Post: 299 |
Your name: Jean Clemmer |
Website: Jeanclemmer at comcast dot net |
Type your comment: Thanks for the solution to Drive Ya Nuts! My Dad and I have tried solving the puzzle for years. |
Post: 298 |
Your name: Karlis Ulmanis |
Website: kulmanis at msn dot com |
Type your comment: I was one of the University of Illinois students who built Robbie Rubik, the cube solving robot. I believe we did add color sensors later. |
Post: 297 |
Your name: Gavin |
Website: |
Type your comment: Many thanks for your site... i needed some help with Flip-Side! |
Post: 296 |
Your name: Ryan |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thank you for this site. I was looking for a solution for a Flop-Side and came across it. You make me want to get more puzzles and learn how to do them. |
Post: 295 |
Your name: katie |
Website: |
Type your comment: hi all. i just got a puzzle and it is hard |
Post: 294 |
Your name: HK Joe |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great Work! |
Post: 293 |
Your name: Daryl |
Website: |
Type your comment: This is by far the best puzzle solution site on the internet. I am looking for a solution to orient the centers of a 4X4 (Revenge) Picture Cube. Anyone |
Post: 292 |
Your name: Kai Yue |
Website: |
Type your comment: I didnt find your site very helpful. Is it OK to add diagrams? |
Post: 291 |
Your name: dwight r |
Website: |
Type your comment: thanks for this info and the solution s that you post they are most helpful to thoser as my self who can be stuck at times in linear modes of thinking |
Post: 290 |
Your name: Beatrice Hoppler |
Website: |
Type your comment: I had Instant Insanity cubes as a child, and recently found them. Thanks to your site, I now have the solution! Thanks! |
Post: 289 |
Your name: Jerryobrien at copper dot net |
Website: |
Type your comment: From the Alexanders Star page, the link to Dennis Palaganas page doesnt work. Links to other useful pages: Dennis Palaganas page has a short solution. |
Post: 288 |
Your name: Nate2007 |
Website: a site |
Type your comment: You have a very nice web page!!! Do you have all of these puzzles in your collection? Anyway, i was wondering, where is it possible to get an orb puzzle |
Post: 287 |
Your name: yvonne |
Website: |
Type your comment: HELP! Ik heb een Rubiks Magic van mijn zwager geleend en nu brak er een draad. Hoe kan ik hem maken????? |
Post: 286 |
Your name: andrew mc from australia |
Website: |
Type your comment: the rubicks thingo certainly works |
Post: 285 |
Your name: Sonny Budiwijaya |
Website: |
Type your comment: Your web is very fantastic! |
Post: 284 |
Your name: John Houten |
Website: |
Type your comment: wow |
Post: 283 |
Your name: Roger Stein |
Website: |
Type your comment: Your site is just wonderful!!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing that information! |
Post: 282 |
Your name: rosey |
Website: |
Type your comment: really good info tks |
Post: 281 |
Your name: sara |
Website: |
Type your comment: thank god for your site it helped me with a puzzle for neopets! thank you again!! |
Post: 280 |
Your name: Francisco |
Website: pachito_eche_ at hotmail dot com |
Type your comment: I want to buy ball shaped 3x3x3 puzzle and diamont pazzle. where can I get it? please. |
Post: 279 |
Your name: ipi31415 |
Website: |
Type your comment: Can anyone give me info on where to buy a square-1? My email is ipi31415 at aim dot com |
Post: 278 |
Your name: Brian Perrett |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great site, Im still puzzled!! |
Post: 277 |
Your name: Katlyn Thomas |
Website: |
Type your comment: i still think rubiks cubes are unsolvable. ive been working on mine for almost a month, and i cant even solve it. and some other people have been trying to help me to, plus a science teacher. |
Post: 276 |
Your name: olivia |
Website: dnt hve 1 thank goodness |
Type your comment: how the hell do you do the puzzle peters black hole HELP ME!!!!!! |
Post: 275 |
Your name: Nik Klebanov |
Website: |
Type your comment: Your site is awesome! The second method for the 5x5x5 is amazing... what can I say... |
Post: 274 |
Your name: Charlie (charl10439) |
Website: |
Type your comment: Puzzles are cool! Theyre even cooler than pizza and Don Imus and Don Imus is pretty cool! |
