
  42. "Griewank A., Walther A. Evaluating derivatives.. principles and techniques of algorithmic differentiation (2ed., SIAM, 2008)(ISBN 9780898716597)(460s)_CsCa_.pdf" (3.5М)
  43. "Grosheva, Efimov, Samsonov. Istorija ispol#zovanija analiticheskih (kompjuternyh) vychislenij v zadachah mehaniki (1995)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(88s)_CsCa_.djvu" (935.5К)
  44. "Grossman R. (ed.) Symbolic computation.. applications to scientific computing (SIAM, 1989)(ISBN 0898712394)(T)(O)(194s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.2М)
  45. "Hoste J. Mathematica DeMYSTiFied (MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0071591443)(O)(405s)_CsCa_.pdf" (6.3М)
  46. "Janssen R. (ed.) Trends in computer algebra (Proc. Neuenahr, LNCS 296, Springer, 1988)(T)(202s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.5М)
  47. "Kaplan S., Jouannaud J.-P. (eds.) Conditional term rewriting systems (Proc. Orsay, LNCS 308, Springer, 1988)(T)(279s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.7М)
  48. "Klima, Sigmon, Stitzinger. Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE (CRC, 1999)(251s)_CsCa_.pdf" (1.1М)
  49. "Koepf W. Computeralgebra (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540298940)(de)(526s)_CsCa_.pdf" (3.7М)
  50. "Koseleff P.-V. Calcul formel pour les methodes de Lie en mecanique hamiltonienne (these, 1993)(fr)(180s)_CsCa_.ps.gz" (447.7К)
  51. "Kotsireas I., Zima E. (eds.) Advances in combinatorial mathematics.. Proceedings of the Waterloo workshop in computer algebra 2008 (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 3642035612)(O)(180s)_CsCa_.pdf" (1.7М)
  52. "Kotsireas I., Zima E. (eds.) Computer Algebra 2006. Latest advances in symbolic algorithms. Proc. Waterloo (WS, 2007)(ISBN 9812702008)(K)(600dpi)(T)(219s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.8М)
  53. "Lescanne P. (ed.) Rewriting techniques and applications (Proc. Bordeaux, LNCS 256, Springer, 1987)(T)(291s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.4М)
  54. "Mathematics in Computer Science, vol.1 (no TOC)(Springer, 2007, 2008)(711s)_CsCa_.pdf" (11.0М)
  55. "Mignotte M. Mathematics for computer algebra (Springer, 1992)(600dpi)(T)(360s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.7М)
  56. "Mignotte M. Mathematics for computer algebra (Springer, 1992)(chapters 4,5)(L)(T)(ISBN 0387976752)(46s).djvu" (750.3К)
  57. "Miller B.L. On the integration of elementary functions.. computing the logarithmic part (phd thesis, Texas Tech U., 2012)(49s)_CsCa_.pdf" (419.1К)
  58. "Moses J. Symbolic integration (PhD thesis, MIT, 1967)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(271s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.6М)
  59. "Pankrat#ev E.V. E#lementy komp#yuternoj algebry (2007)(ru)(243s)_CsCa_.pdf" (1.5М)
  60. "Pankrat#ev E.V. E#lementy komp#yuternoj algebry (Binom, 2007)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(248s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.1М)
  61. "Pankrat#ev E.V. Komp#yuternaya algebra.. Faktorizacija mnogochlenov (MGU 1988)(ru)(T)(87s)_CsCa_.djvu" (612.1К)
  62. "Petkovsek M. et al. A=B (A.K.Peters, 1996)(T)(212s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.6М)
  63. "Rand R., Armbruster D. Perturbation methods, bifurcation theory and computer algebra (Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540965890)(T)(O)(251s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.1М)
  64. "Rothstein M. Aspects of symbolic integration and simplification (phd thesis, U.Wisconsin, 1976)(600dpi)(T)(124s)_CsCa_.djvu" (933.2К)
  65. "Seiler W.M. Computer algebra and differential equations.. an overview (Karlsruhe, 1997)(T)(28s)_CsCa_.djvu" (197.9К)
  66. "Singer M. (ed.) Computer algebra and differential equations (no p.61-75)(AP, 1991)(ISBN 0126459509)(L)(T)(112s).djvu" (2.3М)
  67. "Singer M. (ed.) Computer algebra and differential equations (no p.61-75)(AP, 1991)(KA)(T)(224s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.1М)
