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- "Abel#son X., Sassman D. (_Abelson,Sussman_) Struktura i interpretaciya komp#yuternyx programm (Dobrosvet, 2006)(ru)(608s)_CsAl_.pdf" (4.0М)
- "Abelson A., Sussman G.J. Structure and interpretation of computer programs (2ed., MIT, 1996)(ISBN 0262011530)(634s)_CsAl_.pdf" (1.8М)
- "Abelson H., Sussman G.J. Structure and interpretation of computer programs (2ed., MIT, 1996)(ISBN 0262011530)(600dpi)(T)(676s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.7М)
- "Abiteboul S., Hull R., Vianu V. Foundations of databases (AW, 1995)(ISBN 0201537710)(O)(704s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.7М)
- "Abramov S.A., Gnezdilova G.G., Kapustina E.N., Selyun M.I. Zadachi po programmirovaniyu (Nauka, 1988)(ISBN 502013774X)(ru)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(O)(225s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.6М)
- "Abramson H., Dahl V. Logic Grammars (Springer, 1989)(ISBN 0387969616)(600dpi)(T)(250s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.7М)
- "Aceto L., Ingolfsdottir A., Larsen K.G., Srba J. Reactive systems.. modelling, specification and verification (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521875463)(O)(302s)_CsAl_.pdf" (1.9М)
- "Adamek J., Trnkova V. Automata and Algebras in Categories (Kluwer, 1990)(ISBN 0792300106)(K)(T)(489s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.01 (AP, 1960)(ISBN 9780120121014)(T)(318s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.02 (Elsevier, 1961)(ISBN 9780120121021)(T)(O)(449s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.03 (Elsevier, 1962)(ISBN 9780120121038)(T)(O)(376s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.8М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.04 (Elsevier, 1963)(ISBN 9780120121045)(T)(O)(327s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.9М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.05 (AP, 1965)(ISBN 0120121050)(T)(415s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.06 (Elsevier, 1965)(ISBN 9780120121069)(T)(O)(327s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.9М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.07 (Elsevier, 1966)(ISBN 9780120121076)(T)(O)(321s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.08 (Elsevier, 1967)(ISBN 9780120121083)(T)(O)(359s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.09 (Elsevier, 1968)(ISBN 9780120121090)(T)(O)(381s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.8М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.10 (AP, 1971)(ISBN 0120121107)(T)(335s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.9М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.11 (Elsevier, 1971)(ISBN 9780120121113)(T)(O)(423s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.12 (Elsevier, 1972)(ISBN 9780120121120)(T)(O)(449s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.13 (Elsevier, 1975)(ISBN 9780120121137)(T)(O)(261s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.14 (Elsevier, 1976)(ISBN 9780120121144)(T)(O)(301s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.15 (Elsevier, 1976)(ISBN 9780120121151)(T)(O)(317s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.16 (Elsevier, 1977)(ISBN 9780120121168)(T)(O)(373s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.8М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.17 (Elsevier, 1978)(ISBN 9780120121175)(T)(O)(351s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.8М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.18 (Elsevier, 1979)(ISBN 9780120121182)(T)(O)(323s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.19 (Elsevier, 1980)(ISBN 9780120121199)(T)(O)(365s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.20 (Elsevier, 1981)(ISBN 9780120121205)(T)(O)(297s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.0М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.21 (AP, 1982)(ISBN 9780120121212)(T)(458s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.22 (Elsevier, 1983)(ISBN 9780120121229)(T)(O)(395s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.23 (Elsevier, 1984)(ISBN 9780120121236)(T)(O)(395s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.8М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.24 (Elsevier, 1985)(ISBN 9780120121243)(T)(O)(415s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.25 (AP, 1986)(ISBN 9780120121250)(T)(419s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.26 (Elsevier, 1987)(ISBN 9780120121267)(T)(O)(489s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.27 (Elsevier, 1988)(ISBN 9780120121274)(T)(O)(495s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.28 (Elsevier, 1989)(ISBN 9780120121281)(T)(O)(315s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.29 (Elsevier, 1989)(ISBN 9780120121298)(T)(373s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.8М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.30 (Elsevier, 1990)(ISBN 9780120121304)(T)(O)(343s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.31 (Elsevier, 1990)(ISBN 9780120121311)(T)(O)(417s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.2М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.32 (Elsevier, 1991)(ISBN 9780120121328)(T)(343s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.33 (Elsevier, 1991)(ISBN 9780120121335)(T)(O)(351s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.34 (AP, 1992)(ISBN 0120121344)(T)(433s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.34 (Elsevier, 1992)(ISBN 9780120121342)(T)(O)(433s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.35 (Elsevier, 1992)(ISBN 9780120121359)(T)(O)(415s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.36 (Elsevier, 1993)(ISBN 9780120121366)(T)(O)(479s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.37 (Elsevier, 1993)(ISBN 9780120121373)(T)(O)(469s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.38 (Elsevier, 1994)(ISBN 9780120121380)(T)(O)(361s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.39 (AP, 1994)(ISBN 0120121395)(T)(337s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.40 (Elsevier, 1995)(ISBN 9780120121403)(T)(O)(300s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.41 (Elsevier, 1995)(ISBN 9780120121410)(T)(O)(343s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.42 (AP, 1996)(ISBN 9780120121427)(T)(287s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.43 (Elsevier, 1996)(ISBN 9780120121434)(T)(O)(325s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.44 (Elsevier, 1997)(ISBN 9780120121441)(T)(O)(417s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.0М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.45, Emphasizing Parallel Programming Techniques (Elsevier, 1997)(ISBN 9780120121458)(T)(O)(403s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.46, The Engineering of Large Systems (Elsevier, 1998)(ISBN 9780120121465)(T)(484s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.9М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.47 (Elsevier, 1998)(ISBN 9780120121472)(T)(O)(415s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.48, Distributed Information Resources (Elsevier, 1999)(ISBN 9780120121489)(T)(O)(401s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.49 (AP, 1999)(ISBN 0120121492)(T)(401s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.2М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.50, Cumulative Subject and Author Indexes for Vols.1-49, Part I (AP, 1999)(ISBN 9780120121502)(T)(423s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.0М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.51, Index, Part II (Elsevier, 2000)(ISBN 9780120121519)(T)(O)(393s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.0М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.52, 40th Anniversary Volume, Advancing Into the 21st Century (Elsevier, 2000)(ISBN 9780120121526)(T)(O)(425s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.53, Emphasizing Distributed Systems (Elsevier, 2000)(ISBN 9780120121533)(T)(O)(553s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.0М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.54, Trends in Software Engineering (Elsevier, 2001)(ISBN 9780120121540)(T)(O)(309s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.2М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.55 (Elsevier, 2001)(ISBN 9780120121557)(T)(O)(329s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.56 (Elsevier, 2002)(ISBN 9780120121564)(T)(O)(417s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.57, Information Repositories(Elsevier, 2003)(ISBN 9780120121571)(T)(O)(422s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.58.. Highly Dependable Software (AP, 2003)(ISBN 9780120121588)(O)(373s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.59 (AP, 2003)(ISBN 9780120121595)(O)(308s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.60 (Elsevier, 2004)(ISBN 