Post: 273 |
Your name: Guy T. Schafer |
Website: |
Type your comment: My analysis yields different results. I got 61 palidromes and ~8600 unique non-palidromic solutions. My analysis seems much more straightforward than yours, so I think your numbers may be wrong. Try |
Post: 272 |
Your name: Steve |
Website: |
Type your comment: Nice Site and Correct info..Thanks SPH, MGA |
Post: 271 |
Your name: Joseph Tevaarwerk |
Website: n/a |
Type your comment: Thanks for the Octacube Solution. My two grandsons were starting to wonder if I really was as smart as they thought I was. Joseph |
Post: 270 |
Your name: Tom H. |
Website: |
Type your comment: Dude, I love yer puzzles man! |
Post: 269 |
Your name: Eric |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great site ... i solved my cube ... finally. As helpful as it was, it would be nice if you posted strategies to solving cubes ... that way people can learn as opposed to just solve the cube. Good help though |
Post: 268 |
Your name: Charles |
Website: |
Type your comment: I picked up the Square-1 from a friend a couple of years ago, and all I could solve was the basic cube shape and the corners. Im understanding the theory behind it now. Its really cool |
Post: 267 |
Your name: BOND, JAMES BOND |
Website: |
Type your comment: I KICK ASS |
Post: 266 |
Your name: tonia |
Website: eambreug at home dot nl |
Type your comment: I like to watch the websides of the puzzles .I have a question,do aneone know what the Bens Ball is end if there is an solution. I do have the ball. |
Post: 265 |
Your name: Evert Jan |
Website: |
Type your comment: Jaap, Its amazing to see how many mechnical puzzles you have collected and solved. Ive put a link to your pages on if you dont mind. |
Post: 264 |
Your name: Xkage |
Website: |
Type your comment: ha ha my friend said it was impossible and just a joke in the back of the instructions proved him wrong now he owes me money :) |
Post: 263 |
Your name: juanan |
Website: |
Type your comment: one of the best puzzles pages thanks jaaps |
Post: 262 |
Your name: Mary Kenez |
Website: |
Type your comment: I found that the otherwise very difficult puzzle can be made somewhat easier (for smaller kids) by marking one side of each piece. That eliminates the flipping option. I did this for my 7 year old granddaughter and she solved it. |
Post: 261 |
Your name: Kevin |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great Website! I was able to research puzzles on your page. I now know the names of some puzzles that I didnt before. Ill be visiting your site over and over again! Thanks! kev |
Post: 260 |
Your name: Anja |
Website: |
Type your comment: Very good site,thanks. With your 2nd solution for any Masterball, I was able to solve the Logi-VIP. |
Post: 259 |
Your name: Eric |
Website: |
Type your comment: I love the site, it helped tremendously with solving the Rubiks Revenge, but i, having trouble with the last step i need help getting the bottom edges to move if you could help i would greatly appreciate it. by the way i was solving it by layers. |
Post: 258 |
Your name: charlie(charl10439) |
Website: |
Type your comment: The Dogic puzzle reminds me of the song I fall to pieces. It always falls apart! |
Post: 257 |
Your name: mari 11yrs |
Website: |
Type your comment: man like your collection is da coolist thats like a really good acomplishment |
Post: 256 |
Your name: Pehlivan |
Website: |
Type your comment: This website is great, a little mindboggling but still great. Like some of you I have been collecting mechanical puzzles for a long time with about 150 individual items in all, I think I got my 1st Loyds 15 in a cereal box back in the 70s, until recently |
Post: 255 |
Your name: Youngwoo Yang |
Website: |
Type your comment: I cant figure out how to solve the Diabolical !!!!!!!!!! |
Post: 254 |
Your name: Abel Brata |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great puzzle resource! Very nice... hope we can meet someday:D |
Post: 253 |
Your name: LALA |
Website: |
Type your comment: I cant figure out how to solve the orange puzzle!!!!!!!!!! |
Post: 252 |
Your name: harry |
Website: Spongeharry at hotmail dot com |