  68. "Slagle J.R. SAINT.. heuristic symbolic integration in freshman calculus (PhD thesis, 1961)(600dpi)(T)(110s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.2М)
  69. "Slisenko, Solov#ev (red.). Matematicheskie metody postroenija i analiza algoritmov (Nauka, 1990)(ru)(T)(240s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.1М)
  70. "Steeb W.H. Continuous symmetries, Lie algebras, differential equations and computer algebra (2ed.,WS, 2007)(ISBN 981270809X)(473s)_CsCa_.pdf" (1.4М)
  71. "Syret Y. Calcul formel sur ordinateur (Grenoble I these, 1970)(fr)(T)(144s)_CsCa_.djvu" (874.5К)
  72. "Tan, Stib, Hardi. Simvol#nyj S++.. Vvedenie v kompjuternuju algebru s ispol#zovaniem OOP (Mir, 2001)(ru)(T)(620s)_CsCa_.djvu" (5.3М)
  73. "Tournier E. (ed.) Computer algebra and differential equations (AP, c. 1990)(ISBN 012696260X)(L)(T)(115s).djvu" (2.5М)
  74. "Tournier E. (ed.) Computer algebra and differential equations (AP, early 1990s)(KA)(T)(230s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.4М)
  75. "Tournier E. (ed.) Computer algebra and differential equations (Cambridge 1994)(ISBN 0521447577)(L)(T)(130s).djvu" (3.1М)
  76. "Tournier E. (ed.) Computer algebra and differential equations (Cambridge 1994)(KA)(T)(260s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.9М)
  77. "Trager B.M. Integration of algebraic functions (PhD thesis, MIT, 1984)(K)(600dpi)(T)(83s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.5М)
  78. "Trager B.M. Integration of algebraic functions (PhD thesis, MIT, 1984)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(83s)_CsCa_.djvu" (1.8М)
  79. "Wang D., Zheng Z. (eds.) Differential equations with symbolic computation (Birkhauser, 2005)(ISBN 3764373687)(O)(374s)_CsCa_.pdf" (9.1М)
  80. "Wang D., Zheng Z. Differential Equations With Symbolic Computation (ISBN 3764373687)(Springer, 2005)(600dpi)(T)(C)(374s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.1М)
  81. "Wester M.J. (ed.) Computer algebra systems (Wiley, 1999)(ISBN 0471983535)(400dpi)(T)(505s)_CsCa_.djvu" (3.8М)
  82. "Winkler F. Polynomial algorithms in computer algebra (Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3211827595)(600dpi)(T)(276s)_CsCa_.djvu" (2.1М)
  83. "Winkler F., Langer U. (eds.) Symbolic and Numerical Scientific Computation (Proc. SNSC 2001, Hagenberg)(LNCS2630, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540405542)(398s)_CsCa_.pdf" (4.6М)
  84. "Yap C. Fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra (2000)(T)(546s).djvu" (3.9М)
  85. "Yap C.K. Fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra (web draft, 2000)(O)(550s)_CsCa_.pdf" (4.5М)
  86. "Yap C.K. Fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra. Errata (web draft, 2000).html.gz" (6.3К)
  87. "Ziming Li. Lecture notes on computer algebra (web draft, 2004)(31s)_CsCa_.pdf" (227.9К)
  88. "von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. Errata and addenda for Modern computer algebra (2ed., CUP, 2003)(600dpi)(T)(C)(6s)_CsCa_.djvu" (103.4К)
  89. "von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. Modern computer algebra (2ed., CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521826462)(600dpi)(T)(800s)_CsCa_.djvu" (12.4М)
  90. "von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. Modern computer algebra, Solutions for selected exercises (CUP, 2003)(113s)_CsCa_.pdf" (1.1М)
  91. "von zur Gathen, Gerhard. Modern computer algebra (1ed., CUP, 1999)(K)(T)(ISBN 0521641764)(767s).djvu" (10.2М)
  92. "von zur Gathen. Hausaufgaben computer algebra 1 (de)(25s).ps.gz" (86.4К)
  93. "von zur Gathen. Hausaufgaben computer algebra 2 (de)(13s).ps.gz" (74.1К)
  94. "von zur Gathen. Lecture notes on computer algebra 1 (1996)(150s).ps.gz" (497.8К)
  95. "von zur Gathen. Lecture notes on computer algebra 2 (1996)(74s).ps.gz" (326.4К)

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