9780120121601)(337s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.61 (Elsevier, 2004)(ISBN 9780120121618)(364s)_CsAl_.pdf" (6.0М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.62, Advances in Software Engineering (Elsevier, 2004)(ISBN 9780120121625)(O)(368s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.9М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.63, Parallel, Distributed, and Pervasive Computing (Elsevier, 2005)(ISBN 9780120121632)(O)(312s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.2М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.64, New Programming Paradigms (Elsevier, 2005)(ISBN 9780120121649)(377s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.65 (Elsevier, 2005)(ISBN 9780120121656)(447s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.4М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.66, Quality Software Development (Elsevier, 2006)(ISBN 9780120121663)(345s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.67, Web Technology (Elsevier, 2006)(ISBN 9780120121670)(347s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.9М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.68, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Elsevier, 2006)(ISBN 9780120121687)(O)(335s)_CsAl_.pdf" (4.3М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.69, Architectural Issues (Elsevier, 2007)(ISBN 9780123737458)(O)(343s)_CsAl_.pdf" (6.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.70 (Elsevier, 2007)(ISBN 9780123737472)(O)(359s)_CsAl_.pdf" (5.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.71, Nanotechnology (Elsevier, 2007)(ISBN 9780123737465)(O)(351s)_CsAl_.pdf" (6.2М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.72, High performance computing (AP, 2008)(ISBN 0123744113)(369s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.1М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.73, Emerging Technologies (Elsevier, 2008)(ISBN 9780123744258)(307s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.9М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.74, Software Development (Elsevier, 2008)(ISBN 9780123744265)(O)(320s)_CsAl_.pdf" (4.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.75, Computer performance issues (AP, 2009)(ISBN 9780123748102)(O)(351s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.76, Social networking and the web (AP, 2009)(ISBN 9780123748119)(O)(356s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.6М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.77 (AP, 2009)(ISBN 9780123748126)(O)(356s)_CsAl_.pdf" (4.7М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.78.. Improving the Web (AP, 2010)(ISBN 9780123810199)(O)(354s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.5М)
- "Advances in Computers, Vol.79 (AP, 2010)(ISBN 0123810272)(O)(336s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.7М)
- "Agarwal, et al. (ed.) Proc. 18th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM 2007)(ISBN 9780898716245)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1334s)_CsAl_.djvu" (23.0М)
- "Ageev M.I., Alik V.P., Markov Yu.I. Biblioteka algoritmov 101b-150b (Sovetskoe radio, 1978)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(129s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.2М)
- "Ageev M.I., Alik V.P., Markov Yu.I. Biblioteka algoritmov 51b-100b (Sovetskoe radio, 1976)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(135s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.2М)
- "Aho A., Hopkroft Dzh., Ul#man Dzh. Postroenie i analiz vychislitel#nyh algoritmov (Mir, 1979)(net s.5)(ru)(T)(536s).djvu" (5.8М)
- "Aho A., Hopkroft Dzh., Ul#man Dzh. Postroenie i analiz vychislitel#nyh algoritmov (Mir, 1979)(ru)(T)(536s)_CsAl_.djvu" (5.8М)
- "Aho A., Lam M., Seti R., Ul#man D. (_Aho,Lam,Sethi,Ullman_) Kompilyatory.. principy, tehnologii i instrumentarij (2izd., Vil#yams, 2008)(ISBN 9785845913494)(ru)(T)(O)(1178s)_CsAl_.djvu" (12.0М)
- "Aho A., Ul#man Dzh. Tom 1. Teorija sintaksicheskogo analiza, perevoda i kompilyacii. Sintaksicheskij analiz (Mir, 1978)(ru)(230dpi)(L)(T)(308s).djvu" (6.4М)
- "Aho A., Ul#man Dzh. Tom 1. Teorija sintaksicheskogo analiza, perevoda i kompilyacii. Sintaksicheskij analiz (Mir, 1978)(ru)(230dpi)(L)(T)(309s)_CsAl_.djvu" (6.5М)
- "Aho A., Ul#man Dzh. Tom 2. Teorija sintaksicheskogo analiza, perevoda i kompilyacii. Kompilyacija (Mir, 1978)(ru)(L)(T)(243s).djvu" (4.8М)