Type your comment: Hi Jaap,it was very nice to meet you in person.In regard to our discussion,I will try to solve the 4x4 cube by first solving it into a scrambled 2x2,and then solving it into 4x4,though I think some parity problems be will thrown up,Harry. |
Post: 251 |
Your name: tonia |
Website: eambreug at home dot nl |
Type your comment: I like to watch the websides of the puzzles .I have a question,do aneone know what the Bens Ball is end if there is an solution. I do have the ball. |
Post: 250 |
Your name: |
Website: |
Type your comment: If I had a trillion dollars |
Post: 249 |
Your name: Oliver |
Website: |
Type your comment: Dear Jaap, thank you very much for all the work you put into your page. I just solved the Brainball puzzle using the detailed informations on your page. My Record with the Brainball now: ca 25 min. ;-) Oliver |
Post: 248 |
Your name: mbs |
Website: |
Type your comment: How the rubiks cube can be solved ENGLISH: DANISH: // |
Post: 247 |
Your name: Erik |
Website: n/a |
Type your comment: hi! |
Post: 246 |
Your name: Fred Peyerl |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great Site. Process Engineer for GE Avation in albuquerque |
Post: 245 |
Your name: d |
Website: |
Type your comment: thanks |
Post: 244 |
Your name: Anna |
Website: |
Type your comment: Heey, nice site. I like puzzles:D |
Post: 243 |
Your name: Bill Diaz |
Website: |
Type your comment: This is a great website to look at all the different puzzles that we have seen as a child and those we have never heard of but now know they do exist. |
Post: 242 |
Your name: asdf |
Website: |
Type your comment: I dont understand the Ui Dr stuff |
Post: 241 |
Your name: James Gill |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thanks to u my days of not being able to do slide puzzle clue scrolls in runescape are over. THANK YOU! i have recommended ure solver to all that struggle with them. KUDOS! |
Post: 240 |
Your name: Batsaikhan |
Website: dbatsaikhan at mongol dot net |
Type your comment: Cool! You have a very amazing collection! |
Post: 239 |
Your name: hello |
Website: |
Type your comment: i have a 4x4 and i saw your solution but i dont understand the fUr and the Fui |
Post: 238 |
Your name: Gábor Szabó |
Website: |
Type your comment: Congratulation! You have a very beautiful collection! |
Post: 237 |
Your name: Jack Mak |
Website: |
Type your comment: Very very GOOOOOOOOD ! |
Post: 236 |
Your name: dondee |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hi! nice page..very instructional and fun... |
Post: 235 |
Your name: umar vanquish |
Website: |
Type your comment: its good site,i like it cos im undergrauate student of mathematics.Pls how do imeet you? |
Post: 234 |
Your name: me |
Website: |
Type your comment: what happened, suduko puzzle is not working, gives some applet error. |
Post: 233 |
Your name: me |
Website: |
Type your comment: your site is to complicated and i am a gamer so if that is not in insualt i dont know what is |
Post: 232 |
Your name: george reo |
Website: rgpfr at chartermi dot net |
Type your comment: im having a problem i cant get past the top please help3x3 rubiks cub |
Post: 231 |
Your name: Ruby Ann |
Website: |
Type your comment: Im impressed with your site. Loads of information. Unfortunately I couldnt find the solution to the puzzle Im dealing with at this moment (its called tricky dick by Eureka). But Ill get there.. somehow.. sometime. Good luck with your site. Greetz Ruby |
Post: 230 |
Your name: Jesús |
Website: yusus1 at hotmail dot com |
Type your comment: Hello, i don´t know if you have diamond cube (the one with 12 wood piece to form a cube) if you have it, please send me the solution to the mail yusus1 at hotmail dot com . Thanks a lot! |
Post: 229 |
Your name: Jo |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hey Jaap, Your puzzlepages are EXCELLENT! Keep up the good work! Good info, nice pics, nicely done overall and stuffed with puzzles! |
Post: 228 |
Your name: Jaap |
Website: |
Type your comment: Take a look at my SnakeCubes page ( ). If it is a version not listed on that page, you can still use the javascript there to find a solution. |
Post: 227 |
Your name: wayne scott |
Website: apinicalofalyricalmirical at hotmail dot com |
