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Индекс цитирования

biblio/games/foreing.txt · Последнее изменение: 09.09.2023 14:46 — nozdr

Книги на иностранных языках

  1. "2001-2012 Puzzle Design Competition Full.pdf" (88.7М)
  2. "2001-2013 Puzzle Design Competitionl.pdf" (104.2М)
  3. "34a Polyomino Puzzles - Coffin & Slocum.pdf" (1.2М)
  4. "Architect's dilemma v11.pdf" (567.2К)
  5. "Berlekamp R. - Tribute to Martin Gardner.djvu" (1.5М)
  6. "Boardman A.J. Puzzle Projects for Woodworkers, 2006.PDF" (7.1М)
  7. "CFF72-Original-manuscript.pdf" (18.5М)
  8. "Coffin S. T. Puzzle Craft, 1992, 80 с.pdf" (3.9М)
  9. "Coffin S. T. The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections, 1990-2012.pdf" (4.1М)
  10. "Cyclopedia of puzzles.pdf" (45.0М)
  11. "Dewdney A.K. - Beyond reason.. 8 great problems that reveal the limits of science.djvu" (1.1М)
  12. "Dudeney H. E. - Amusements in Mathematics.rar" (6.2М)
  13. "Filipiak Antony S. Mathematical Puzzles and Other Brain Twisters, 1978.djvu" (1.1М)
  14. "Gardner M. - Codes, Ciphers & Secret Writing.pdf" (2.5М)
  15. "Gardner M. - Fads & Fallacies [In The Name Of Science].rtf" (1.0М)
  16. "Gardner M. - Magic Squares Cornered.pdf" (82.1К)
  17. "Gardner M. - Mathemagics & Math Puzzles.pdf" (2.4М)
  18. "Gardner M. - Puzzles from around the world.pdf" (2.4М)
  19. "Gardner M. - Thang.doc" (25.6К)
  20. "Gardner M. - Wheels, Life & Other Mathematical Amusements.djvu" (4.0М)
  21. "Gardner M. - Wheels, Life & Other Mathematical Amusements.pdf" (16.0М)
  22. "Gardner M. - Wheels, Life (Ocred).djvu" (4.0М)
  23. "Hoffmann Puzzles old and new.pdf" (25.0М)
  24. "Jerry Slocum NewBook of Puzzles.djvu" (10.0М)
  25. "Jerry Slocum The Cub.djvu" (6.4М)
  26. "Kanel K.&J. Kreative Puzzles Puzzlography, 2011.pdf" (30.2М)
  27. "Philip J. Carter & Ken A. Russel - Beat the IQ Challenge - MENSA puzzles.djvu" (2.7М)
  28. "Rob's Puzzle Page - Interlocking Puzzles.pdf" (7.1М)
  29. "Sam Loyd's Book of Tangrams.pdf" (8.4М)
  30. "Sam Loyds book of tangrams.pdf" (8.4М)
  31. "Science and Mechanics 11 1955.pdf" (1.9М)
  32. "Sliding Piece Puzzles [Edward Hordern].pdf" (5.9М)
  33. "Slocum J. The Art of The Puzzle Astounding and Confounding.pdf" (3.7М)
  34. "Storer J.A. Mechanical Puzzles, 2012.pdf" (164.1М)
  35. "TRIDOMUS.pdf" (2.7М)
  36. "Tangramion.pdf" (309.5К)
  37. "The 15 Puzzle [Jerry Slocum and Dic Sonneveld].djvu" (6.3М)
  38. "Trandem B. Crafting Wood Logic Puzzles, 2006.pdf" (33.6М)
  39. "Van Delft P., Botermans J. Creative Puzzles of the World, 1995.pdf" (62.9М)
  40. "Wells K. Wooden Puzzles and Games Intriguing project you can make, 1983.pdf" (125.9М)
  41. "Wolfe D., Rodgers T. Puzzlers' Tribute A Feast for the Mind.pdf" (25.5М)
  42. "Wyatt E.M. Puzzles in Wood,1956-2007.pdf" (7.6М)
  43. "Wyatt E.M. Wonders in Wood, 1946-2007.pdf" (4.1М)
  44. "Yoshigahara N. Puzzles 101 A Puzzlemasters chalenge, 2004.pdf" (15.3М)
  45. "pc92.pdf" (3.9М)
  46. "townsend_charles_world_s_most_baffling_puzzles.pdf" (6.8М)
  47. "townsned_c_b_world_s_hard_puzzles.pdf" (8.5М)
  48. "wonders_wood.pdf" (4.1М)
  49. "Вакарелов Д. Игра и математика (болг.) 1986, 210с.djvu" (2.8М)

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