- "Aho A.V., Hopcroft J.E., Ullman J.D. The design and analysis of computer algorithms (AW, 1974)(ISBN 0201000296)(600dpi)(T)(480s)_CsAl_.djvu" (6.9М)
- "Aho A.V., Hopkroft Dzh.E#., Ul#man Dzh.D. Struktury dannyh i algoritmy (2000)(ru)(382s).djvu" (3.0М)
- "Aho A.V., Hopkroft Dzh.E#., Ul#man Dzh.D. Struktury dannyh i algoritmy (2000)(ru)(T)(382s).djvu" (4.3М)
- "Aho A.V., Lam M.S., Sethi R., Ullman J.D. Compilers.. Principles, techniques, and tools (2ed., AW, 2007)(ISBN 0321486811)(600dpi)(T)(1033s)_CsAl_.djvu" (10.1М)
- "Aho A.V., Lam M.S., Sethi R., Ullman J.D. Compilers.. Principles, techniques, and tools (2ed., AW, 2007)(ISBN 0321486811)(KA)(400dpi)(T)(1038s)_CsAl_.djvu" (6.0М)
- "Aho A.V., Sethi R., Ullman J.D. Compilers.. principles, techniques, and tools (1ed., AW, 1986)(ISBN 0201100886)(T)(808s)_CsAl_.djvu" (6.0М)
- "Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. Foundations of Computer Science.. C Edition (W.H.Freeman, 1994)(ISBN 9780716782841)(T)(801s)_CsAl_.djvu" (6.4М)
- "Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. Vol.1.. Parsing (PH, 1972)(ISBN 0139145567)(KA)(150dpi)(T)(562s)_CsAl_.djvu" (7.3М)
- "Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. Vol.2.. Compiling (PH, 1973)(ISBN 0139145648)(KA)(150dpi)(T)(484s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.5М)
- "Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. Volume 1.. Parsing (PH, 1972)(ISBN 0139145567)(600dpi)(T)(560s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.9М)
- "Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. Volume 2.. Compiling (PH, 1973)(ISBN 0139145648)(600dpi)(T)(476s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.5М)
- "Aizerman M.A., et al. Logic, automata, and algorithms (AP, 1971)(ISBN 0120463504)(T)(O)(444s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.5М)
- "Akl S.G. The design and analysis of parallel algorithms (PH, 1989)(ISBN 0132000563)(600dpi)(T)(415s)_CsAl_.djvu" (6.3М)
- "Akl S.G. The design and analysis of parallel algorithms (PH, 1989)(ISBN 0132000563)(T)(415s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.1М)
- "Al-Jaber Ah. Combinatorial properties of heapsort (Dissertation, 1985)(T)(75s)_CsAl_.djvu" (480.0К)
- "Alad#ev V.Z. Klassicheskie odnorodnye struktury.. Kletochnye avtomaty (Fultus, 2009)(ISBN 159682137X)(ru)(O)(535s)_CsAl_.pdf" (5.2М)
- "Alad#ev V.Z., Bojko V.K., Rovba E.A. Klassicheskie odnorodnye struktury.. Teoriya i prilozheniya (Grodno, 2008)(ISBN 9789855150207)(ru)(488s)_CsAl_.pdf" (4.3М)
- "Alagic S., Arbib M.A. The design of well-structured and correct programs (Springer, 1978)(ISBN 0387902996)(600dpi)(T)(301s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Alexander M., Gardner W. Process algebra for parallel and distributed processing (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 142006486X)(440s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.7М)
- "Anan#evskij M.S., i dr. Sankt-Peterburgskie olimpiady po kibernetike (SPb, Nauka, 2005)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(333s)(K)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.3М)
- "Andre F., Herman D., Verjus J.P. Synchronization of parallel programs (North Oxford Academic, 1985)(ISBN 9780946536207)(600dpi)(T)(122s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.1М)
- "Andreeva E.V., i dr. (red.) Moskovskie olimpiady po informatike (MCNMO, 2006)(ISBN 5940572332)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(256s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.5М)
- "Andrews G.R. Concurrent programming.. principles and practice (Benjamin Cummings, 1991)(ISBN 0805300864)(600dpi)(T)(656s)_CsAl_.djvu" (5.1М)
- "Andrews G.R. Foundations of multithreaded, parallel, and distributed programming (AW, 2000)(ISBN 0201357526)(600dpi)(T)(687s)_CsAl_.djvu" (6.0М)
- "Angelides M., Agius H. (eds.) The handbook of MPEG applications.. Standards in practice (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 0470750073)(O)(551s)_CsAl_.pdf" (4.2М)
- "Appel A.W. Modern compiler implementation in ML (corrected printing, CUP, 1999)(ISBN 0521607647)(600dpi)(T)(550s)_CsAl_.djvu" (5.5М)
- "Apt K., Gradel E. (ed.) Lectures in game theory for computer scientists (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 0521198666)(O)(309s)_CsAl_.pdf" (1.6М)
- "Arbib M.A. (ed.) Algebraic Theory of Machines, Languages and Semigroups (AP, 1968)(ISBN 0120590506)(KA)(T)(373s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Arge L., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and 1st workshop on Combinatorics (SIAM, 2004)(ISBN 0898715644)(T)(O)(242s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.7М)