Type your comment: hi there jaap love the site but im lookin for a certaian puzzle solution its a wooden cube puzzle made up of 27 seperate cubes wich are all joined together by elastic thread in a long line can you help |
Post: 226 |
Your name: Bob the builder |
Website: |
Type your comment: Spongebob forever born 2 b a sponge |
Post: 225 |
Your name: S from Ohio |
Website: |
Type your comment: Most excellent! |
Post: 224 |
Your name: George Bell |
Website: |
Type your comment: Very nice website! You have a lot of info on many puzzles. But no peg solitaire! Add a link to my page if you want. |
Post: 223 |
Your name: fred du toit |
Website: none |
Type your comment: fantastic work,just love all your puzzle solutions |
Post: 222 |
Your name: helga at ctwee dot nl |
Website: |
Type your comment: hello, where can I order the puzzle missing link? thank you. |
Post: 221 |
Your name: Jacob Kroll |
Website: |
Type your comment: Dude, its a huge hastle to find a puzzle, you should have it so you you can type in the name of it it itll run a search of all of em. |
Post: 220 |
Your name: gosti at lpv dot lv |
Website: gosti at lpv dot lv |
Type your comment: Fabulous site. |
Post: 219 |
Your name: Pionek |
Website: |
Type your comment: I Love This Website! |
Post: 218 |
Your name: fas |
Website: |
Type your comment: I am amazed at how many different puzzles there are! |
Post: 217 |
Your name: theresa |
Website: |
Type your comment: weve been drowning in raging rapids since the beginning of the summer! thanks for throwing us a line :-) |
Post: 216 |
Your name: : avid |
Website: : |
Post: 215 |
Your name: : Ryan |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : I think this Jaaps Puzzle is so cool. |
Post: 214 |
Your name: : Darren |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : I Love This Website! |
Post: 213 |
Your name: : David |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : A brilliant page! |
Post: 212 |
Your name: : sophie |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : yo!...ui luuuurv rubix cubes!!...they awesome!!!! foxy dad!!!! |
Post: 211 |
Your name: : Doree |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Wow! Didnt find the puzzle I had when I was a kid... but found some new ones to try! Great site! |
Post: 210 |
Your name: : John from Wales |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : very helpfull many thanks |
Post: 209 |
Your name: : John |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : This is a great page. It was very helpful in learning to solve my Rubiks Revenge! p.s. Could you add the a and s to your notation. They are used in the first section of patterns and it took me a while to find what they mean looking on other sites. |
Post: 208 |
Your name: : figgiew |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Oh thank you - years with this silly puzzle now I know its name Rubiks Tangle and found its solution. I had given up and thought it was a joke puzzle without a solution! Thank you for your page! |
Post: 207 |
Your name: : Chi Nguyen |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Ive been looking for this megaminx all over U.S. If you know anything within U.S. that has these things, please let me know at cnn94001 at hotmail dot com. Thanks Chi |
Post: 206 |
Your name: : Coopa |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Thank you for your help in solving my ring! |
Post: 205 |
Your name: : Charlie(charl10439) |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Im puzzled why some people dont like puzzles! |
Post: 204 |
Your name: : Jim |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : I think a person could get lost in here! |
Post: 203 |
Your name: : ZeroFunk |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : That rocks, heck puzzles in general rock. Thanks dude! |
Post: 202 |
Your name: : Neo |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Great website!Here is a link for Masterball purchases you may or may not have. I have no connection with this site but have found it hard to find masterballs for purchase. |
Post: 201 |
Your name: : ????????????????????? |
Website: : ?????????????????????? |
Type your comment: : Your cube is not the best. I acidentally jumbled it up before I read the directions. That really sucks. I hate the stupid cube!!!!!!!!!!! It sucks, like dung!!!!!!! |