- "Arndt J. Algorithms for programmers.. ideas and source code (web draft, 19.01.2008)(938s)_CsAl_.pdf" (2.9М)
- "Arndt J. Matters Computational.. Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642147631)(O)(981s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.8М)
- "Arndt J. Matters computational (algorithms for programmers)(free web version, 2010)(O)(978s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.3М)
- "Arsak Zh. Programmirovanie igr i golovolomok (Nauka, 1990)(ru)(K)(T)(222s).djvu" (2.6М)
- "Artyushenko V., Sheluxin O., Afonin M. Cifrovoe szhatie videoinformacii i zvuka (Dashkov, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 5749782587)(600dpi)(K)(T)(428s)_CsAl_.djvu" (8.1М)
- "Asano T. (ed.) Proceedings ISAAC 2006, Kolkata, India (LNCS4288, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540496947)(782s)_CsAl_.pdf" (7.8М)
- "Astfalk G. (ed.) Applications on advanced architecture computers (SIAM, 1996)(ISBN 0898713684)(T)(O)(378s)_CsAl_.djvu" (3.1М)
- "Astola J., Stankovic R. Fundamentals of switching theory and logic design (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387285938)(351s)_CsAl_.pdf" (3.5М)
- "Atallah M., Blanton M. (eds.) Algorithms and theory of computation handbook, Vol.1, General concepts and techniques (2ed., CRC, 2009)(ISBN 1584888229)(O)(990s)_CsAl_.pdf" (6.2М)
- "Atallah M., Blanton M. (eds.) Algorithms and theory of computation handbook, Vol.2, Special topics and techniques (2ed., CRC, 2009)(ISBN 1584888202)(O)(952s)_CsAl_.pdf" (7.2М)
- "Atallah M.J. (ed.) Algorithms and theory of computation handbook (CRC, 1999)(T)(ISBN 0849326494)(1265s).djvu" (11.6М)
- "Attiya H., Welch J. Distributed Computing.. Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471453242)(T)(416s).djvu" (4.2М)
- "Ausiello G., et al. Complexity and Approximation.. Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Their Approximability Properties (2pr., Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3504654313)(T)(538s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.9М)
- "Baader F., Nipkow T. Term rewriting and all that (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521455200)(600dpi)(T)(315s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
- "Baeten J., Basten T., Reniers M. Process algebra.. Equational theories of communicating processes (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521820499)(O)(478s)_CsAl_.pdf" (1.6М)
- "Baknell D.M. (_Bucknall_) Fundamental#nye algoritmy i struktury dannyx v Delphi (DiaSoft, 2003)(ru)(T)(K)(300dpi)(557s)(ISBN 5937720873)_CsAl_.djvu" (14.2М)
- "Barron D. Recursive Techniques in Programming (Elsevier, 1968)(ISBN 9780444199867)(T)(71s)_CsAl_.djvu" (623.6К)
- "Barron D. Recursive Techniques in Programming (Macdonald, 1968)(ISBN 9780356022017)(600dpi)(T)(70s)_CsAl_.djvu" (536.7К)
- "Barron D. Rekursivnye metody v programmirovanii (Mir, 1974)(600dpi)(KA)(ru)(T)(80s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.5М)
- "Barskij A.B. Parallel'nye informacionnye texnologii (Binom, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785947745467)(600dpi)(T)(505s)_CsAl_.djvu" (7.8М)
- "Bauer F.L., De Remer F.L., et al. Compiler Construction (LNCS0021, Springer, 1974)(ISBN 3540069585)(T)(O)(636s)_CsAl_.djvu" (4.1М)
- "Beckman F. Mathematical foundations of programming (AW, 1980)(ISBN 020114462X)(600dpi)(T)(O)(460s)_CsAl_.djvu" (5.0М)
- "Bednorz W. Advances in greedy algorithms (In-Teh, 2008)(ISBN 9537619273)(600dpi)(T)(O)(596s)_CsAl_.djvu" (8.4М)
- "Benhamou F., Jussien N., O'Sullivan B.A. (eds.) Trends in Constraint Programming (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 1905209975)(408s)_CsAl_.pdf" (7.4М)
- "Bentley J. More programming pearls (Addison-Wesley, 1988)(T)(204s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.6М)
- "Bentley J. Programming pearls (Addison-Wesley, 1986)(T)(195s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.8М)
- "Bentley J. Writing efficient programs (PH Inc, 2000)(T)(183s)_CsAl_.djvu" (1.4М)
- "Benvenuto N., Cherubini G. Algorithms for Communications Systems and Their Applications (Wiley,2002)(ISBN 0470843896)(T)(1305s)_CsAl_.djvu" (8.6М)
- "Berdzh V. (_Burge W.H._) Metody rekursivnogo programmirovaniya (Mashinostroenie, 1983)(ru)(T)(K)(248s)_CsAl_.djvu" (2.5М)
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